Season 04 | Episode 14 | 80
Original air date:
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Luke Schelhaas
James Marshall

Series regulars:

Tom Welling
(Clark Kent)

Michael Rosenbaum
("Lex" Luthor)

Kristin Kreuk
(Lana Lang)

John Glover
(Lionel Luthor)

Jensen Ackles
(Jason Teague)

Annette O'Toole
(Martha Kent)

John Schneider
(Jonathan Kent)

Guest stars:

Erica Durance
(Lois Lane)
Jane Seymour
(Genevieve Teague)
Nolan Funk
(Zack Greenfield)
Diego Klattenhoff
(Josh Greenfield)


Alvin Sanders
(Store Owner)
Alex Green
(Doctor Kline)
Bud the Dog
Bucks the Dog

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Adults (18 - 49):
Krypto Promo Clark gets a super pooch; Jason's mom finally reveals why she's so interested in Lana; Lionel gives Jason a copy of a precious document.

What's up with Einstein: Two thieves pull up to a store and prepare for a heist. However, the two men won't be the ones pulling it off, instead they unleash two dogs to do their dirty work. The dogs, a blood thirsty one named Hercules and a more laid back one named Einstein proceed to get into the store and tear apart both the safe and an armed store clerk. Needless to say, these canines have some super strength and intelligence. When one of the thieves blows on a whistle, Hercules comes a running, but Einstein is no where to be found.

What's up with Lois: She leaves a message with Chloe telling her she's moving into the Kent's farm. Distracted by the phone conversation she doesn't see Einstein and hits him with her car. She takes him to the farm where he turns out to be fine and begins to show signs of super strength, at one point pulling the tractor he's chained to from the barn to the house. Jonathan tells them to make signs to see if they can find the dog's owner but when Clark notices a small microchip embedded in his fur they take him to the animal shelter to have it scanned. The younger of the two thieves happens to work at the shelter and when he approaches Einstein, the dog almost takes him apart. Clark scans the chip himself and finds out Einstein is owned by Luthorcorp.

What's up with the thieves: The two thieves are in the back of the animal shelter with Hercules. They're using vials full of liquid to shoot up the dogs and give them super powers.

What's up with Lex: Clark asks Lex if Luthorcorp has been experimenting on dogs. He tells Clark that his father started a program to mix meteor rocks with steroids to create super strong dogs. He proceeds to tell him he thought all the dogs were destroyed after he stopped the testing and maybe the Kent's farm would be a nice place for the dog to live.

What's up with Jason: His mother tells him why she doesn't want him with Lana. Turns out Lana is the countesses' descendent, as proof by the tattoo she magically got in Paris, and that the countess swore she'd kill all of a woman named Gertrude's decedents. Turns out Jason and his mother are those decedents. Later, Jason runs into Lionel who gives him a copy of the map Lex has and tells him it might help him find what he's looking for.

How it ends:
Jonathan takes out the trash and is attacked by Hercules. Einstein, hearing the noise outside jumps through the farmhouse window and rescues Jonathan. As Hercules and Einstein stare each other down, a dog whistle blows and they both take off.

Clark and Lois figure out that the man from the animal shelter must be the thief that's using the dogs to rob people. They break in and find out that the next target is a Luthorcorp payroll truck. They track down the truck and while Lois frees the guards, Clark frees Einstein. But, when Einstein get out of his cage, he breaks a vile of kryptonite and Clark is left writhing in pain. The thieves then get in the van and drive off, with Clark still in the back. The thieves discover Clark in the back and decide to burn the truck with Clark and Hercules in it. After they douse it in gasoline, Einstein arrives and saves Clark by dragging him to safety. Clark dispatches the criminals as Einstein saves Hercules.

When Clark has a vet look at Einstein, the vet tells him he has a perfectly normal healthy dog. Clark is relieved and decides to name him Krypto but the rest of the family isn't so excited, so they settle on the name Shelby.


While driving, Lois (Erica Durance) accidentally hits a dog and brings it back to the farm to heal. Clark realizes this is no ordinary dog after the pup lifts up a car to retrieve a ball. Clark and Lois learn the dog is a product of an aborted LuthorCorp experiment and is being used to commit crimes, but when Lois is kidnapped by the robbers and Clark is weakened by kryptonite, it is up to the dog to save them. Meanwhile, Lana questions Jason's involvement in his mother's (guest star Jane Seymour) schemes.

