This little child of mine should have been named "Pollyanna", but we wouldn't have known that for years...maybe children should remain un-named until the time comes that their personality fits the name. In that case, we would have called her, simply, "middle kid" until we knew.
When it was time for Katie to be born, we still hadn't decided on a name, so her Daddy said "I don't care what we name her, but I am calling her Kate". Well, she was just what we wanted, a precious baby girl; a "little sister" for brother, Chase....a girl to add pink and purple everything to our lives!
Barbies...Cabbage Patches ...Strawberry Shortcakes and Care recitals ..... ...gymnastics...clutter on the floor...Katie was our little imp who wrote on walls with lipstick, crayons, markers, chalk...and on windows with "diaper rash cream"!
Our Katie is a collector of memories....which accounted for the clutter on her floor, in her drawers, closet, every little nook and cranny she could find, she had her memories stashed away. When she believes in something, she believes passionately...she believed VERY passionately that she needed a she went to Horse Camp and collected horse figurines...and she collected bells, and snowys, stuffies, cows and porcelain dolls, every letter and card ever written her...and PETS...and most of all....her Mama's Heartstrings.
This compassionate young lady of mine.. she loves without question..she's talented and gifted when it comes to winning the hearts of children and animals...My naturally Kurly-haired daughter is crafty and creative....she sews, glues, paints, cooks, she never turns down a card game, or game of any kind! She bounces, she skips, she plays...she loves life! KatieLady sees the GOOD in every situation, and if it isn't there, she makes it look like it's there!
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