~ Angel Giggles ~
I lay upon my back outside
And watched the clouds float past
Chirping birds sang a lullaby
And I closed my eyes at last.
A tiny sound on the wind
Caught me by surprise
A soft and happy giggle
Made me open up my eyes!
The source, to my amazement
Was far up in the sky
Two laughing little Angels
Were slowly drifting by.
With rosy cheeks and dimpled smiles
And wings of fluffy white
Tiny flowers in their hair
Oh! What a wonderful sight!
I didn't move a muscle
For I wanted them to stay
The music of their laughter
Brought such wonder to my day.
Off they drifted out of sight
But in my mind will stay
The day I heard the Angels giggle
On this magic, special day!
~ charlotte anselmo ~
Music by Bruce DeBoer