While walking in this garden
The stones we see the same
Rows and rows are endless
With glory in each name

Courageous hearts all blended
In rows that match in line
Our military forces
In death they still align

We give them place of honor
Where flags fly high above
So we will know the glory
The sacrifice of love

In duty to their country
They all were sworn to be
The power of this nation
Our greatest legacy

I softly hear the drum roll
Whenever I walk by
Pride that fills a nation
Within this ground now lies

I bow my head in reverence
Then lift my eyes up high
See their spirits marching
Then hear their battle cry.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
©used with permission



This page is dedicated to all those
people who lost their lives on 9/11/01,
to the policemen and firemen, who worked
tirelessly on the recovery effort. And
to all the brave service men and women
who have fought for our freedom.