Sutta Name | Nikaya | Vagga | Academic | PTS | PSA Plae | Keywords | Notes |
Devaduuta | Majjhima | Uparipa.n.naasa, Su~n~nata Vagga | MN.130 | M.iii.178ff. | 23/189 | portent of death, hell | The five sorts of 'divine messangers' (devaduuta) which should awaken one from the delusion of life are enumerated: 1. young baby (dahara); 2. an old man (; 3. a sick man (byaadhita, aabaadhika); 4. a thief being subjected to punishment (kammakaara.nappatta), and 5. a dead man (mata) at M.iii.179. The man who fails to pay heed to those messengers and is guilty of unrighteousness is condemned by Yama to the tortures of hell. |
Last modified on: Sunday, 9 January 2000.