Barger Family Cemeteries



-Name of cemetery: Old Barger Family Cemetery -Location of cemetery: Near the Lonone-White County line, off Revely Road (County Road 604) about 8/10ths mile north of Highway 319 and about half way between highway 167 and Highway 5. -Name of current owner of the land: Mrs. Nina Odom -Map or good directions to find the cemetery: N/A -A sketch showing the location of gravemarkers: N/A -Copies of the inscriptions on the gravemarkers: N/A -Notes about apparent unmarked graves: -Notes about the condition of the cemetery: Abandoned -Name and contact information for the caretaker, if there is one: N/A -Surveyed by: Tom C. Martinet 82 Hummingbird Lane Cabot, AR 72023 Phone: (501) 843-4856 -Date of survey: November 1993 -Notes: Mr. Martinet stated that he has copied all readable tombstones and that he received a rough hand-drawn plan from a grandaughter or gr-grandaughter of Alfred Oscar Barger, Mrs. Robert (Fran) Eads of Highway 38, Cabot, AR, with several dates and other names. Other Bargers are buried in the nearby Sixteenth Section Cemetery. BARGER, Charlie (no dates - probably s/o John & Fannie Barger) BARGER, Elijah Monroe Sr. b. 3 Mar 1830, d. 3 Dec 1906 BARGER, Fannie (no dates readable) w/o John Barger BARGER, James J. 14 May 1884 - 1887 (dates from family records) BARGER, John, b. 22 Nov 1857 (died in 1920's - dates unreadable) BARGER, Mary Susan, b. 8 Sep 1867, d. 4 Aug 1887 (dates from family papers) BARGER, Temply E. 22 Nov 1840 - 1 Feb 1906 w/o Elijah M. Barger BARGER, Timothy "Timmie" 19 Sep 1865 - 17 Dec 1870 THOMPSON, Beckie Jane Barger, 29 May 1870 - 8 Apr ___ THOMPSON, Nathan (dates unreadable - killed in service - s/o Beckie Barger Thompson)


-Name of Cemetery: Abraham Barger Cemetery -Location of cemetery: Directly across Buckhorn Lake from Leatherwood Creek, high on a point accessable only by boat, in Perry Co., KY -Name of current owner of the land: -Map or good directions to find the cemetery: -A sketch showing the location of gravemarkers: -Copies of the inscriptions on the gravemarkers: (see below) -Notes about apparent unmarked graves: Some have field stones and others are completely unmarked. -Notes about the condition of the cemetery: Abandoned - Jackson Spurlock reports, as follows: "This area [where the cemetery is located] covers parts of Perry, Leslie, Clay and Owsley counties of Eastern Kentucky, situated on the Middle Fork of the Kentucky River. At one time, this was all Clay County and the other mentioned counties were taken from Clay County. The Barger, Gay, Bowling, Amis, Johnson, Spurlock, McIntosh, Burns, Hacker, Smith, Helton, Campbell, Davidson and Baker families were early settlers here. Abraham Barger and his wife, Mary, lived just up the river from where Leatherwood Creek enters into it. This community was once called Bowlingtown, KY. It was named after Mary's father, the Reverend Jesse Bowling, a well known minister. This entire area runs approximately ten miles from the little community of Buckhorn to Hyden, county seat of Leslie County. This area is all underneath the Buckhorn Lake now and many cemeteries were moved, but this one [the Abraham Barger Cemetery]was high on the mountain and was not moved." -Name and contact information for the caretaker, if there is one: -Surveyed by: Jackson Spurlock -Date of survey: April, 1999 BARGER, Abraham, b. ca. 1786, d. 1 Sep 1848 BARGER, Hannah, b. ca. 1819, d. ca. 1861 (d/o Abraham Barger) BARGER, Mary [nee Bowling], b. 1 Mar 1788, d. 24 Sep 1898 BARGER, Samuel, b. 14 Jun 1848, d. 1875 (s/o Jesse Barger) BOWLING, Charity, b. ca. 1845, d. 16 Aug 1873 BURNS, Nellie, b. 16 Oct 1898, d. 1925 GAY, Henry C., b. 8 Apr 1842, d. 4 Oct 1901 (s/o Nelson Gay) GAY, J. D., b. ca. 1848, d. ca. 1866 GAY, Joseph, b. ca. 1848, d. 1 Oct 1854 GAY, Margaret, b. ca. 1838, d. ca. 1840 GAY, Nelson, b. ca. 1812, d. ca. 1900 (s/of Henry Gay) GAY, W. B., 1870


