Season 03 | Episode 15 | 59
Original air date:
February 25, 2004

Todd Slavkin & Darren Swimmer
Terrence O'Hara

Series regulars:
Tom Welling
(Clark Kent)
Kristin Kreuk
(Lana Lang)
Michael Rosenbaum
("Lex" Luthor)
John Schneider
(Jonathan Kent)
Annette O'Toole
(Martha Kent)
Sam Jones III
(Pete Ross)
Allison Mack
(Chloe Sullivan)
John Glover
(Lionel Luthor)

Guest stars:
James Kirk
(Garrett Davis)
Tahmoh Penikett
(Vince Davis)
Jerry Wasserman
(Dr. Yaeger)
Françoise Yip
(Dr. Lia Teng)
Julian Christopher
(Dr. Scanlan)
Camille Mitchell
(Sheriff Nancy Adams)
Sandra Ferens
(Morgue Doctor)
Bruce Harwood
(Ben Paul (Medvac Pilot))

Song: "Everything"
Artist: Alanis Morrisette
Album: So-Called Chaos

Song: "Infatuation"
Artist: The Rapture
Album: Echoes

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Airdate1 Rating2 Share3
02.25.04 3.1 5
2% of all households,
3% of households watching tv.
Jonathan has open-heart surgery; Another person is brought back to life using the same serum that Adam used; Adam's fate is revealed.

What's up with Jonathan: The doctors give Jonathan a heart check-up and tell him that he needs a triple bypass operation. Jonathan is reluctant but when Clark tells him he wants him to do it, Jonathan agrees.

What's up with Clark: While Clark's at the hospital he sees his friend Garrett Davis. Garrett's brother Vince is in need of a liver transplant and isn't doing well. Vince dies later that day and his body is flown to Metropolis. Garrett's parents died when he was young and he has no family in the States, so the Kents offer their couch to him for the night until his Uncle can fly in from Germany. That night Garrett gets the news that his brother was cremated, which is a shock because he was suppose to be buried next to his mom and dad.

What's up with Vince: Vince's body is flow to Dr. Teng's lab in Metropolis. When he arrives she injects him with a large needle and he miraculously comes back to life. As Clark tries to comfort Garrett at the farm, Vince walks in! He says he woke up at a lab, but can't remember anything else. Garrett is elated and Clark shocked, but as the two ask Vince questions, he begins to bleed from his eye (just like Adam did) and he collapses. The doctors at the hospital are perplexed and say they can't save him, which drives Garrett into a rage, and he runs away.

How it ends: Clark runs into Lana outside the hospital, she tells him that Vince's situation sounds identical to Adams. Garrett returns to the hospital with a bomb strapped to his chest. He demands that the doctors give Vince a liver transplant immediately or he'll kill everyone. Martha, Pete and Lana are trapped, and Jonathan is already in the operating room. Clark has teamed up with Chloe to try and track down the lab where Vince was resurrected. Chloe has also been working with Lex to find Adam. When Clark gets to the lab, he hears Lex talking to Dr. Teng. He hears that the serum is the same that was used on Adam, and he uses his super speed to steal it.

When Clark returns to the hospital he convinces the sheriff to let him talk to Garrett... Garrett agrees to let the hostages go if Clark comes in with the serum, which Clark has told him will save his brother's life. As Martha comes out, she tells Clark to be careful, the bomb has been laced with meteor rock so he won't be able to use his powers. Meanwhile, the sheriff tells a sniper that if he gets the shot, take Garrett out. Garrett gets the serum from Clark and tells the doctor to inject it into Vince. As Garrett holds the serum to his chest it bubbles and turns red (the same effect kryptonite has on Clark's blood!). The doctor injects the serum, but nothing happens. Garrett impatiently tells the doctor it's not working and to use Jonathan's liver, telling Clark he'll still have a mom, but he has no one if Vince dies. As they walk to the room Jonathan's in, the sniper gets a clear shot and kills Garrett, just before he dies, he hits the detonator. Clark uses his speed to get a lead jacket, put it over the bomb and run it to a deserted area where it explodes.

