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Here are a few links to help you in your search. I have used these and will be adding more as soon as I have the time to use them. Hopefully, you will find these links as useful as I have.

Remember to also register yourself with as many different registries as you possibly can. You never know who will be reading them. Please take the time to sign my guest-book, and let me know how your search is coming along.


The International Sound ex Reunion Registry is the world's largest reunion registry and is a free service. Get your registration form by sending a Self- Addressed Stamped Envelope to:

P.O. Box 2312
Carson City, Nevada

You can reach them by phone at (702) 882-7755, or visit their web-site at ISRR for more details.


Now that I have that said, here are some places that I have been using while doing my search. Please be careful when hiring someone from the net to do your search. I tried this before checking them out and it just made my wallet a little bit lighter. The results I expected were not what I was given. There are a lot of reputable people and companies that can do a very good search for you. Please check back often. I will be adding links as I come across them.

Adoptee Liberty Movement Association
Birth Quest
Puzzle Pieces
Adoption Network
Adoption Bulletin Board
Find Me
The Seeker My Favorite
Bastard Nation
Your Family
The Adoption Web Ring
Adopt: Assistance Information Support
Carter's Adoption Search Page
Reunion Registries
Volunteer Network


Please click HERE to see a couple of the pictures I have available.

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