Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.540 Saama Jaataka | Suva.n.nasaama Jaataka Once two hunters, chiefs of their respective villages, made a pact that if their children happened to be of opposite genders they should marry one another. One had a boy called Dukuulaka and the other a daughter called Paarikaa. When they grew up, the parents married them, but because they had both come from the Brahma world they agreed not to consummate their marriage. With their parents’ consent they became ascetics and lived in a hermitage provided for them by Sakka on the banks of the Migasammata. Sakka waited on them, but perceived danger in store for them and persuaded them to have a son. The conception took place by Dukuulaka touching Paarikaa’s navel at the proper time. When the son (the bodhisatva) was born, they called him Saama and because of his golden colour, he came to be called Suva.n.nasaama. One day, when Saama was full-grown, both parents were blinded by the venomous breath of a viper. From that time onwards, Saama attended his parents. One day King Piliyakkha of Benares was hunting and shot Saama thinking he was a supernatural being. However, learning that Saama was the mainstay to his parents, was filled with remorse. Saama’s guardian angel warned Piliyakkha to warn Saama’s parents of his plight. Learning the news, neither parent spoke a word of resentment, they merely asked to be taken to where Saama’s body lay. Paarikaa made an Act of Truth and the poison from the arrow left Saama’s body allowing him to recover. The guardian angel did likewise and the two parents regained their sight. Saama then preached to the king explaining how the gods cherish those who cherish their parents. The Jataka was told in reference to a young man of Savatthi. Having heard the Buddha’s preaching, with great difficulty, he obtained his parents’ leave to ordain. For five years he lived in the temple and for a further twelve years in the forest. Meanwhile his parents grew old and were robbed by their retainers. The monk heard of his parents’ abandonment and returned to Savatthi to tend the parents himself, begging for their requisites and often starving that his parents might eat. The other monks blamed him for supporting lay-folk but the Buddha praised him and preached the Maatuposaka Sutta. Dukuulaka was Kassapa, Paarikaa was Bhaddaa Kaapilaanii, Piliyakkha was Aananda, Sakka was Anuruddha and the guardian angel was Uppalava.n.naa. The Saalikedaara Jaataka (J.484) was preached with reference to the same monk. 63/155 Jaataka Khuddhaka filial piety

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Last modified on: Sunday, 2 January 2000.