"Is it ready?" The young man stood in the doorway, not entering the room.
"Almost. Please close the door. You're letting a draft in." Reluctantly, he stepped into the room. He didn't want to go in that dark windowless room. The only light came from candles, sending flickering shadows across the low ceiling. It reminded him of a tomb. His eyes adjusted to the dim light and could see the old witch hunched over a long table filled with unidentified liquids and powders. He shuddered to think what was in them.
"You could go blind in here." He shivered even though it was oppressively hot in the room. The witch turned slowly; the light cast a sickly orange glow on her shrunken face. She smiled, showing off her jagged yellow teeth.
"I didn't think you were afraid of the dark, Little Dove." The young man didn't react outwardly to the nickname, but inside his heart twisted in pain.
"Don't call me that, Witch."
"All right, don't get touchy." Her cackling hurt his ears. She turned back to the table, and he let out a small sigh. He hated this room, he hated that厀oman and most of all, he hated the fear that always welled up in him every time she was near. Old childhood pain tickled at his soul. He quickly strengthened his wall around his soul.
"I can't wait here all day."
"You will not rush me, young lord. Trust me, it will be卽nfortunate if you activated a half finished spell." She began to whisper the words of a long dead language. She raised her arms and the room was suddenly filled with a bright light. He shielded his eyes and blinked away the tears. When he vision cleared, he found the old woman right in front of him. He jumped back, banging against the door. The witch leered at him and he cursed himself for reacting that way. He covered it by smoothing his dark blue uniform with his hand.
"I take it that it's done." He said, brushing off invisible pieces of lint off his sleeve.
"Yes." She held up a large tear-shaped silver amulet. There were symbols engraved on it, but Lotor couldn't make out what they say. He reached for it, but the witch kept it out of his reach.
"Are you sure you want this. It is a very powerful Bonding spell, if anything went wrong-"
"Just give it to me." The woman smiled sweetly and handed it to him. It felt heavy and warm in his hand. He could feel it vibrating with power.
"Say the words I taught you the other day and point it at the princess. This will bind her soul to yours for all eternity. You two will be together in this life and the next. I can't tell you enough to be careful."
"I've already heard your lecture."
"But this is your soul we are talking about. We all know how many time you managed to bumble up your attempts to take her. They always end in disaster."
"Then why are you helping me!" He didn't want to be reminded of his failures. That was what his father was for. The old woman smiled and patted his smooth pale blue cheek.
"I can't say no to that pretty face." She leaned in closer. He backed away in disgust, groping for the door knob.
"No, stay away." Suddenly the room felt too small and the air too stale.
"What's the matter my Little Dove? Don't you want to play with your Aunt Hagar?"
"I said, stay away!" He pulled open the door and fled down the halls. The sound of the witch's cackling echoed in the halls.
He forced himself to slow down. Damn her. She always got to him. He could feel the filth of her on his skin and clothes. He took a deep breath to calm himself. He pushed back the pain and buried himself deeper into that safe warm place where nothing could touch him. Quickly, the pain faded to the point that he could breath again. It was easy for him to push down the pain; to hide from the memories that always threaten to sweep him away. He had his whole life to erect walls around his soul that nothing could get through, not Hagar, not his father. He was safe. That safety came with a price. All his life was filled with a terrible loneliness. A loneliness that he didn't dare admit to anyone. He was tired of being alone. He was tired of keeping secrets. He looked at the silver amulet in his hand. With this would put an end to the loneliness. With this he would find someone to trust, to love and to open his heart and soul to.
Before the week was through, Prince Lotor of Doom would finally be happy.
It was so easy to lure the princess away from the castle. A simple holographic project of her father was beamed into her room. It told her that her father's soul was in great danger; that he needed her help. She was told to go a small meadow in the middle of the woods that surrounded the castle. Soon after, he could see the girl sneaking out, heading right for Lotor's cloaked shuttle. Lotor waited anxiously for his future bride. She was so trusting, it was one of the reasons why he was so infatuated with her. That and her beautiful smile, her pale hair. She reminded him of his mother.
