
Once upon a summer's night,
  When everything was still
I sat beside a Mountain Brook,
  And heard a whippoorwill.

His melancholy song rang out,
  It echoed from the hill
And then it ceased; I strained to hear,
  But everything was still.

I looked around this special place,
  This spot I now call home
And thought back to another time,
  When first I ceased to roam.

As a lad, I climbed these hills,
  And played along the stream
But now that seems so long ago,
  Its memories but a dream.

The forest creatures all have gone,
  They've died or fled away
Man has destroyed their habitat,
  And they refused to stay.

The silence then was broken,
  As the whippoorwill took wing
I shuddered, as I wondered,
  If again I'd hear him sing.

The passing years have taken toll,
  My body has grown weak
I realize now, there isn't time,
  To accomplish all I seek.

I hope and pray, that someday soon,
  Man may come to realize
That the earth in all its splendor,
  Is dying 'fore his eyes.

Each night in prayer, I talk to GOD,
  And some nights I have cried
But I'll rejoice, when ere we meet,
  And I'll say, "Dear GOD, I tried."

Used with permission of the author
Joe Pielmeier Sr.

Page designed by
~ Sue ~