Great UFO Wave:
October, 1973
An analysis of UFO occupant reports prepared for the Center for UFO Studies (AN ANALYSIS OF THE FALL 1973 UFO/HUMANOID WAVE, by Dave Webb. Center for UFO Studies., Evanston, ILL 1976. p. 52) states that twenty-seven "dwarf" cases were reported to CUFOS in 1973.
One such case allegedly involved another family's CE-III on October 16, 1973, at Lehi, Utah. Using hypnosis, Dr. James Harder, consultant for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), elicited from one of the witnesses the following description:
The beings were slightly over four feet tall, very thin, with large slanted eyes. Their arms were long and their hands GLOVED and CLAWLIKE, with a diminutive thumb. They were wearing what appeared to be glowing clothing with Sam Brown-like belts!