siren's Friends page!
taysia's Friends page </HEAD>

The idea of a good friend is a person who allows you to make choices, knowing you will learn and yet there, with open arms, when you discover you've chosen the wrong one, holds your hand when you're scared or in pain, when your body aches from the sting of deceipt and lies, helps you fight off those who try to take advantage of you, thinks of you at times when you are not there, reminds you of what you have forgotten, helps you put the past behind you but understands when you need to hold on to it a little longer, stays with you so that you grow from the pain and grow in confidence, goes out of their way to make time for you even when you do not ask for it, helps you clear up your mistakes, helps you deal with pressure from others, offers open arms for comfort while the pain endures, smiles for you when even they are sad, helps you become a better person, and most importantly loves you.

The above describes many of the friends i have had during the past months, who have stayed by me no matter how hard i tried to push them away. They believed me when others lied about me, and had flung false accusations trying to ruin my name, but failed miserably. They pushed aside the rumours and found the truth, they became more like family than friends, and because of this my trust is with them, something which is not given lightly.

They were brave for me when i was frightened, strong for me when i was weak, happy for me when i was sad, praised me when i felt i failed. They refused to let me go, no matter what i did to push them away, they remained there for me and never let me go. I did have those i had thought were my friends, who made promises, who swore to stay no matter what, but when the pressure got to strong, walked away, but not these. These are TRUE friends, and i so appreciate all they have done for me and i hope one day to repay them, for they helped me grow and learn that not everyone is evil or in it for themselves. They have taught me the meaning of friendship, of love, of joy and i thank them. All which is on this page is dedicated and to those whom i call my friends, truly, for i luv them with all my heart and will always remember their kindness. Below are the friends i have been extremely close to, who know my deepest secrets, whom have given me a shoulder to cry on, told jokes when i was sad, held me when i needed comfort, pushed me when i needed to move forward, who have endured my hateful attacks on them yet knew i never meant them, though i know they were hurt from it, never let it show. That is what i call a True friend. I have many, many good good friends, who are true also, but this is a higher sense, for they have had to put up with the impossible, and still are here for me. Thank You, all!

This page is dedicated to those friends will be in alphabetical order* with quotes from them which make me feel as i do about them:

ANDANTE-i had only known this man for a short time, but one day when i was very depressed, and someone made a rude comment to me, He defended me, and has since talked to me and made sure i was ok...though i wrecked His jag *L* *Tears are not acceptable in this case little one, you cant have people like that destroying your happiness, you deserve joy. tears in this case are wasted and they only dull the beauty that you possess, so smile* My dear dear friend, You will be so missed by U/us all. i learned to love You as a true friend, and though You have left this plane, i know You are still with U/us, threatening to cage me or toss me in that pit for charging Your credit card to the max. You are in my heart, therefore You will never die. ANDANTE passed to hallowed grounds 7/31/98

ANDANTEs Midnight-a sister who has pain of her own, who still has an extra hug or kind words for A/all, who never seems to be upset with anyone, no matter who they are. She is a teacher in her own way, plus she gets the jag keys for me *LVH*

ANGEL DULCE DEL LOBO-such a beautiful woman, who was been a Domme, before finding her true calling as a sub. She has been through a lot, and i learned much from her, and i love her: "angel is so gratful to you for guiding me and helping me learn, angel learns much from watching you, sister"

BLUSH-a sister i have known since BW who always says something nice to me and makes me feel a bit better: "you did well sis, relax, you are in a different position."

BRUCE-i had the opportunity to meet this man a while ago, but never really got to know how kind and sweet He was until i was having problems. He is a delight to know and i so enjoy His words of comfort, besides, who else invites me to the UK *ss*. "There comes a time when you must... but only you know when that time is there..."

