Texas Bird Records Committee Report for 1997 MARK W. LOCKWOOD Natural Resource Program, Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department The Texas Bird Records Committee (hereafter "TBRC" or "committee") of the Texas Ornithological Society requests and reviews documentation on any record of a TBRC Review List species (available from the author; see Haynie 1998 or TBRC web page at https://members.tripod.com/~tbrc/). Annual reports of the committee's activities have appeared in the Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society since 1984. The committee reached a final decision on 229 records during 1997: 189 records of 68 species were accepted and 40 records of 30 species were not accepted, an acceptance rate of 82.5% for this report. Included under the accepted category were 14 records of 9 species pertaining to specimens located by the author that were collected prior to 1988. There were 235 observers who submitted documentation (to the TBRC or to other entities) that was reviewed by the committee during 1997. The Forty-first Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds (AOU 1997) outlined revisions to the sequence of higher taxa as well as a few species level changes. Only one species level change resulted in additions to the Texas state list. The Solitary Vireo (Vireo solitarius) was split into three species, all of which occur in Texas: Blue-headed Vireo (V. solitarius), Cassin's Vireo(V. cassinii), and Plumbeous Vireo (V. plumbeus). In addition, the TBRC accepted first records of Red-necked Stint, Kelp Gull, Roseate Tern, Ruddy Quail-Dove, Stygian Owl, Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush, and Flame-colored Tanager. A sight record of a murre was accepted during 1997 and Uria species was added to the presumptive list. There was also one species removed from the state list; Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow. The species had been previously accepted based on a single specimen. The specimen was examined by the committee and determined to be a Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow. These actions brought the official Texas state list to 606 species in good standing and the Presumptive Species List includes 6 additional species. In addition to the review of previously undocumented species, any committee member can request that a record of any species be reviewed. The committee desires written descriptions as well as photographs, video, and audio recordings if available. Information concerning a Review List species may be submitted to the committee secretary, Greg Lasley, 305 Loganberry Court, Austin, Texas 78745-6527. Guidelines for preparing rare bird documentation can be found in Dittmann and Lasley (1992). The records in this report are arranged taxonomically following the AOU Checklist of North American Birds (AOU 1983) as currently supplemented. A number in parentheses after the species name represents the total number of accepted records in Texas for that species at the end of 1997. In instances where birds were known to return from previous years, a slash and a second number denoting the total number of accepted records if known returnees are excluded. The number of accepted records are also listed for Pacific Loon, Audubon's Shearwater, Band-rumped Storm-Petrel, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Glaucous Gull and Bridled Tern, six species recently removed from Review List A. All observers who submitted written documentation or photographs of accepted records are listed by initials. If known, the initials of those who discovered a particular bird are in boldface but only if the discoverers submitted supporting documentation. The TBRC file number of each accepted record will follow the observers' initials. If photographs or video recordings are on file with the TBRC, the