Sutta Name | Nikaya | Vagga | Academic | PTS | PSA Plae | Keywords | Notes |
Maghadeva | Makhaadeva | Majjhima | Majjhimapa.n.naasa, Raaja Vagga | MN.083 | M.ii.074ff. | 21/065 | old age, aging | Relates the story of Makhadeva and how he renounced the world when grey hairs appeared on his head and became a recluse, enjoining on his eldest son to do likewise when his time came. Makhadeva developed the four brahmaviharas and was born in the Brahma-world. Eighty-four thousand of his descendants, in unbroken succession followed the tradition set by him; the last of the kings to do this was Nimi and his virtue having been remarked by the gods of Tavatimsa, Sakka visited him there. Nimi accepted the invitation, but later returned to Earth to rule righteously and to observe the four uposatha days each month. Nimi’s son was Kalarajanaka who broke the high tradition and proved the last of the line. Makhadeva’s tradition led only to the Brahma-world -- buth the teachings of the Buddha lead to enlightenment and Nirvana. |
Last modified on: Sunday, 9 January 2000.