Sutta Name | Nikaya | Vagga | Academic | PTS | PSA Plae | Keywords | Notes |
Vatthuupama | Vattha | Majjhima | Muulapa.n.naasa, Muulapariyaaya Vagga | MN.007 | M.i.36ff. | 17/434 | Even as a dirty piece of cloth takes dye badly, so an impure heart is no home for bliss. He then proceeds to enumerate the sixteen defilements (upakkilesa) of the mind: 1. greed and covetousness (abhijjhaavisamalobha); 2. illwill (byaapaada); 3. anger (kodha); 4. grudge, spite (upanaaha); 5. depreciation, denigration (makkha); 6. envious rivalry (palaasa); 7. envy (issaa); 8. stinginess (macchariya); 9. deceit (maayaa); 10. hypocrisy (saa.theyya); 11. obstinacy (thambha); 12. contentious rivalry (saarambha); 13. conceit (maana); 14. excessive conceit, contempt (atimaana); 15. vanity (mada), and; 16. recklessness (pamaada) at M.i.036. When the Buddha shows how the defilements can be cleansed, Sundarika asks whether the Buddha has cleansed himself in the River Bahuka. The Buddha gives a list of places where the waters are considered holy, and declares that the real cleansing is the cleansing of the mind ‘to love all that lives, speak truth, slay not or steal, no niggard be but dwell in faith.’ Bharadvaja seeks ordination and subsequently becomes an arahant. Also enumerated are the nine virtues or attributes of the Buddha ( 1. holy, worthy, accomplished (araha.m); 2. fully self-enlightened (sammaa sambuddho); 3. perfect in knowledge and conduct ( sampanno); 4. well-gone (sugato); 5. knower of the worlds (lokaviduu); 6. the incomparable leader of men to be tamed (anuttaro purisadhammasaarathi); 7. the teacher of deities and men (satthaa devamanussaana.m); 8. awakened (buddho), and; 9. blessed, analyst (bhagavaa) at M.i.037. Also enumerated are the six virtues or attributes of the Dhamma ( 1. well-proclaimed is the Dhamma of the Blessed One (svaakkhaato); 2. to be seen for oneself (sandi.t.thiko); 3. timeless (akaaliko); 4. inviting others to come and see for themselves (ehipassiko); 5. worthy of instilling in oneself (opanayiko), and; 6. directly experienceable by the wise (paccatta.m veditabbo vi~n~nuuhi) at M.i.037. Also enumerated are the nine virtues or attributes of the Sa"ngha: 1. of good conduct is the community of noble disciples of the Blessed One (supa.tipanno); 2. of upright conduct (ujupa.tipanno); 3. of right conduct (~naayapa.tipanno); 4. of dutiful conduct (saamiicipa.tipanno); 5. worthy of gifts (aahuneyyo); 6. worthy of hospitality (paahuneyyo); 7. worthy of offerings (dakkhi.neyyo); 8. worthy of reverential salutation (a~njalikara.niiyo), and; 9. the incomparable field of merit or virtue for the world (anuttara.m pu~n~nakkhetta.m lokassa) at M.i.037. |
Last modified on: Sunday, 9 January 2000.