Sutta Name | Nikaya | Vagga | Academic | PTS | PSA Plae | Keywords | Notes |
Kosambiya | Kosambaka | Majjhima | Muulapa.n.naasa, Cuu.layamaka Vagga | MN.048 | M.i.320ff. | 19/410 | amity, promotion of amity, quarrels, resolving quarrels | Deals with amity and the six means of promoting it: 1. acting with loving kindness; 2. speaking with loving kindness; 3. thinking with loving kindness; 4. sharing things with one’s fellows; 5. following the Brahma faring in its entirety to the full destruction of defilements; 6. introspection for a realization of the truth. |
Last modified on: Sunday, 9 January 2000.