Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.281 Abbhantara Jaataka The nun Bimbadevi had suffered from flatulence and was cured with mango-juice and sugar which Sariputta had obtained from the King of Kosala at Rahula’s request. The king, having heard of Bimbadevi’s affliction ordered that she should be continually supplied with mango-syrup. On being told of the incident, the Buddha told a Jataka to show it was not the first time that Sariputta had obtained mango-syrup for Bimbadevi.
Sakka is made nervous on account of the austerities of an ascetic and induces the queen of Benares to destroy him by arousing the desire in her for the ‘midmost mango’ (abbhantara-amba). After a prolonged search, during which the ascetic and his companions are driven from the royal park because they are reported to have eaten the mangoes there, a favourite palace parrot is commissioned to find the midmost mango. The parrot flies to the Himavanta forest and learns from the parrots of the seventh mountain range that the said mango grows on a tree which belongs to Vessavana and which is strictly guarded. The parrot goes stealthily to the tree by night, but is caught by yaksas who decide to kill him. He tells them that he is delighted to die in the course of duty, and thereby wins their respect. Following their counsel, he seeks the assistance of an ascetic, Jotirassa, living in hut called Ka~ncanapatti, to whom Vessavana sends a daily offering of four mangoes. The ascetic gives the parrot two mangoes, one for himself and one for the queen. Ananda was the parrot and Sariputta, Jotirasa.
58/238 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.ii.392ff. flatulence

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Last modified on: Sunday, 2 January 2000.