Coming soon....
Two brothers pull in front of a store and the owner looks up to find two dogs viciously attacking him – one holds him off while the other rips the safe door off its hinges. The black dog attacks the owner and busts through a locked refrigerator to badly injure him. Outside the two brothers call the dogs, Hercules, but the other one, Einstein, refuses to come. Driving down the road nearby, Lois hits Einstein, injuring him. She brings him back to the Kent farm, where he quickly gets loose and alerts Jonathan and Clark.

Clark takes a shine to the dog, and the next day Chloe comes visiting to deliver Lois' mail. The dog quickly busts free, wrecking a tractor, and Clark quickly recognizes it has super-strength. He also discovers the dog has a microchip ID in its neck. At the vet Einstein reacts badly to the guy who works there, Zack, and who is one of the robbers. The dog is registered to LutherCorp but Clark decides to keep the dog and goes to visit Lex, but not before signing in. Zack and his sadistic brother Josh have the dogs in the back and are doing experiments with green kryptonite injections that give them temporary super-strength. Josh was a trainer at LuthorCorp and stole the research.

At Lex's, Genevieve is paying a visit to Lex and reveals she knows that he's employing Jason for his own reasons, and in fact she asked Lex to do so to get him away from Lana. Back at the house, Einstein is wrecking the house, making it tough for the family to keep things from Lois. Clark confronts Lex who reveals his dad was doing experiments with mixing meteor rocks with steroids to enhance dogs. Back at the farm, the brothers turn Hercules loose on Jonathan and Einstein comes to the rescue. Hercules runs off after he hears a high-pitched whistle and Einstein goes off a few seconds later.

Clark and Lois figure out that Zack is involved while Jason confronts Genevieve, who confirms that she set Lana up with him and that their ancestor Gertrude was an enemy of Isabelle, and that Isabelle swore vengeance on Gertrude and all her heirs. Lana overhears this and isn't happy.

Lois and Clark break in to the vet office and figure out they're robbing an armored car. They go to the spot and Clark pinpoints the robbery with his super-hearing. Clark sends Lois off and then gets in the robbers' van and frees Einstein, but accidentally knocks over the kryptonite steroids, leaving him stuck in the van.

The robbers find Clark in the back and prepare to set it on fire. Einstein's follows them and gets Clark out and away from the green-k. Clark knocks the robbers out and Einstein rescues Hercules, who is still in the burning van. Einstein is trapped in the van and Clark rescues him while Hercules gets away.

The doctor gives Einstein a clean bill of health and says he isn't strong any more. Lex shows up, concerned that Einstein is dangerous, but Clark insists on keeping him and names the dog "Krypto." Lana has Chloe look into Jason's background and connects him back to Lana's ancestor Isabelle. Lionel meets with Jason and warns him against Genevieve, then gives him a copy of the map that Lex obtained on the location of the crystal. Clark's parents finally let him keep the dog, and he names it "Shelby" after the dog Martha had as a child.

Coming soon...
Lois (to Einstein): You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine. Everyone I've ever hit has been fine.

Jonathan: How did you find this dog?
Lois: Well, actually, I hit him.
Clark: With your car?
Lois: No, with my fist.

Clark (to Einstein): Well, at least I don't have to hide anything from you.

Lois (to Clark): He's annoying and I can't get within ten feet of him without getting sick. I think we should call him Clarkie.

Genevieve: I underestimated you Lex.
Lex: That's a common mistake.
Genevieve: It's not one I usually make.

Lex: Paranoia is not an attractive quality in a woman.
Genevieve: I'm just trying to protect my son.
Lex: Then you and my father should work on a parenting manual. I'm sure it'd be a best seller.

Lex (to Clark): If I understood my father's insanity Clark, I'd be a much happier man.

Clark (to Jonathan): He's a good dog dad. Someone's just using him to do bad things.

Jason: I walked out on Lana once before. I'm not going to do it again.
Genevieve: Then you're in love with a girl who may kill our entire family.

Lois (to Clark): We can call the cops on the way. You are so weird sometimes.

Josh (to Clark): You just had to be a hero, didn't you. Some times heroes get burnt.

Clark (to Lex): He's not dangerous now, he saved my life. I'll take my chances.

Lionel (to Jason): You can't trust her Jason. Of course, you can't trust my son either, but I guess you already know that.

Coming soon...