Texas Photo Record File (TPRF) (Texas A&M University) number is also given. If an audio recording of the bird is on file with the TBRC, the Texas Bird Sounds Library (TBSL) (Sam Houston State University) number is also given. Specimen records are denoted with an asterisk (*) followed by the institution where the specimen is housed and the catalog number. The information in each account is usually based on the information provided in the original submitted documentation; however, in some cases this information has been supplemented with a full range of dates that the bird(s) was present if that information was made available to the TBRC later. All locations in italics are counties. TBRC Membership. -- Members of the TBRC during 1997 who participated in decisions listed in this report were: John Arvin, Chair, Keith Arnold, Academician, Greg Lasley, Secretary, Carl Haynie, Mark Lockwood, Terry Maxwell, Martin Reid, Willie Sekula, and Barry Zimmer. During 1997, Carl Haynie retired from the committee, and Brush Freeman was elected as a new member. The Chair, Academician and Secretary were all re-elected. Contributors. -- Mark Adams (MAd), Lynne Aldrich, Tony Amos, Carol D.V. Anderson, Mike Armer (MAr), Frank Armstrong, Rich & Nanette Armstrong, Eddie Arnold, Keith Arnold, Mike Austin (MAu), Robby Bacon (RBa), Ebbe Banstorp, Wylie Barrow, Bob Behrstock (BBe), Charles Bender (CB), Chris Benesh (CBe), Steve Bentsen, Peter Billingham, Diane Birsner (DBi), Bill Blakeslee (BBl), Lou Bliss, Hazel Bluhm, David Bradford (DBra), Roger & Barbara Breedlove, David Brewer (DBre), Charles & Mary Brown, Barbara Bruns (BBr),Tim Brush, John Buckman, Frank Bumgardner, Susan Cage, Rose Campbell, Oscar Carmona, Ross & Dawn Carrie, Jack Chiles, Charlie Clark, Therese Clawson (TCl), Will Cook, Mel & Arlie Cooksey, Tim Cooper (TCo), Dennis Coulos, E. Cowan, Gina Crowder, Jim & Pat Culbertson, David Dauphin (DDa), Billy Davidson, Chris Davis (CDa), Michelle Davis (MDa), Donna Dittmann (DDi), Mike Dillon (MDi), Andy Donnelly, Paul DuBowy, Charles Duncan (CDu), Jon Dunn, Charles Easley (CEa), Carol Edwards (CEd), Carl Ekroth (CEk), Vince Elia (VEl), Victor Emanuel, Doug Emkalms, Steve Emmons, Gordon Ewing, Mike Farmer (MFa), Andrew Farnsworth (AFa), Alan Fedynich (AFe), Rob Fergus, Terry Ferguson (TFe), Carol Findora, Mark Flippo (MFl), Jim Flynn, Tony & Phillis Frank, Brush Freeman, Terry Fuller (TFu), Lawrence Gardella, John Gee (JGe), Brian Gibbons, Elaine Giessel, Ralph Godfrey, Jeff Gordon (JGo),Peter Gottschling, Gerry Green (GeG), Greg Griffin (GGr), Gwen Grigsby (GGw), Joe Halbrook, Peggy Harding, George Harmon (GHa), Jill Haukos, Carl Haynie, David & Linda Hedges (D&LHe), Tom & Jo Heindel, Dick Henderson, Bernie Heyman, Wally Hill, Nancy Hillstrom, Petra Hockey, Garett Hodne (GHo), Joan & Scott Holt, Lee Hoy, P. D. Hulce, David Hurt, Pete Isleib, Bob Johnson (BoJ), Brian Johnson (BrJ), Dan Jones, George Jury, Per Kaijser, Richard Kinney, Walt Kittleberger, Jane Kittleman, Ed Kutac, Linda Laack, Steve Labuda, Greg Lasley (GL), Harry LeGrand, Tony Leukering, George Levin (GLe), Carol Levine, Alec Lindsay, Keith Lockhart, Mark Lockwood, Guy & Joan Luneau (G&JLu), Barry Lyon, Duncan MacLulich, Connie Martin (CMa), Paul Marvin (PMa), Steve Matherly (SMa), Terry Maxwell, Jody Mays (JMa), Guy McCaskie, Dan McClung (DMc), Bert McKee (BeM), Brad McKinney (BMc), Kevin McLaughlin, Wayne Meyer, Paul Micallef (PMi), Charles Mills (CMi), Steve Mlodinow (SMl), Laura Moore, William Moramarco, Joseph Morlan (JMo), Elaine & Jack Morman, Bill Murphy (BMu), Ken Nanney, Luci Nash, Bruce Neville (BrN), Beth Newman (BeN), Kenny & LaDonna Nichols, Carolyn Ohl-Kolb, Dale Ohl, Mike & Sylvia O'Reilly, Brent Ortego, Michael Overton, Fred Packard, F. H. & Geraldine Pape, Ramiel Papish (RPa), Ben Parmeter (BPa), Mike Parmeter (MPar), Jim