CASEY-a wonderful, dear lady, whom i adore "if you ever wanna talk you know i am here okay"

COURT JESTER-a very dear and wonderful person, who has always been a total crazyman, and kept my spirits up always, there are so many things He's done that, i dont know if i should put any of these down *laugh* "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! This is a test of the Emergency BDSM System. Had this been an actual emergency you would have been instructed on what to wear, how to position yourself and how to address your Dom/me. This concludes O/our test of the Emergency BDSM System."

DELPH-what can i say, we've caused, made, and started trouble together *L* and she's so sympathetic, and i love her: "oh...slaps you hard on the ass....for making me worry"

ELECTRON MAN-Who took me under His protective collar and helped me find that "perfect" Master, and still remains a good friend "lifts your chin up and tell you it will get better...kisses your forehead ~sigh~ I know its hard ...just keep that chin up ok?"

ENGLISH GENT-a Man who has had much pain of His own, but who still shows comfort and friendship through His pain, He is an example during His time of pain, He said this, which woke me up and made me realize much "We are both big believers in things happening for a reason... we may not know what it is yet but this happened for a reason"

FEM FATALE-a very sweet "grandmother" to me, whom has supported me and helped me through a lot during a rough period of my life. She jokes and has fun, but she is also loving, though she may deny it. I really wish i hadn't lost my old icq,then i would have her wonderful support lines, as now i only have this, but it is a lot. "your entrance looks good hun... *smiles*

FOGGY-not many would try as hard as this Big Brother to me to find things she needs, nor would they send a box of sugar free candy, or "beauty" products T/they make, but He has, and He is so very kind to me, i love Him and sis B/both very much: "Good morning lil sis*kisses*"

GARY-husband to TAMMY, a very dear man who has, with Tammy, helped me survive and reassured me. I treasure His friendship as i do all, and thank Him so much for being there, and humorous too. "yes you need to be strong......and use your stubborness this time" "thats ok......are you doing ok ? are you going to be ok?"

HYSPERIA-what can be said.....she is vibrant, loving, sweet, willing to help anytime she can. She is a real friend and sister and siren loves her as though it were rt. Thank you sis, for all you do and have done. *no quote yet*

JADE-we have been going through a lot of similar things lately, she with her nephew, me with my neice, and other things which bring each such pain, but she is still there for me to talk when i get down..i appreciate her friendship so and i love her so much as my sis: "*hugs* just cos i Luv Ya" "*hugging you tight* i know sis, and i don't think that you were wrong, honestly i dont"

JOSEPH-my twin....he truly knows me for i am him and he is me, everything i think, feel, know, he does too, we have similar pasts, therefore can understand one another so much, and i am proud to have him for my twin: "your a damn good sis tro have you know that?"

JOY-her name truly describes her, a very special, joyful person and a great friend: "*S* *hugs* and keep your lil butt outta trouble without me to be your backup..... LOL later sweetie"

LADY MORGANA-a new friend, but a very sweet Lady, who is willing to listen when i need to talk. Because She is such a new friend, i have no messages saved..i keep forgetting *Laugh* sorry LM *smile*

LILONE-such a delightful young lady, whom i truly love, a dear friend and a person whom anyone would be lucky to have met. "i am sorry hun.. ~kissing you lightly on the forhead~ i will always be here for you don't forget."

LORD CHAOS-what can i say *smile* He represents strength, compassion, pride, hope and makes me feel important, no matter what, even a couple innocent words, cheers me. "Hello cutie!" and when i was in pain.."SOmebody who really loves you, will be wonderful to you, you DESERVE love!!!"

LORD DRAGOS-a wonderful man who shows such compassion, and whom i enjoy talking to very much. "thank you so much you are truly a great and wonderful friend to Me I love you"

LORD STINGER-i never realized how much of a true friend He was until He defended me against someone who was attacking my name..THAT is a true friend and i'm so lucky: "human nature, it's a bad world out there"

LORD WINTER-this wonderful man has been such a real friend, always there to talk if i wanted, to protect if attacked, and His wife is just as sweet...B/both belong together and i love T/them B/both

MAINPOWER-They say, misery loves company, this gentle kind man has not known me long, but W/we have confided O/our problems and hurt to E/each O/other. He is a beautiful artist and such an wonderful outlook on everything, i really look up to Him: "Im here if you need me If it was RT you could come over."

