To all of her "webbie" friends she was
slowflo, to me she was Aunt Flo. I shall
miss her very much, especially early in
the mornings. I shall miss the little notes
that just say "It is colder than #%%^$, I
may just go back to bed!" or "It is too hot
for me!" We played a lot of e-mail tag like
this early in the mornings.

When we first went on the web I did not know
how to do anything but surf the web and
send e-mail. My how times have changed. I
hate to have to admit this and I can imagine
the laugh you shall have, but Aunt Flo sent
me the codes for a complete e-mail page.
I had not investigated things very much and
had no idea where I was supposed to put the

I, of course, being the stubborn fool I am
did not want to sound stupid and ask where it
was to be put fumbled around for about 3 months
before I stumbled upon the sig box!!! But I
was quite proud of myself when I got the darned
thing in there!! Yes, I know, she is probably
sitting up there reading this and laughing her
butt off about this because I never admitted
the truth to her!

The sadness in an unexpected passing is that
we do not get to say good-bye! This is my
way of saying Good-Bye Aunt Flo.

Florence N. Robinson
June 3, 1933 - July 26, 2002

Seasons Of My Life

Through the seasons of our lives,
friends come and go ...
Some stay longer than others.
Some touch us ---
and then are gone.

But as the seasons change,
I am reassured to know
you will always be there.

Because no matter how busy
our lives become ...
our frienship remains true.

And knowing I have
the kind of friend
I have in you ...
gives me new hope
to face all of my tomorrows!!

~Leslie J. Snodgrass~

The poem above was found in Aunt Flo's mail
[ sent to herself ] by her daughters after
her passing. Kind of eerie!

Page by
August 2002