Lena Olin

Academy Award-nominated Lena Olin's remarkable beauty and talent have made her a favorite of audiences and critics alike. Most recently she starred opposite Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche in Lasse Hallstrom's "Chocolat." She also just completed production on "The United States of Leland," produced by Kevin Spacey and co-starring Spacey and Jena Malone; "Ignition," filmed in Canada, in which she stars opposite Bill Pullman under the direction of Yves Simoneau; and "Darkness," in which she co-stars with Anna Paquin.

Ms. Olin made her American film debut in the 1988 film "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," opposite Daniel Day Lewis and directed by Philip Kaufman. She went on to star opposite Ron Silver and Anjelica Huston in the critically-acclaimed "Enemies: A Love Story," directed by Paul Mazursky, for which she received the New York Film Critics Award for Best Actress, as well as an Academy Award nomination. Her other film credits include "Queen of the Damned," based on the Anne Rice novel; Roman Polanski's "The Ninth Gate," with Johnny Depp; "Polish Wedding," opposite Claire Danes and Gabriel Byrne; "Romeo is Bleeding," opposite Gary Oldman; "Night and the Moment," with Willem Dafoe; "Havana," opposite Robert Redford, which was directed by Sydney Pollack; "Mr. Jones," with Richard Gere, which was directed by Mike Figgis; and "Fanny and Alexander," which was directed by Ingmar Bergman. In 1998 she had the prestigious task of serving as a judge at the Cannes Film Festival.

Ms. Olin was born in Sweden, where she has been with the Royal Dramatic Theatre since the age of 20. It was here that she met the legendary Bergman, who went on to direct her in several projects, including "King Lear," "After the Rehearsal" and "Miss Julie," in Sweden and New York. Her other stage credits include "The Alchemist," "Paradisbarnen," "June and the Peacock," "Gross Und Klein," "Servitore Di Due Padrone," "Restoration," "Nattvarden," "Summer," "A Dream Play" and "The Master and Margarita."

Laura Bristow (Irina 'The Man' Derevko)

Record Missing or Protected under Federal LAW


Alias: "The Man"
Present Location: Unknown
Date of Birth: 03/22/51
Place of Birth: Moscow, USSR
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 120
Sex: F
Race: Caucasian

Languages: English, Russian
Education: B.A.; Master's work in English lit.
Personal Details: Jack Bristow, ex-husband; Sydney Bristow, daughter; Alexander Khasinau, colleague and lover; Mr. Sark, employee
Employment: Recruited to KGB by Alexander Khasinau in 1970. Maintained cover as Jack Bristow's wife. Responsible for death of 20 CIA agents, including Agent Vaughn's father. Faked her death in a car accident, with Khasinau created new organization bent on taking over established agencies.