Byebye, baby, byebye.....

Angel Paradise
this is Angel's homepage=))
Adrian, my buddy=)
M.A.C cosmetics
home sweet home


Yoho!!!^O^....this page is dedicated to my lovely "god daughter", ANGEL!!!

I've known her since F.1...i can still remember the first schoolday in co-ed, she's seating in front of me, the first gal i met in my class!! her voice is so soft and gentle, with lively, friendly personality, a very nice gal!!=)) whenever i c her or talk to her on phone, i'm enlivened at me a hand whenever i'm in need, comforts me whenever i'm depressed.... can't imagine the days without her!?!!? thank God for sending me this wonderful angel!!!=D

arghoh!!!      a   naked   angel....??~.^

Hey, Angel! u should dye ur hair blonde and u'll look 100% like the one above, what do ya think?!?!? hehe....^.~

since Angel is gonna study in uni abroad this fall, so we'r gonna be apart far away, it's kinda hard with u not around=P...the background midi is "i'll be missing u", by Puff Daddy, i think it somehow does express how i feel, though words can't express what Angel means to me=PPP......

"Every step i take, every move i make, every single day, every time i pray, i'll be missing u!!!!!"

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