Teng tells Lex later that she's kept Adam alive and has hidden him from Lionel in the basement. She shows him to Lex and tells him he's deteriorating, that the serum hasn't been perfected and doesn't seem to be able to sustain reanimated life. Jonathan's surgery is a success and he's sent home. Clark tells him he believes that Lionel is using the serum, which is made from Clark's blood, to bring people back to life.
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We open on a thermal 3-D image of Janet Jackson's breast. You can see where the leather and the red flimsy lingerie were ripped away. Does anyone think it's weird that this boob looks like a hyperactive bottle of Visine? Oh, wait, that's no boob! That's a boob's heart! Bo Duke, in fact. We know this because Bo Duke is in a (Grrrr...) hospital bed, looking at it, concerned. "My God," Bo thinks. "It's full of motor oil." Bo asks a doctor if he can take home the souvenir video when they're done. Bo will take the tape and try to put it into the field thresher. MamaKent is standing behind the hospital bed, pursing her lips and wearing burnt orange. The doctor is touching one of Bo's nipples with what looks like a "personal massager." Yep. Nipple's done. Dr. Hibbert tells Bo to put his shirt back on. Yeah, Bo. We've seen enough. MamaKent asks how everything looks. Hairy. And nipply. Dr. Hibbert says the left martochotria ventricular whatsis is still disconnected from the, uh...leg bone. That motor oil isn't helping, either. Bo says he doesn't like the way that sounds. He was hoping Hibbert would say, "Heart good, you go home, have ice cream, hoo hoo hoo!" Hibbert says that because of the "arterial blockage" (oh, come on, he's just making phrases up now), Bo is going to need a triple bypass. He has three platitudes in his valves just struggling to get out. Ah ha ha, recycled computer animation of an inner ear (or as I like to call it, "The Bent Crutch Project") vibrating like crazy against Pom Pom's stomach. Hibbert now sounds like Darth Vader as he says that when Bo comes out of the hospital, he'll feel like...well, not a million bucks, but maybe change for $10. We pull out of the ear (ew) and see Clark Kent, Doofus About Town, listening intently. Bo asks if open-heart surgery isn't a bit extreme. Only if they put Mountain Dew in the IV. The freaky whoosh-vision camera places us back in the exam room as Hibbert tells Bo Duke that they've been friends a long time. "Given your present condition, you could have a heart attack at any moment, a hoo hoo hoo!" the doctor says. He says that the next time could be fatal. "Stop with all this medical jargon, you quack," Bo screams. "Explain to me what a 'fatal' is!" Bo says that the surgery could be fatal, too. Dr. Hibbert has a snowy landing strip on the chin of his beard. He tells Bo he has a far greater chance of dying without the surgery. (more... )
By: Omar L. Gallaga (TWoP)
While his father is awaiting surgery, Clark befriends a young boy, Garrett, whose brother Vince just died from liver failure. However, everyone is shocked when Vince shows up at the hospital alive and seemingly well - until his liver starts failing again. In a desperate attempt to keep his brother alive, Garrett straps a Kryptonite bomb to himself and demands that Vince be given Jonathan's liver or he will blow up the building. Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Allison Mack, Sam Jones III, John Glover and Annette O'Toole also star.
Clark: I always thought of my dad as the man of steel. I was wrong.

Jonathan: Clark, your mother and I both know that you are going to save a lot of lives in this world. Even more than you have any idea.

Lex: When my father's involved with covert research, people tend to get hurt.

Teng: If you don't leave I'm going to notify your father.
Lex: Can't you just send me to the principal instead?

Clark: Dad, I look at Garrett, and he's lost. Just like how I would be without you.

First of all, what sort of a police shoots a person with a bomb? I thought you're NOT supposed to shoot the guy as it could cause the bomb to explode? Which it totally did in this case, except Clark managed to take the bomb outside to a safe place, so thankfully no one was hurt. But that's not the point. The point is shooting Garrett seems like a major plot-hole to me.

Second of all, wouldn't the police be wondering why the bomb exploded OUTSIDE the hospital? I thought the story would have worked well enough without the whole bomb thing (Kryptonite or not). (more...)
By Hayley Planet

How did Clark explain how he got rid of the bomb after Garrett was shot and the bomb exploded outside of the hospital? Or how the bomb just disappeared and/or blew up miles away? Dr. Yaeger was standing there and knew Garrett had the bomb on his chest, and he knows Clark is there, and he knows that pretty much no one else is around. What does he think happened?

It seems a little odd that Lana doesn't mention anything to Clark about how she's already gone through a situation with someone else who had to be hospitalized due to heart problems and was in a potentially deadly situation: Whitney's father.

John Glover (Lionel Luthor) does not appear in this episode.