~ Welcome to our yard ~

This was once a quiet country road, but it's become a little dangerous and very noisy as numerous city commuters have decided it's their short-cut to work now!

~ Life goes on ~

Come and meet the "keeper of the yard"
usually you can find him sitting in front of the garage drinking iced tea, and reading a....map!
We have an abundance of sparrows and finches that devour the treats I leave in the feeders...and I've heard the music of a songbird, too, but haven't been able to identify it yet...AND we have crows...lots of crows that have a habit of leaving "dead things" in my birdbath! (Hey, they're interesting little creatures...gotta love 'em) The "keeper" isn't exactly fond of my birds..in fact he just doesn't like them at all. He knocks down their nests....Grrrrrr!!!I think he isn't listening with his heart.

Try not to trip on the hose or the broken walkway, but come and sit on the porch a while..you can watch me bathe Dodger...
I can remember so many times giving Humphrey a bath here on the lawn....poor little guy, he HATED baths! I'd have to hang onto his leash to keep him close to me, or he would run off as far as it would reach away from the water...I even used WARM water so he wouldn't be shocked too badly! He needed a special Oatmeal Shampoo because of his sensitive skin, and a wash rag to wash his face so water wouldn't get in his eyes...he sure loved the feeling of being CLEAN when it was all over though! Well, Dodger, he's a different story...he'd make such a great fishing or hunting dog...or even a "blind dog"...if he had the training; he just wants to make his people happy. We love him just the way he is...a rowdy, disheveled bundle of black fur!

As I sit on the porch, looking into my memory files, I find DJ happily peddling her bike off to school in the morning, flashing a bright smile and waving "Bye! Love Ya!

I see myself SHOVING Katie out the door to school, always late...and usually GRUMPY. I remember the times I walked myself down to the school to find her on the playground

I needed to hug her and tell her I loved her...but she'd forgotten all about the anger of the early morning as she ran up to me with a big hug

~ the blessing of forgiveness from a child ~

And oh, here comes Chase, mitt and baseball cards in hand, coming home to see what's to eat, usually with Sammy along!

They would hibernate in his room until a "duct tape ball" came flying through the window...then they'd come out to throw a baseball or go to the backyard for a game of "wiffle ball" Oftentimes we could find Chase up in the treehouse, just getting away from it all I 'spose...!

I'm getting stiff from sitting so long on the front porch, come on inside and have a cold drink~ We can come back out in a bit...

~ Click on the daisies to go home ~