Inbox Angel
There's an angel in my inbox
And she came here from a friend
Who typed in my e-mail address
Then clicked on the button 'Send'

There's an angel in your inbox
And you got her straight from me;
I knew when I finished reading this,
It was something you should see.

This little angel in your inbox
Does contain a nice surprise;
For when you send her on to friends,
Her message multiplies.

She brings you a note of
Happiness, health and song;
And the nicest thing you can do
Today is to forward her along.

By simply sending her on
Can make you happy as can be;
She should be sent to everyone
Her message is for all to see.

Please send this little angel on,
And have a great day, too;
Just smile and be happy because
This angel was sent to you!
~Author Unknown~
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Page by SusieQ 7/27/02
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