I recieved an email once asking people what love and marriage mean to them, so I thought about this for a long time and finally came up with the words on this page. When someone tells you

really think about the three words and what they mean. Love seems to be a word that is missused by so many people, and it is not to be taken lightly! Finding the right one to share your dreams and life with is a blessing, think for a minute what life would be like with out that person, and treat every minute you have together like it is the last, hold on to every precious moment shared and never let go!

One person is only a puzzle, two together are mystery!
Friends are side by side. Facing a common interest , but lovers are face to face. Their common interest is each other.
Lovers will sacrifice everything, wealth, friends,their principals,even their own happiness, whatever it takes to gain the other.

Sometimes frends marry. Though they're really not in love.They are side by side, but not face to face.

Sometimes lovers marry, though they're not really friends, they are face to face but not side by side.
A man and a woman make a real go of their marriage when they are friends side by side and lovers face to face. They are friends in love and lovers who are friends.

Husbands and wives can move in two directions at once , they move toward eachother face to face forming a world between them. They move forword side by side, in the world together.

Their a brand new pair of friends-in-love, overflowing into their neighbors and friends.
And so these two friends in love grow toward each other and toward every neighbor on the face of the earth, in simple ways, and in splended ways, insignificant ways, and magnificent ways.
Marriage is to break out of, move out of together, into a larger world, into a richer life.
This new partnership of friends-in-love grows deeper in discovery, and deeper in its search for meaning!

Invisible antenna receive unspoken words, and silent signals are gently caught. They are in tune, beginning to dance to the same music, beginning to tap out the same beat, falling in love again and again.

Each is commited to the others future, to the others mystery, never to comprehend each other through and through!
Marrage is to create a life together where it's a safe risk to relax and be yourself, where it's a safe risk to be absolutly truthful and frank, carelessly tender and kind.
Marriage can transform life so that total disarmament becomes double strength, and giving means forgiving!
Marriage is brim full of secrets, discoveries, joys, surprises and sorrows that are shared.

Marriage endures suffering, sometimes even much suffering making mistakes, and breaking promises, the heated word, the cold silence, forgetting kindness while remembering hurt, and suddenly, for a while the brightness and wonder of it all disappears.

But suffering, too us to create with , so we can run even faster jump even farther, and dance much longer than before.
So the mistakes are forgiven, promises are renewed, and sullen silence is laughed away.
The suffering is surrendered for healing, the pain is forsaken for the choice to move forword in love.
Because the lovers are friends, side-by-side. They're caught caught up in mutual interest, and in seperate interests, woven into one tapastry through the loom of love.

The mystery of marriage is this : The love shared by friends-n-love is a powerful gift uniting forever two individuals.
Their love transforms the world, their love transforms eachother, their love transforms the soul within,
Where transforming the marriage into a flame the no flood can quench no torrents can drown.

Hope you enjoyed this page and understand what the meaning of marriage and love is in my eyes! This page is to a man that was in my life once, that I deeply cared about!

Writen by Tanya Barling 11-28-2000
