Sutta Name | Nikaya | Vagga | Academic | PTS | PSA Plae | Keywords | Notes |
Cuu.lahattipadopama | Majjhima | Muulapa.n.naasa, Opamma Vagga | MN.027 | M.i.175ff. | 18/470 | identifying features of a Buddha | Janussoni meets Pilotika en route and hears the latter's praise of the Buddha. Pilotika said he was convinced of the authenticity of the Buddha’s full-enlightenment as one would be convinced of the existence of a large elephant after seeing a large elephant’s footprint. Janusoni reports his conversation to the Buddha who warns that it is premature to base one’s judgement of an elephant by its footprint. In the case of a true Buddh, other possibilities must first be considered: conforming to the life of a real recluse, the disciples of the Noble One and the attainments he reaches -- the truth-finder’s footprints. Following this the disciple makes further discoveries, until his mind is completely free of defilements -- which should be the true quest of a truth-finder. |
Last modified on: Sunday, 9 January 2000.