-Name of Cemetery: Barger-Rice Cemetery -Location of cemetery: On the point across from the mouth of the Newberry Fork of Leatherwood Creek, Perry Co., KY -Name of current owner of the land: -Map or good directions to find the cemetery: -A sketch showing the location of gravemarkers: -Copies of the inscriptions on the gravemarkers: (see below) -Notes about apparent unmarked graves: 2 unidentified graves -Notes about the condition of the cemetery: -Name and contact information for the caretaker, if there is one: -Surveyed by: Information furnished by Jackson Spurlock -Date of survey: BARGER, Bonnie, 1933 BARGER, Catherine, age 33 BARGER, Clabe, b. 1887, d. 1974 BARGER, Don, 1933 BARGER, Earl, 1933 BARGER, Hughey, b. 1 Jun 1920, d. 10 Mar 1980 BARGER, Lovil, b. 21 Feb 1923, d. 21 Jul 1986 COLLINS, Louvanna B., b. 29 Sep 1864, d. 5 Jul 1930 HARRIS, Thelma Jean, 1970 RICE, Armilda, b. 2 Aug 1893, d. 6 Apr 1971 RICE, Bonnie Lou, b. 6 Mar 1959, d. 19 Mar 1964 RICE, Granville, b. 29 Jul 1886, d. 4 May 1967 RICE, Infant daughter of Paul Rice, 11 Mar 1958 RICE, Maxine, b. 28 Feb 1959, d. 5 Apr 1960 RICE, Ollie, b. 19 Jan 1919, d. 19 Mar 1999 RICE, Randy, b. 19 Aug 1969, d. 24 Jan 1970 RICE, Una Mae, b. 22 May 1914, d. 23 Jan 1939 Together with the following: W.D.B. Jan-1996 UNID 10-1980 UNID B.M


-Name of cemetery: Barger Family Cemetery -Location of cemetery: 1/2 mile from the Georgetown Road on White Oak Road -Name of current owner of the land: Barger family - property on which John Barger and Polly Lacky Barger built the family home in the early 1840's -Map or good directions to find the cemetery: -A sketch showing the location of gravemarkers: -Copies of the inscriptions on the gravemarkers: (see below) -Notes about apparent unmarked graves: -Notes about the condition of the cemetery: -Name and contact information for the caretaker, if there is one: Cemetery is being maintained by family members. -Surveyed by: Nancy Geiger Ford 1822 Colonial Way Hixson, TN 37343 -Date of survey: 6 Apr 1999 BARGER, Infant son of W. C. Barger BARGER, Allie - 11 Aug 1864 - 19 Feb 1931 BARGER, Clay - 2 Aug 1893 BARGER, Frank A. - 15 Jun 1889 - 22 May 1969 BARGER, Harry Edwin - 14 Oct 1927 - 27 Nov 1929 (son of Frank Barger) BARGER, J. A. - 30 Aug 1820 - 24 Dec 1904 BARGER, John - 22 Oct 1881 - 16 Aug 1908 (son of J.A. & Sallie Barger) BARGER, Malinda J. - 25 Aug 1824 - 7 Apr 1911 (wife of J. A. Barger) BARGER, Margaret C. - 3 Oct 1893 - 24 Feb 1982 BARGER, S. A. - 18 Oct 1859 - 21 Feb 1914 BARGER, S. E. - 22 May 1891 - 19 Aug 1892 BARGER, W. C. - 21 Aug 1855 - 9 May 1927 GROSS, Buggie J. - 5 Sep 1908 - 22 Jun 1930 HYSINGER, Jake - 21 Oct 1872 - 31 Mar 1930 HYSINGER, Raleigh - 19 Aug 1906 - 31 Aug 1947 HYSINGER, Virgie - 30 Sep 1882 - Jun 1930