MEDUSA-what can i say, Big Trouble to my little trouble title *L* guess that about says it all...she has become a very good friend, and we've complained and laughed many times together, i owe her a lot, *L* besides, our taste in people is very similar: "I don't like her that much hun..*LOL* I don't even know her all that well..she can disappear for all I care"

MISTRESS TAMMY-a very sweet woman who is always concerned and has spoken to me when i wanted to, though i have not taken Her up on it much, but love Her just the same. "thank you for your note of friendship today--it was touching How are you doing?"

MYSTICAL-such a sweet sister, we found out we have much in common and she has taken a lot of time to talk to me and calm me down, and i luv her lots for that. thanks sis *HUG*

NIGHTHAWK-this man has sat and talked to me many times when i needed someone, i have known Him for a long time and W/we've shared many thoughts, and played catch during tough times, and such words of advice *L*: "*S* you should chain them down!!"

PÇ-a sweet Man Whom is my Protector in Gor, and is always watching out for me when Master is not around *S* He tries hard to help A/anyone Who is respectful to Him, as it should be. W/we have fought once, but that was resolved, and im so grateful He remains my friend, He is a very special Man.

PERFECK1-i have not known Him as much as the others, but W/we have grown to be good friends, He makes me laugh, helps me to see things as they are, not as i see them. "you always have an open ear and shoulder to cry on if you need it sweetie, anything you need, you can count on me to do what I can"

PERFECT DRUG-i feel that unless you truly know a person inside, it makes no difference physically what they look like, this man is very handsome and wonderful and is just as wonderful inside, i appreciate his talking to me and being a friend, and will always value his friendship. "no prob...and if ya ever wanna talk, I'm here." "I hope someday you will find a guy that can make you happy."

PRINCE GLYNDWR-He is truly a Prince, He has been there to hold me, to comfort me, to give what He can to make sure i am not hurting. He is a gentle man, and i love His ways of offering His shoulder to cry on or arm to hug: "I can stop for a few minutes if you need a shoulder"

PRINCESS WILDFIRE-what can one say about her....SHE GETS ME IN TROUBLE *LVH* we have discovered we are twins, *L* we are so much alike *S* nice to have an OLDER sister *ducking and running for cover: "Ok sassy and I are in the D and need you in here to help us get into have 5 seconds and counting..*giggle*"

SAMHAIN-a mellow, very kind and thoughtful man. He is always concerned about how i am and i so enjoy speaking with Him. "So how you doing my sweet" "Hiya sweetness nice to hear from you dont be such a stranger see you soon"

SARAH-one quote about this beautiful lady: "why?? You ARE beautiful...dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise" "you are quite a catch, with your energy and enthusiasm"

SASSYLEXI-my partner in crime, RobinLexi to Batsiren *smile* who worked so hard to help me with my page "Hey I love to help...*softsmile*" "oh stop it you're pretty"

SHUKAN NAR-heck i named Him, what can i say *LOL* He is hysperias' rt brother and just like her *no offense to either* He has taken on to protect me when needed, and He has entered the world of Gor like a true Warrior. He sometimes feels bad about Himself, and i wish so i could take that pain from Him, because He doesnt deserve it. He is a true friend, and i hold His friendship dearly. Thank You, SN *hugs* Its not that i dont have quotes, its just that i dont have any i can post here *LVH*

SPARKLE-a very sweet lady who has listened when i cried, helped with my avatars and just been a good friend. "one day at a time.....tis a nice ride up the mountain....enjoy the view...sometimes i think tisn't the destination as much as the road we travel that counts.....we tend to forget,......we look at the goal and we miss all the beautifull sites along the road....

