"WAIT, LET ME ASK YOU ONE THING,"grins Tarrie B, as she removes the mash of sweat and cosmetics from her face."ARE YOU GOING TO RIP OUR SHOW APART LIKE EVERYONE ELSE? ALL I READ IN KERRANG THESE DAYSIS,'SHE'S A FAT ASS UGLY BITCH'." Tairrie B is feeling a little abused right now. On the graffiti-covered wall of TURA SATANA'S dressing room, someone has scrawled 'Tairrie B can suck my dick, you arrogant cunt in marker pen. "I THINK ONE OF THE SPICE GIRLS WROTE THAT ABOUT ME," she laughs. This is TURA SATANA's first British date in almost a year , and their debut under the new monicker. The TS camp has seen more turbulence than it needed recently, with the departure of long-standing guitarist SCOTT UEDA after one too many rucks with the opinionated Ms B. His replacement BRIAN HARRAH, has had barely a week to learn 13 songs.Understandably, this is a nerve racking experiernce for the aimiable six-stringer("HE THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO KILL HI IF HE FUCKED UP!"smiles TAIRRIE later). But Haraah will have to wait for his baptism of fire. Sometime around eight o'clock HUMAN WASTE PROJECT will hit the stagerunning. As singer AIMEE ECHO rocks back and forth on her heels, nervously twisting her blond dreadlocks(hmmmm)between her fingers, she leans forward and whispers "COME CLOSER DON'T BE SCARED". Like hardcore Janes Addiction with a less sickl Gwen Stefani on vocals, they manage to be psycadelic and psychotic at the same time. HUMAN WASTE PROJECT are the hottest band in LA at the moment. It won't be long before the buzz reaches these shores. If HUMAN WASTE PROJECT warm up the crowd then BULLYRAG cook it. Five wild liverpudlians armed with samples and loudhailers, they throw everything from jungle to hardcore into the stew, then sit back and watch it bubble over. Bradford loves Bullyrags manic noise. From bouncing opener'Wishing' to the unbridled ragga-metal of debut single 'Frantic', the scousers have the audience eating out of their hands. By the time their set crashes to a close, the only people not drenched in sweat are the suckers who ducked out early. "I wonder who'll be brave enough to stage dive?" asks one fan in the queue for the toilets before the headliners come on. He's not wrong to be afraid: the stage is TAIRRIE's space; invade it and you're fucked. Tonight, TAIRRIE B looks like a star. Wrapped in a full legnth fur coat, SHE, HARRAH, bassist RICO VILLASENOR and drummer MARCELLO PALOMINO ooze confidence. Letting rip with a yell that would grind most male singers into the ground, TAIRRIE pounds into 'DRY' and the crowd is washed away on a wave of aggressive euphoria. Bolstered by the martial rhythms of PALOMINO and VILLASENOR, they slam into the headcase rant of 'DOWN' abd the whirlpool that has formed in the middle of the crowd spins like a catherine wheel. "STOP BEING THE FUCKIN' GIRLFRIEND," the singer snarls at the mass of young girls grouped at the front."IT'S TIME WE MAKE OUR MARK ON ROCK 'N' ROLL." The quartet blast through 'RELAPSE' and 'SCAVENGER HUNT', and it sounds nothing short of brutal, TAIRRIE falling to her knees and emptying her lungs into the microphone. They finish with their awesome cover if Nirvava's 'NEGATIVE CREEP',ripping the heart out of the song and making it their own, then beat a hasty retreat from the stifling, sweaty atmosphere, to collapse in a heap backstage. "THAT WAS AMAZING," grins an exhausted TAIRRIE B when she catches her breath. "YA KNOW I COULD GET USED TO THIS..."