Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.350 Devataapa~nha Jaataka

The following questions were asked of King Vedeha by the guardian angel living in his parasol because she wished to restore Mahosadha to the king's favour:

O! King! If someone was to execute others with their arms and legs, but that person used their arms to execute someone elseís mouth and became endearing as a result -- who could that person be?
O! King! If someone was to insult others as they wished, but wished those others to come to no harm, and became endearing as a result, who could that person be?
O! King! If someone was to make false claims to ownership and to object rudely and become popular because of this, who could that person be?
O! King! If someone was to steal away food, drink, clothes and property but was to come to be loved by his victim, who could that person be?

Vedeha enquired of all his wise men, but they could give him no solution to the riddle and he was compelled to send for Mahosadha.This Jaataka is a subsection of the Ummagga Jaataka | Mahosadha Jaataka (J.546).

58/705 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iii.152ff., wisdom

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Last modified on: Sunday, 2 January 2000.