Sutta Name | Nikaya | Vagga | Academic | PTS | PSA Plae | Keywords | Notes |
Sekhapa.tipadaa | Sekha | Majjhima | Majjhimapa.n.naasa, Gahapati Vagga | MN.053 | M.i.353ff. | 20/043 | monastic practice, sensual restraint, moderation in eating, vigilance, faith, jhana | The Buddha preached until late into the night an then asked Ananda to continue, suggesting to him as a topic, the training of an adept (asekha). Ananda explained in detail how a monk could be virtuous, watchful over his senses, moderate in eating, vigilant, established in the seven virtuous qualities (faith etc.) and be able at will to enter the four jhanas. These topics together are called the fifteen courses of conduct ( 1. strictly following pa.timokkha (siilasamvara); 2. restraint of the senses (indriyasamvara); 3. moderation in eating (bhojanematta~n~nuta); 4. striving ceaselessly, always aware and free of hindrances (jakriyaanuyoga); 5. faith in reality, goodness and doing good deeds (saddhaa); 6. shame of evil (hiri); 7. fear of the consequences of evil (ottappa); 8. having learned much (bahusacca); 9. continuous striving (viriyarambha); 10. mindfulness (sati); 11. wisdom (pa~n~naa); 12. the first absorption (pa.thamajhaana); 13. the second absorption (dutiyajhaana); 14. the third absorption (tatiyajhaana), and; 15. the fourth absorption (catutthajhaana) at M.i.354. |
Last modified on: Sunday, 9 January 2000.