Sutta Name | Nikaya | Vagga | Academic | PTS | PSA Plae | Keywords | Notes |
Rathaviniita | Majjhima | Muulapa.n.naasa, Opamma Vagga | MN.024 | M.i.145-51 | 18/347 | meditation, progress, relay | The ten subjects for discussion or topics of talk among the monks (kathaavatthu) are enumerated: 1. talk about or favourable to wanting little (appicchakathaa); 2. talk about or favourable contentment (santu.t.thikathaa); 3. talk about or favourable to seclusion (pavivekakathaa); 4. talk about or favourable to not mingling together (asa.msaggakathaa); 5. talk about or favourable to striving (viriyaarambhakathaa); 6. talk about or favourable to virtue or good conduct (siilakathaa); 7. talk about or favourable to meditation (samaadhikathaa); 8. talk about or favourable to wisdom (pa~n~naakathaa); 9. talk about or favourable to liberation (vimuttikathaa), and; 10. talk about or favourable to the knowledge and vision of liberation (vimutti~naa.nadassanakathaa) at M.i.145. To obtain absolute Nirvana is the goal of the Brahma faring. Nirvana is a goal that can only be reached in seven sequential stages of purification or purity (visuddhi): 1. pure self-discipline (siilavisuddhi); 2. purity of mind (cittavisuddhi); 3. purity of view (di.t.thivisuddhi); 4. purity of transcending doubts (ka"nkhaavitara.navisuddhi); 5. purity of the knowledge and vision regarding what is the path and what is not the path (maggaamagga~naa.ndassanavisuddhi); 6. purity of the knowledge and vision of the way of progress (pa.tipadaa~naa.nadassana), and; 7. purity of knowledge and vision (~naa.nadassanavisuddhi) at M.i.149. It may be compared to a journey by King Pasenadi from Savatthi to Saketa by means of the relays of seven carriages. |
Last modified on: Sunday, 9 January 2000.