Videos 2

On this page you will find videos of me juggling 5-8 balls. Well, most of them should be of me.

5 Balls

5 Ball Cascade-(909k) This is a 5 ball cascade juggled normal, and then low (front view).
5 Ball Cascade from the side-5 balls from the side, notice, normal juggling takes place on a 2 dimensional plane...
1up 4up-(713k)-This a 5 ball multiplex where one ball is thrown high, the other four, are stacked multiplexes, 2 balls from each hand. Bruce Sarafian can supposedly do 1up 6up, with 3 balls stacked with each hand.
5 Ball Shower-(420k) 14 catches of the high throws with a 5 ball shower. I think that is how showers should be counted. The passes shouldn't count as catches, but thats just my opinion.

6 Balls

6 Ball Async Fountain-(516k) 34 catches of 6 balls, I was really mad when I got this, It is the 3rd time this week that I tied my 6 ball record.
6 Ball Shower-(344k) I dodnt get a very good run, but it is so-so. I made 8 catches of the high throws. The pattern isnt too organized though. I have gotten 10 in a good pattern. And sorry again about the pixelated balls, I can't help it as of now.

7 Balls

7 Ball Cascade-(336k) This is 19 catches or 7 balls, I did it at my friend's house at about 11pm (not that anyone cares).
7 Ball Cascade with 2 people-(586k)- My friend and I flashed 7, using one hand from each person... If you notice, I have a tendency to reach up and catch the balls, I don't know why. I don't know if it is necessarily good or bad, but I guess it would only give my less time to catch the object.

8 Balls

8 Ball flash-(432k)  flash in a sync fountain.  this is another video where the balls are pixelated....

8 Ball multiplexed shower-(900k?) Bruce Sarafian juggles 8 balls in a 4 ball shower pattern, 4 pairs of balls all caught and thrown together, siteswap= [77][11].

Go to theVideos 3 page to see 9 to 12 ball juggling!