Paton (JPa), Michael Patterson (MPat), Dwight Peake (DPe), Christina Petersen, Jim Peterson, Randy Pinkston (RPi), Barbara Jean Potthast (BJP),David Pueppke (DPu), Warren Pulich, Ross Rasmussen, Janet Rathjen (JRa),John & Barbara Ribble (J&BRi), Kay Rice, Jan & Will Risser, Gary Rosenberg, Joe & Paula Russo, Billy Sandifer (BSa), Paul Saraceni (PSa), David Sarkozi (DSa), Dick Schimbov (DSc), Georgann Schmalz (GSc), Bob Schutsky, Jim Seedin (JSe), Willie Sekula, Chuck Sexton, Ken Seyffert, Tom Shane (TSh), J. W. Sifford (JWS), Macklin Smith, Stuart & Karen Sparkman, John Sproul (JSp), Tim Steure (TSt), Jim Stevenson (JSt), Cliff Stogner, Glenn Swartz (GSw), Danny Swepston (DSw), Paul Sykes (PSy), Delbert Tarter (DTa), Daniel Thompson (DTh), Steve Thompson, Dawn Tumlinson (DTu), Linda Valdez, Richard Voss, Hira Walker, Ro Wauer, Ron Weeks, Sue Weidenfeld (SWe), June Wheeler (JuW), Matt & Kristen White, John Whittle (JWh), Steve Williams, Jan Wimberley (JWi), David Wolf, Fred Wong, Eleanor Wooten, Alan Wormington, John, Paula & Nathan Wright (J, P&NW), Gail Diane Yovanovich, and Barry Zimmer. Acknowledgments. -- The TBRC is very grateful to the many contributors listed above, without whom this report would not be possible. The committee would also like to thank the following consultants who provided the TBRC with expert opinion, advice, or other information concerning records reviewed during 1997: Steve Cardiff, Donna Dittmann, Jon Dunn, Steve N. G. Howell, Joe Jehl, Guy McCaskie, Nancy Newfield, Harry Oberholser, John O'Neill, Mike Patten, Mark Peck, and Van Remsen. The author would like to thank Greg Lasley and Brush Freeman for reviewing a draft of this article. Additional Abbreviations. – ANSP = Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences; AOU = American Ornithologists' Union; BBNP = Big Bend National Park; CAS = California Academy of Sciences; CMNH = Carnagie Museum of Natural History; LSUMZ = Louisiana State University Museum of Zoology; MVZ = Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California-Berkeley; NWR= National Wildlife Refuge; ROM = Royal Ontario Museum; SHSU = Sam Houston State University; SMNH = Slater Museum of Natural History; SP = State Park; TCWC = Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection (Texas A&M University); TTU =Texas Tech University, Wildlife Sciences Collection; UMMZ = University of Michigan Museum of Zoology; UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso; WMP =Warren M. Pulich collection at The University of Dallas. ACCEPTED RECORDS
Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) (30). One was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains, from 16December 1995 - 23 January 1996 (RR, M&KW;1995-60). One was at Cooper Lake, Delta/Hopkins, 17 - 22 December 1995(RR, MW; 1995-159). One near Port Bolivar, Galveston, 28 March 1996 (KM; 1996-82). Two were at Canyon Lake, Comal, 8-31 December 1996 (WS, GL; 1996-182). One was at Balmorhea Lake, Reeves, 15 December 1996 - 3 May 1997 (G&JLu, KB, GL, CS, MAu, ML, MAd, GR; 1996-173, TPRF 1526).
Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica) (61). Two at Aransas Bay, Aransas, on 13-20 March 1994 (BO; 1994-50). One was at Imperial Reservoir, Pecos, on 2 December 1995 (BF, PH; 1995-148). One at Lake Tawakoni, Rains, from 25 December 1995to 12 May 1996 (M&KW, BF, PH, RR; 1996-4). One was at Goose Island SP, Aransas, on 30 January1996 (WC; 1996-38). This species was removed from the Review List on 19 October 1996, reports made prior to this date were reviewed.
Yellow-billed Loon (Gavia adamsii) (4). One at Balmorhea Lake, Reeves, from 21 December 1996 to 3 January 1997(KB, MAd, ML, GL, CS; 1997-5, TPRF 1528).
Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena) (12). One at Cooper Lake, Delta/Hopkins, on 28 November 1996 (M&KW; 1996-163).
