Sutta Name | Nikaya | Vagga | Academic | PTS | PSA Plae | Keywords | Notes |
Mahaa Assapura | Majjhima | Muulapa.n.naasa, Mahaayamaka Vagga | MN.039 | M.i.271-80 | 19/205 | true monkhood | Since monks are called recluses (samana), they must train themselves to be true recluses: they should be conscientious and scrupulous, pure in deed, word and thought, restrained in the senses, moderate in eating, ever-vigilant, mindful and self-possessed, striving to remove themselves from the Five Hindrances and cultivating the jhanas. Such and almsman can truly be called a recluse -- an ideal recluse. |
Last modified on: Sunday, 9 January 2000.