Sutta Name | Nikaya | Vagga | Academic | PTS | PSA Plae | Keywords | Notes |
Gulissaani | Majjhima | Majjhimapa.n.naasa, Bhikkhu Vagga | MN.069 | M.i.469ff. | 20/407 | forest practice | The Buddha enumerates 17 points of practice for a forest-dwelling monk: 1. Must respect fellow monks; 2. Must choose resting place with care so as not to disturb older monks or compromise for younger monks; 3. Should not visit households over time (must be back in the forest on the fourth day) 4. Not accepting invitations (other than the prior invitation to take midday meal) that make one absent before or after the midday meal; 5. Neither elaborative thinking or complaining; 6. Not outspoken or saying too much; 7. Sensitive to self-improvement and associating with good company; 8. Restraining the senses; 9. Moderation in eating; 10. Should shun sleepiness, being ever-awake and aware; 11. Should get down to striving; 12. Should be ever-mindful; 13. Should be stable-minded; 14. Should be wise; 15. Should strive in both the further Dhamma and Vinaya; 16. Should strive for liberation and extinguishing (of defilements) 17. Should strive for the Higher Human Virtues (uttarimanussadhamma). Moggallana asks the Sariputta whether such practices are reserved only for forest-dwelling monks or whether town-dwelling monks should also practice. Sariputta replies that if such practice is beneficial for forest monks, why shouldn’t it also be beneficial for town-dwelling monks? |
Last modified on: Sunday, 9 January 2000.