Sutta Name | Nikaya | Vagga | Academic | PTS | PSA Plae | Keywords | Notes |
Saaleyyaka | Majjhima | Muulapa.n.naasa, Cuu.layamaka Vagga | MN.041 | M.i.285ff. | 19/245 | retribution, rebirth | The inhabitants of Sala ask the Buddha why some are born after death in places of woe and others in places of joy. The Buddha explains that it is due to their deeds, good or bad. Also enumerated are the ten wholesome course of action (kusalakammapatha): 1. abstention from killing (paa.naatipaataa verama.nii) and the anxiousness for the welfare of all lives (sabbapaa.nabhuutahitaanukampii hoti); 2. abstention from stealing (adinnaadaanaa verama.nii) and respecting the right of others to their own property (adinna.m theyyasa"nkhaata.m anaadaataa hoti); 3. abstention from adultery (kaamesumicchaacaaraa verama.nii) and not transgressing sexual morals (na caaritta.m aapajjitaa hoti); 4. abstention from telling lies (musaavaadaa verama.nii) and not allowing oneself to lie for the sake of any advantage (sampajaanamusaa bhasitaa hoti); 5. abstention from malicious gossip (pisu.naayavaacaaya verama.nii) unite the discordant, encourage the united and utter speech that makes for harmony (samaggakara.nii vaaca.m bhaasitaa hoti); 6. abstention from harsh speech (pharusaayavaacaaya verama.nii) speaking gentle, loving, courteous, dear and agreeable words (pahujanamanaa tatharuupii vaaca.m bhaasitaa hoti); 7. abstention from idle chatter (samphappalaapaa verama.nii) to speak at the right time in accordance with the facts, what is useful, moderate and full of sense (kaalavaadii bhuutavaadii atthavaadii dhammavaadii vinayavaadii nidhaanavaadii vaaca.m bhaasitaa hoti); 8. non-covetousness (anabhijjhaa); 9. non-illwill (abyaapada) thinking 'Oh! That these beings were free from hatred and illwill, and would lead a happy life free from trouble (sukhii attaana.m pariharantu), and; 10. right view (sammaadi.t.thi) such as that gifts, donations and offerings are not fruitless and that there are results of wholesome and unwholesome actions (saya.m abhi~n~naa sacchikatvaa pavedenti) at M.i.287. |
Last modified on: Sunday, 9 January 2000.