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I remember how we always had snowball fights! We were always up and in our snow clothes and boots ready to go outside! We would eat breakfast and some hot chocolate. We always had yummy cereal and stuff like that. When we headed out side we would throw a few snow balls and then head out to look for the perfect place to build a fort. I remember the ones that we built with snow, and the ones that we made when there wasn't any snow. I remember the fort that we built in the Mans Anitia (I think that that is spelled wrong) that had logs for seats and a tree stump that we used for a toilet. I don't know who it was, but someone actually used it! I think it was Jeff or Joe...I don't remember. I remember how we always wanted to have snowball fight with the adults. I don't know if we ever did though. And how we would always play Yatzee with my mom, and she usually won. I also remember when we went to the cabin to clean up all of the leaves and brush and how we had to cut down all that Mans Anitia. Boy was that a HUGE job! I remember itching and getting scrapes, but I liked putting all of the branches in the mulcher thingy. I remember when we were there and Donia and I were on the road throwing stuff up to Jeff and Joe and Jeff threw a small branch at us and it hit Donia in the head. I will never forget the look on her face! I thought that she was going to run up the hill and kill him! Then she looked like she was going to fall to the ground and pass put! I remember walking her to the cabin and holding her arm so that she wouldn't get dizzy and fall. Well, that is about all that I can remember for now. If I think of anything else I will email you. Hope that this is what you were looking for. Love you! Jayne