Be strong, my Prince. Don't let the darkness get you.
Don't leave me, Mommy!
I'll never leave you. As long as there is light in you, I'll be there.
Lotor blinked away the vision of his mother's gentle face. It wasn't the time to bring up bad memories. When he heard the sound of someone approaching, he hid behind a bush. A second later, she stepped out of the woods. The moonlight made her waist-length, pale hair look pure white, just like his mother's. His heart leapt to his throat as he watched the delicate creature. He took a deep breath. He couldn't let his emotions overwhelm him, not when he was so close. Quietly, he stepped out from behind the bushes.
"Hello, Allura." He looked at her shocked face and a small smile formed on his lips.
"Lotor! I should have known." She took a step back. Her eyes darted about, trying to find somewhere to escape. But they were in a wide meadow and there was no where she could hide.
"Ah Allura, if you would have come to me willingly, I wouldn't have to resort to this extreme measure." He took the silver amulet from around his neck. "I told you that you would be mine someday. That day is now." His other hand shot out and grabbed Allura's wrist She struggled frantically, kicking and screaming for help.
"Don't fight this. You know I'm right!" He lifted the amulet and started chanting the alien words that activated the amulet. It won't be long now.
"Let her go, Lotor!" He turned and saw two men running towards them. He recognized them as his most hated rival, Keith and his friend, Lance. Damn, he couldn't let them stop him. Suddenly he felt Allura wrench away from him. Before he could tighten his grip she was free.
"No! You will not escape me!" He pointed the amulet at her and finished the incantation. The amulet flared up in a blinding blue light. Allura screamed, but she couldn't move. The light brightened and Lotor gritted his teeth against the burning pain that ran up his arm. He could hear shouting coming from behind him, but he couldn't break the amulet's hold on him. Unbelievably, the light intensified further and he knew that it would soon be over.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone run up to them, putting himself between Allura and the amulet. He watched in horror as the amulet discharged a bolt of pure, white light. The white arc of light hit the intruder squarely in the chest.
"NO!" But it was too late. The amulet in his hand exploded, surrounding him in white fire. He screamed in pain; his mind retreated to his dark hiding place. The light followed him and the fire filled him. And deep inside him, in a place that no one could touch, the walls around his soul began to crack. For the first time in since his mother death he felt the presence of another in his heart. The light flared, the walls shattered and two living souls became one.
The power of the Union echoed across the galaxy. The psychic wave that followed was felt even by the weakest of the gifted. Some woke from a dream of light fire and light. Others stopped whatever they were doing and grabbed their heads in pain, hearing the screams of two voices light years away. And still others felt burning fire against their skin and were blinded by a vision of two stars colliding, merging into something more. On planet Doom, the insane cackling could be heard through out the whole castle, filling everyone with dread. On Arus, people were awakened by the rumble on an earthquake. Those who'd fled their homes saw bright lights streaking across the sky. Some would later say that it looked like the sky was on fire. The roar of lions could have been heard in the distance.
And on a planet, on the other side of the Galaxy, an old woman collapsed on the dew wet grass.
"Nana!" A young girl knelt beside her. The woman's cat-like eyes stared sightlessly up at the sky. In a moment of panic the girl thought that the woman was dead. Then the golden eyes focused on her and the old woman let out a moan.
"Nana, stay here, I'll get the healer." The girl was about to rise when a strong hand caught her in a tight grip.
"No卼ake me back卙ome."
"Please Love, it's important." The girl helped her grandmother up and guided her back to the family home. The old woman was not surprised to see her Gifted children and grandchildren come running out of the house. Everyone was talking at once, but when she held up her hand, all was quiet. They always looked to her for strength and guidance. Many were unprepared to see tears streaming down her aged face.
"It is time."
Send comments to Sandy