THE WIFE (Prologue)
Washington Irving
The treasures of the deep are not so precious
As are the conceal'd comforts of a man
Locked up in woman's love. I scent the air
Of blessings, when I come but near the house.
What a delicious breath marriage sends forth...
The violet bed's not sweeter.
Glenn Bagley
The night now
ends-continues anew.
I stray from quiet light.
To our room.
Silent like a shadow.
I turn the knob.
Open the door.
Follow its motion.
Strain to its creaks.
On our bed.
The cover white and flowered.
I find my eyes quest.
A light.
Dashes through only
a rip in window curtain.
Like I,
it cannot resist.
My eyes.
Blessed eyes.
Behold your beauty.
My puppet angel.
Innocent of my touch.
Touched by the sweet.
You of gentle touch.
Of tender soul.
The vision overwhelms.
The silent song surrounds.
Love, I found.
Christine Rossetti
I wish I could remember the first day,
First hour, first moment of your meeting me;
If bright or dim the season, it might be
Summer or winter for aught I can say.
So unrecorded did it slip away,
So blind was I to see and to foresee,
So dull tho mark the budding of my tree
That would not blossom yet for many a May.
If only I could recollect it! Such
A day of days! I let it come and go
As traceless as a thaw of bygone snow.
It seemed to mean so little, meant so much!
If only now I could recall that touch,
First touch of hand in hand!
Did one but know!
Jaynee Gallamore
I had closed the door upon my heart,
And wouldn't let anyone in.
I trusted and loved,
Only to be hurt,
But that would never happen again.
I locked my heart and threw the key
As far as I could.
Love would never enter there again,
My heart was closed for good.
Then you came into my life,
And made me change my mind.
Just when I thought that tiny key,
Would be impossible to find.
That is when you held out your hand,
And proved to me I was wrong.
Inside your palm was the key to my heart,
You had it all along.
Andrew Marvell
An hundred years should go to praise
Thine eyes, and on they forehead gaze;
Two hundred to adore each breast,
But thirty thousand to the rest;
An age at least to every part,
And the last age should show your heart.
For, lady, you deserve this state;
Nor would I love at lower rate.
Les Vierges
In my mind’s eye, I see
my beloved as an angel with wings.
A messenger from God.
Powerful. Incorruptible. Timeless.
He’s beautiful. Perfect.
And he’s all business. He comes and he
Precious packages, gifts
That heal my heart, and bring tears to my eyes.
Heaven sent, his presence,
His very self, his soul is everything
Which is precious to me.
He flies, floats above me, so light and bright
Blessing my life with love,
He picks me up, and together, we rise
In joy, rapture, through clouds
And sky, to the very stars, up so high
That I can barely breathe.
His eyes tell me that Love will sustain me,
I have nothing to fear.
The fear tells me, to fall from such a height,
I’d die. But, we never will.
The love is stronger, and makes the fear die.
Love lives on, as do we.
Bravely, daring to love, daring to hope,
Finding the beautiful
Paradise of promise, where we can dwell
Safely, at peace, in love.
Our hearts become full, but they do not burst.
Instead, they grow larger,
Able to reach back, to sorrowful earth,
Other hearts there, broken,
Crying out. Offering heaven, healing.
We love, we lift, we hope
For company, to share, to dare to love;
Come, love-child, and join us.
Abandon every fear, and come up here!
Gurdeep Kaur
When it comes, will it come without warning,
Just as I'm picking a flower?
Will it knock on my door in the morning,
Or tread in the bus on my toes?
Will it come like a change in the weather?
Will it's greeting be courteous or rough?
Will it alter my life altogether?
Oh tell me the truth about love.
Christina Rossetti
She listened like a cushat dove
That listens to its mate alone;
She listened like a cushat dove
That loves but only one.
