'The Abduction of Psyche,' by Bouguereau

"Alone we dare not climb,
with love we reach new heights."
Author Unknown

by Les Vierges

In my mind’s eye, I see
my beloved as an angel with wings.
A messenger from God.
Powerful.  Incorruptible.  Timeless.

He’s beautiful.  Perfect.
And he’s all business.  He comes and he brings
Precious packages, gifts
That heal my heart, and bring tears to my eyes.

Heaven sent, his presence,
His very self, his soul is everything
Which is precious to me.
He flies, floats above me, so light and bright

Blessing my life with love,
He picks me up, and together, we rise
In joy, rapture, through clouds
And sky, to the very stars, up so high

That I can barely breathe.
His eyes tell me that Love will sustain me,
I have nothing to fear.
The fear tells me, to fall from such a height,

I’d die.  But, we never will.
The love is stronger, and makes the fear die.
Love lives on, as do we.
Bravely, daring to love, daring to hope,

Finding the beautiful
Paradise of promise, where we can dwell
Safely, at peace, in love.
Our hearts become full, but they do not burst.

Instead, they grow larger,
Able to reach back, to sorrowful earth,
Other hearts there, broken,
Crying out.  Offering heaven, healing.

We love, we lift, we hope
For company, to share, to dare to love;
Come, love-child, and join us.
Abandon every fear, and come up here!

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  "The Abduction of Psyche," by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, courtesy CGFA.
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