STEVEN-everytime i asked to speak or felt i was bothering Him, He assured me it was no bother *smile* "get a smile on that pretty face of yours. Have confidence. Hope for the best"

THE MASTER-always has supported me and shown me pride in myself and who i am. As i said, a couple words is all it takes: "Hi gourgeous"

Of course there are Friends who i thought of as true friends, but who turned out to be influenced by their "others" who turn away, people like my ex big brother, Lobo, my ex best friend lady kailla/fang/dark pony/lijena or whatever name she uses now, who took it upon herself to go behind my back with my ex master wolverine/hassan/nomad/whatever names he uses now, another thrown in the slime pit of ex-true friends. But, Y/you know, i am thankful for even the slime that hides behind the word friend, because without the experience of deceipt, lies, manipulation, how can one truly cherish the real love of true friendship? i guess something positive does come from the deep depths of darkness. i have found out those are not nor ever been true friends..and i regret it, for i thought of them as such. Even, sadly, rt friends are this way also.

I could add another, my ex-husband, ex-master IRONMAN/Dk'tah Warrior/Jeff, but you know what, I won't. He taught me never to trust another person, never fall in love, valuable lessons. How can you hate someone who teaches you that. We had over 6 married years together and he left me without even letting me know there was anything wrong. It was my fault, I shouldn't have trusted anyone like my instincts told me to start with, but I did learn some valuable lessons. So I can't really hate him and put him with the list of others. I just thank him for one of the last lessons I will ever learn.

There are many many more friends i have which i could name, but i know i will miss some and i dont wish to upset any of them, as they well know. I hope they know who they are and realize how very much they mean to me, how very dedicated i am to our friendship, now and forever. Thank You, my dear friends, i love Y/you all *KISS*

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The darkness so strong overtakes me, within it i sit all alone,
not a word, all is silent, without even a whimper, or a moan.
The coldness of solitude, the dampness so familiar and real,
chills me throughout my body, squeezes life until i cannot feel.

The darkness is shattered by a small, bright twinkling light,
so tiny, yet brilliant that it nearly blinds my outer sight.
The warmth which it emits, goes straight through to the bone,
pushing out the coldness, in a gentle, comforting, loving tone.

I grasp for it like a rope, tossed to rescue a drowning man,
and feel it wrap around me, pushing the fear away as it can.
The warmth overtakes me, tightens around me or so it seems,
and i see the flickering of hope awaken, in darkness it gleams.

The transformation of the light, into a human so very rare,
i gaze into its beauty, feel its tenderness, and hope, i dare.
I gradually give in to its shimmering, its everglowing light,
and know that somehow, it has pushed away the lonely night.

Its hands, formed perfect, its arms now held out to only me,
its body an offering of shelter, love, hope, and serenity.
I look up into the eyes, sparkling pools never seeming to end,
i realize that this time, i have found the meaning of true friend.
siren ™05/10/98

With events which have happened recently, i have discovered that a person must choose their
true friends carefully, for even they will betray you, as did DarkPony/LadyKailla, a person which this
girl had helped through her pain and hurts, who, all along it turns out, was hurting her, stabbing her in
the back by being with her Master. I guess a thank you is in order, though, because if not for seeing her icq
posts to him, a girl wouldnt have found out her own master, whom she loved deeply enough to accept a marriage proposal,
had 7 other women he also told heartfelt love yous and had been cybering with, would not have been caught. Thank
god i found this ahead of time, for i had gone to accept rt his marriage proposal, else i'd been trapped as the 3rd *he
told me 1 marriage, but found proof of 2 marriages* unhappy marriage. I thank the heavens for this, and now am taking
it easy, counting my blessings. He insists it makes a difference it wasnt in 3 particular chat rooms, and she that it is
over, guess it doesnt matter that it happened in the first place to a person with total love and trust, who once again
is destroyed and torn, but has and will continue to grow.

You are traveler number to have blessed these halls.

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