Come on girls lets do it
We can tap those toes
Had a sale at Macy's
Got us some support hose

Loose skin it's no problem
Just you swing and sway
Thighs to ankles ladies
You sure do look okay

Where'd you get those costumes
They sure are looking grand
Come on girls lets we'll make it
Move those legs and hands

You all look so remarkable
Aren't we just blessed
Moving on the stage of life
This is sure some test

Hearts are beating fast now
Come on girls lets go
Paramedics are outside
Let's not worry though

Let's join hands together
Kick those legs up high
This place is really jumping
Honey that's no lie

Who said we can't do it
Let's show em how to dance
Experience is on our side
Perhaps a little chance

Move those feet together
Jiggle sway and then
Let them know this gang of ours
Is coming back again.

~ Francine Pucillo
©used with permission





This beautiful set can be found at