And downcast were her dovelike eyes
And downcast was her tender cheek
Her pulses fluttered like a dove
To hear him speak. |
e. e. cummings
somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose
or which i cannot touch because they are too
your slightest look easily will unclose me
though i have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring
(touching skilfully, mysteriously) her first
or if your wish be to close me, i and
my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;
nothing which we are to perceive in this world
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the colour of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing
(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands
Melinda Brosius-Camara
It's all about you And what I can do for you
I can love you like no other
I can be there for you
Through thick and thin
I can be you sun in the day
And your moon in the night
I can be your shoulder to cry on
I can be the only one you need to rely on
I can be the one who holds the key to your heart
I can be the one to make your house a home
I can be the mother of your children
I can be the only wife you'll ever need
I can be the one to help your dreams come true
I can support your every effort
I can be there if by chance you have to fall
I can be the only one you need
If you let me
Because to me, it's all about you
Erik Morken
A fiery blaze of radiant sun
Poured into my heart that day,
I'd looked and gazed all over her face
But I could not turn away.
What power is this that stirs men's hearts
Yet sets their minds in stone?
Before I spoke I realized
I'd left my speech at home.
Too late now, I stood before her,
And I'd gazed into her eyes;
At least my heart still spoke aloud --
My brain was hypnotized.
I tried to speak once more and thought,
"My tongue is mocking me."
So the pen I held wrote the message I bore --
An invitation, a plea.
It worked! Haha, the plan, it worked! --
She heartily agreed!
What joy, what fun, what ecstasy;
My heart and soul set free!
Here, a woman whose very glance
Could melt men's hearts with ease,
If I must drown let me drown in your love --
In a sea called Rose Marie.
Mandy Weaver
He is the one who appears in my dreams,
Like a guardian angel, a protector from harmful
He holds me tightly with loving arms,
The very best of good luck charms;
He smiles at me with sparkling brown eyes,
I look at him and become mesmerized;
He stares at me with a beaming glow,
A special look that only I know;
I wished on a star for someone tall and handsome,
A gentle man who is full of passion;
So now as we dance away the night,
Both our hearts filled full of delight;
He caresses me with gentle kisses,
And I think to myself, "He is the best of all
Then I look up at him, with tears in my eyes,
And kiss my angel from the starlit skies.
Richard Hooban
Your beauty hints of an angel fallen down to earth.
Your purity reminds me of a child at birth.
Surely you are a goddess free from all blame.
To compare you to a rose would bring it only
Your eyes glisten like the stars in the vastness
up above.
Your smile tells of a white dove lost in love.
To hold you in my arms close to me.
Would grant happiness for eternity.
Chairman Steve
I love my darling, because without a doubt
She is one person that I cannot live without
Just one look into her eyes
makes my heart beat like mad until it flies
Her blond sparkling hair and smiling cheeks
Keep me in ecstacy for weeks
For no lovelier person can exist
I have waited decades for what can't be missed
So I take you to introduce to all my friends
So they see that in your love my life depends
And all can see your beauty shine
And are happy for me that you will be mine
And it does not take a sage
To see the kind of loveliness that cant be touched
by age
And your disposition far outshines your looks
Your warmth is such that can't be scribed in
So the lightest kiss can make me feel
A joy that always will be real
But one thing still waits until we say our vows
For we dont indulge except what heaven above
And when we are wed I take you in my arms
And our bodies roll around in fertile farms
And I kiss and fondle everywhere upon your skin
So that your heart and soul will beg me to come
And then you will keep on giggling with joy
As you hold my plaything in you like a toy
But that will be the least of our delights
As I keep you by my side throughout our nights
And we will travel far and wide
So every soul alive will meet my bride
And you will never think that I am gone
Just close your eyes and that will turn my vision
I must stay together with my lady fair
I alway will be with you if you say a prayer
And in every galaxy, throughout time and space
Even angels are ecstatic when they see your face
D. Berthiaume
Believe me, if all those endearing young charms,
Which I gaze on so fondly today,
Were to change by tomorrow and fleet in my arms,
Like fairy gifts fading away,
You would still be adored as this moment you
Let your loveliness fade as it will,
And around the dear ruin,
Each wish of my heart would,
Entwine itself verdantly still.
Les Vierges
Oh, to just touch his hand! The smallest
Of his divine self... To caress; express
A little of this love.
Precious kisses, tokens of affection,
With your name on them, have I saved for you.
To give to you, my love!
Touch his hand, touch his lips. Touch also
his heart
I wish to do.. For my heart, he has touched.
I wish to know his love.
I know someday he will touch all of me--
Everywhere, inside and out. We will touch,
We will join, we will love.
To kiss, to touch, deeply sharing our love.
Nothing will satisfy me, 'til we do!
Darling, requite this love! |