Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.445 Nigrodha Jaataka A king named Magadha once reigned in Rajagaha. His son married a rich merchantís daughter, but she lost favour because she was barren. Later she pretended to be pregnant, and when her time drew near, made the journey to her hometown with an old nurse who also knew her secret. On the way she found a deserted child by the wayside, and greatly rejoicing claimed the child as her own. The child was the bodhisatva and was named Nigrodha. His father found two companions for him -- Sakha, son of a merchant and Pottika, son of a tailor. These three grew up together and were educated in Takkasila. In the course of their travels, while his companions were sleeping, Pottika heard a cock say that whoever ate its fat would become king, whoever ate its body flesh would become commander in chief and whoever ate the flesh near the bones would become treasurer. Pottika killed the cock, giving the fat to Nigrodha, the body flesh to Sakha and himself eating the flesh on the bones. Immediately afterwards, men in search of a successor to the throne of Benares chose Nigrodha while the other two accompanied him as commander in chief and treasurer. One day Nigrodha, wishing to have his parents near at hand, sent Potthika to fetch them from Rajagaha. One the way back he called at Sakhaís house, but Sakha who had a grudge against him for having given the cockís fat to Nigrodha, insulted him. When Pottika reported this to Nigrodha, he wished to have Sakha killed, but Pottika intervened on his behalf. The Jataka was related in relation to Devadattaís ingratitude. Sakha is identified with Devadatta and Pottika with Ananda. 59/851 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iv.037ff. ingratitude

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