~Daddy's Page~

My father was one of the most kind
and caring persons I have ever met.
He was not just my father he was my
teacher and my friend . He passed
away after a brave battle with cancer.
I shall always miss him. These pages
are just for him. The poems I call
"Daddy's Poems" and they really mean
a lot to me.
I Love You Daddy !
The Dash
The Gift
When Mama was going through Daddy's
desk and among his papers she found
this poem. It was in a plasitc protector
and must have amused my father, to
have kept it. It amused me also , so I
made a page for it. I do not know who
the author is and if anyone out there
does please let me know. I hope you enjoy
it as much as I did!
I Must Be Getting Old

Page by ~ Sue ~ Updated 1/16/02
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