Song: "Anodyne"
Artist: Speechwriters LLC
Album: The Bull Moose After Party

Song: "Give A Little Bit"
Artist: The Goo Goo Dolls
Album: Live in Buffalo July 4th 2004

Erica Durance was billed as "Special Guest Star"

Jane Seymour was billed as "Special Appearance By"

It seems that "Krypto" is here in the form of dogs injected with a green Kryptonite serum. The dogs, which originate from two brothers named Justin and Zack Greenfield, are named Cujo and Thor (both rottweilers), and Spot (a border collie with a blue collar). Apparently the injections give the dogs a kind of enhanced power that helps Justin and Zack to rob a convenience store. Spot is not as much of a follower and is not as mean as Cujo and Thor. In fact, Spot doesn't seem to like Justin much at all. After Cujo and Thor do their bad violent convenience store thing attacking an old obese worker named Mr. Finch in what sounds like a pretty scary scene, Spot seems to have disappeared... There's a scene where Lois is driving on a country road. All of her things from Met U are packed up and in the back seat. Lois either hits or almost hits Spot. She pulls off to the shoulder and sees Spot lying in the middle of the road. "What have I done?" she exclaims. Apparently this green serum is originating from LuthorCorp. "I can't believe after three years, the geniuses at LuthorCorp couldn't get the strength to last more than 24 hours," Justin says. The "project" involving the dogs seems to have officially ended months earlier. Clark ends up with Spot, who seems to get "really... strong sometimes." He takes Spot to the vet to be checked out. The vet tells Clark that the dog seems perfectly normal; if anything, slightly below average strength. The vet asks if Clark has a name picked out for the dog, and he comes up with the idea of the name "Krypto." "That's an interesting name," Lex tells him. Justin and Zack learn that Spot aka Krypto is at the Kent Farm. It is mentioned that Spot is the "number one lead dog" in their experiment. Justin and Zack use the dogs to try to rob an armored truck. The doors are mangled open, and the two of them try to transfer bags of money into their panel van. The rottweilers are there too, and one of them is on top of the truck. Two security guards are handcuffed to a tree. Lois and Clark show up and Clark snaps their cuffs behind their backs. Of course there's a "How did you...?" asked. Pretty soon the rottweilers run and leap toward Clark. Lex and Clark discuss the situation, and Lex is honest and tells him about some strange experiments involving animals being conducted at LuthorCorp, back during his father's reign. There is a scene where Genevieve Teague meets with Lionel. "You might not be interested in this crusade, but your son is," she tells him. "I want to know what he knows, and you're going to help me." Lionel tells her that Lex won't meet with him without an appointment. She tells Lionel that he better make an appointment or he may see his accommodations shrinking once again. Could this mean Genevieve Teague is the one who got Lionel out of prison? Possibly...
Some of the dogs' names may have changed from the first draft. Three dogs, including Spot, Cujo and Thor may now be two, with the names "Hercules" and "Einstein." Movies or TV shows with dogs named Einstein are cool. Einstein, by the way, is the Dog Formerly Known As Spot, the border collie. Clark's sleeping on the couch because Lois has now moved in with the Kents. (She's gotten herself kicked out of Met U due to events in "Recruit," and Chloe and her father have a too-small apartment). Lois is allergic to dogs. Lex meets with Genevieve. She knows that Lex has hired her son. Look for a tangled web of intrigue between Lex and Lionel, Genevieve, and Jason. People are trying to play other people, all to get to the result they want. Genevieve was indeed the one to get Lionel out of prison. Lex won't speak to Lionel, who is staying in a guest cottage. Lionel and Genevieve made a deal which is what got him out of prison. There's a dog that Clark refers to as Skipper, which makes Lois make a slew of Gilligan's Island references. Chloe asks Lois why she (Lois) gets to be Ginger. There are jokey references made to a super-cat and monkeys. Yay Streaky and Beppo! Genevieve meets with Jason and sits him down and tells him the whole background between Gertrude (their ancestor) and the Countess Thoreux. Genevieve tries to get Jason to leave with her, and says that Isobel's descendant will try and kill her. Lionel tells Lex exactly what is going on with him and Genevieve from his perspective. He seems sincere. "Blood is thicker than blackmail, son," Lionel tells him. Lois would prefer to call Einstein "Clarky." *Snicker* Just to mock Clark, of course. Clark still wants to call the dog "Krypto" because his "background is kind of... cryptic." Good one, Smallville. Chloe does some research for Lana which reveals some interesting facts about Genevieve and her ancestors, and also their connection to Isobel's tomb being in Paris. Lionel meets with Jason. Seems everyone is interacting in this one! Lois tells Clark that she thinks naming the dog "Krypto" is a dumb idea, that he can name his NEXT dog Krypto. It looks like the Kents keep the dog. They do come up with a name for the dog based on a location somewhere in Smallville. (Here's a hint: it's a corner on Smallville, it was the field where Clark was found in Lois & Clark). The dog is named after a major player in the history of Superman in the comics. As for what, again, watch the episode!