Audubon's Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri) (20).An astounding 206 individuals were recorded on a pelagic trip out of Port O' Connor, Calhoun, on 30 September 1995 (DPe, BF;1995-141, TPRF 1513). This is by far the largest concentration of this species ever found in Texas waters. One was found alive, but died shortly after discovery near the Bob Hall Pier, Kleberg, on 28 October 1996 (TA; 1997-132, TPRF 1542, *TCWC 13328). Another was found dead 6 mi. south of Bob Hall Pier, Kleberg, on 21 July 1997 (M∾ 1997-128, TPRF 1540,*TCWC 13333).
Leach's Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) (13). Two were found on a pelagic trip out of Port O' Connor, Calhoun, on 30 September 1995 (DPe, BF; 1995-140, TPRF 1512)
Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) (13). One near Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron, on 23 January 1994(WK, ST, TCo, ML; 1995-143, TPRF 1437).
Brant (Branta bernicla) (16). One "Black" Brant remained at Lubbock, Lubbock, from 26 February to 20 April 1996 (CS; 1996-60, TPRF1485). One at Lake Ray Roberts, Denton, on 23 December 1996(BF; 1997-1).
Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) (2). An immature female was recovered near Vega, Oldham, on 8 April 1993 (DSw, KS, ML; 1996-15, TPRF 1521,*TTU). It was banded as a cygnet in Du Noir, Wyoming in 1992.
Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope) (25). All of the following were of adult males. One at Amarillo, Potter, from 13 November 1995 to 21 March 1996 (EK,KS, GLu, PG, TSh; 1995-146, TPRF 1429). One at El Paso, El Paso, on 2 December 1995 (JSp; 1996-47). One at Lake Marvin, Hemphill,2-14 December 1995 (KS; 1996-57). One at Tornillo Reservoir, El Paso, from 12 December 1995 to 19 January 1996 (BZ, MAu;1995-162, TPRF 1405). One at Fort Bliss, El Paso, on 24 April 1997 (BZ;1997-97, TPRF 1503).
Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) (5/4). A male at Tornillo Reservoir, El Paso, on 20 December 1995(GL, BZ; 1995-163, TPRF 1406).
Masked Duck (Nomonyx dominica) (47). Two at Anahuac NWR, Chambers, on 23 November 1989 (JWh;1994-27). At least eight were at Brazos Bend State Park, Fort Bend, 12 November 1995 to late April 1996 (BeM, JuW, FB, GL, ML, R&DC, JRa; 1996-34, TPRF 1466). One male at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, on 25-26 April 1996(TB, CDa; 1996-90, TPRF 1494). One at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 15-20 June 1996(GSw; 1996-112). Up to four were at Brazos Bend State Park, Fort Bend, 22 December 1996 to 2 March 1997(AD, RW; 1997-28, TPRF 1502).
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) (8). One at Hornsby Bend, Travis, on 11 November 1995(AFa; 1995-147).
Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus) (7). One adult at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, from 4 June to 27 July 1996(TB, SB, OC, TFu, DJ; 1996-80, TPRF 1500).
Northern Jacana (Jacana spinosa) (27). Two specimens collected in Cameron, one on 25 February 1897 (*CAS44120) and the other on 24 March 1897 (*CAS 44119), were located in 1997.
Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) (1). One alternate plumaged adult at Fort Bliss, El Paso, from 17-22 July 1996(BZ, VE, JPa, EW, GE, CA, SWe, MC, JGe, T&PF, WS, WH; 1996-94, TPRF 1447). This represented the first record for Texas.
Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) (13). One at Port Aransas, Nueces, from 16-28 April 1996 (AC, BF, PH;1996-58, TPRF 1508).
Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginae) (6). One adult in alternate plumage at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, on 22 May 1996(SB, TB, JK; 1996-79, TPRF 1499).
Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicaria) (23). One at Cooper Lake, Delta, on 11 May 1996 (M&KW; 1996-73, TPRF 1509). This represents only the third spring record for the state.
Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus) (13). One was picked up alive, but later died, at South Padre Island, Cameron, on 8 June 1989 (MFa, DDi; 1997-35,TPRF 1453, *LSUMZ 159931). One salvaged at Port Isabel, Cameron, on 17 June 1992 (DDi, DTu; 1997-36, TPRF 1454,*LSUMZ). One at McNary Reservoir, Hudspeth, from 12-14 June 1996 (JP; 1996-85, TPRF1510). One adult at Lake Tawakoni, Rains/Van Zandt, on 5 November 1996(MW; 1996-162).
