Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.476 Javanaha.msa Jaataka The bodhisatva was once king of 90,000 geese in Cittakuta. The king of Benares, seeing him, took a great fancy to him and did him honour, desiring his friendship. When the king went to Anotatta, the bodhisatva returned the honour and friendship was established between them. One day, two of the young geese, in spite of the advice of the bodhisatva, wished to try their speed against the sun. Their king, wishing to save them from death, went with them, rescuing them when they were tired. Then he himself raced the sun and was victorious, arriving at the king’s palace. The king, hearing of this, wished to see an exhibition of the bodhisatva’s powers of speed, and his desire was granted. When asked whether anything was fleeter than himself, the king of geese replied that the decay of the elements of life was a thousand times faster. He thereupon preached the moral law to the king. Ananda is identified with the king and Sariputta and Moggallana with the two geese. 60/231 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iv.211ff. decay

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