My Family and Friends
Angels were sent here to watch over us.
They come to us in many forms
In the shape of our families,
in the form of our friends.
And in unseen ways that
we will never be aware of.
Even though you can't always
recognize them,
And sometimes you can't even
see them,
Know that you are surrounded by Angels
Watching over you and protecting you.
I have made these pages to tell a little about some people who mean a lot to me. First there is my daughter Missi, whom I love with all my heart. She is not only my daughter, but also my best friend. We share both the good and bad times together. What is really uncanny is when we say the same things at the same moment. We have gone shopping separately and have both come home with the exact items, both unaware that one of us planned or even thought about the item. Missi I love you and hope you enjoy this poem I found just for you.
This next page is for Devon, my eldest grandson.
Devon loves sports. Thank heavens we have 2 televisions, he would watch nothing but sports programs all day. Devon is a typical 11 year old , he likes not only sports but anything that takes him outside. Even chores, although he gripes less if it involves helping the neighbor with haying or cutting wood ! I love you , Devon.
Ethan is the middle child. He is not as outgoing and his feelings are easily hurt. Ethan has one devilish little sense of humor and uses it at the oddest times. He loves school, Mary Kate & Ashley and all sorts of stuffed animals. So this next page is just for you Ethan. Grazzy loves you!
What can I tell you about Connor ? He is 14 months old and already 'pure trouble' ! I say this as he is holding his stuffed teddy by the feet and belting the Christmas tree from his play pen, need I say more ? I love you , too, little man.
Friendship is a wonderful thing that is hard to explain. Even harder is what draws 2 people together, even though you have never actually met. Is it an inner sense that you share similar circumstances? Who knows?
I am just glad that someone was watching over me the day I met this wonderfu lady !! I just hope that one day we will actually meet. This page is for you , Sandi.
Sharane.... let me see what can I say ? We met more or less through Sandi and we too share a wonderful friendship. I hope that one day the 3 of us will meet and I know we will have an even stronger friendship.
Take care of you,Sharane and this page is for you !
This is a page for the best neighbors a person could have.
Roland and Jackie
"Joycie" is another of my friends that I met on the internet. I luv ya Joycie!
This next page is dedicated to a wonderful online friend.
This next page is for all my wonderful e-mail "buddies". You have made my life so much richer with all of your humor and wisdom . You are always there and willing to lend a helping hand, when needed. I wish you all the happiness and joy that life can bring.
For All My E-Mail Friends