Little Gull (Larus minutus) (26/22). One adult at White Rock Lake, Dallas, on 2 December 1995(KR; 1996-49). One at Lake Arlington, Tarrant, on 15-16 March 1996 (CH; 1996-46). One first-winter bird at Cooper Lake, Hopkins, from 6-12 December 1996 (M&KW; 1996-188, TPRF 1478).
Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) (10/8). One at Lake Tawakoni, Rains, on 10 December 1995 (M&KW, BF, PH; 1995-153). One at Cooper Lake, Delta, from 12 February to 25 March 1996 (MW, KL, MPat, RR; 1996-20, TPRF 1478). One at Cooper Lake, Delta/Hopkins, from 2 November 1996 to 13 February 1997 (M&KW, RW,JD; 1996-161, TPRF 1555).
Mew Gull (Larus canus) (11). One at San Antonio, Bexar, from 2 December 1995 to12 January 1996 (WS, PH, BF; 1996-5, TPRF1400). One adult at White Rock Lake, Dallas, on 6 December 1995 (GHo; 1995-158). One at Austin, Travis, from 12-16 March 1996 (AFa, BL, BMc, WS; 1996-51, TPRF 1473). One at White Rock Lake, Dallas, on 22 November 1996 (RR; 1996-158). One at Braunig Lake, Bexar, from 24 November to 14 December 1996 (WS; 1997-8, TPRF 1529).
California Gull (Larus californicus) (43). One at Port Aransas, Nueces, 3-4 May 1990(TA; 1997-158, TPRF 1552). One First-winter bird at Austin, Travis, from 20 November1995 to 29 February 1996 (BF, WS; 1995-145,TPRF 1530). One winter plumage adult at San Antonio, Bexar, from 28 December 1995 to 10 January 1996(WS, BF, PH, MAu; 1996-6, TPRF 1401). One at Bolivar Flats, Galveston, on 7 February1996 (AFa; 1996-50). One first-winter bird at Cooper Lake, Delta, from 20 February to5 March 1996 (MW; 1996-48). One at Galveston, Galveston, on 7 March 1996(DPe, LV; 1996-33, TPRF 1465). One second-winter bird at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 8 March 1996 (WS; 1996-40, TPRF 1464). One at various reservoirs in Hudspeth from5 May to 2 August 1996 (JD, JP, BZ;1996-104, TPRF 1541). Another first winter bird at North Padre Island, Kleberg, 17 September 1996(M∾ 1996-185, TPRF 1547). One adult at Mustang Island, Nueces, on 25 October 1996(WS; 1997-9, TPRF 1504).
Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri) (31). One first-winter bird at San Antonio, Bexar, on15 December 1995 (PH; 1995-157). One pale first-winter bird at Eagle Mountain Lake, Tarrant, 16 to 22 December 1995 (CH; 1996-7, TPRF 1402). One first-winter bird was at Austin, Travis, from 5-7 February 1996(WS; 1996-39, TPRF 1463). Another first-year individual was at Arlington, Tarrant, 8 February 1996 (CH; 1996-19, TPRF 1417). One first-winter bird was at Lake O' The Pines, Marion, from 23 November 1996 through 18January 1997 (GLu, HB, MDi, CMi; 1996-159, TPRF1525). One first-winter bird at White Rock Lake, Dallas, on 5 December 1996 (BG, RR; 1996-186). Another first-winter bird was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains, on 6 December 1996 (MW; 1996-189).
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) (80/59). One adult near Sea Rim State Park, Jefferson, on 27 March 1994(T&PF; 1994-101, TPRF 1539). One adult at Bolivar Flats, Galveston, on 27 January1995 (GDY; 1995-31, TPRF 1398). One at Bolivar Flats, Galveston, from 4 February to 8 March 1996 (BBe, DDA, JD; 1996-16). One at Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron, on 5February 1996 (SMl; 1996-44). One adult on Padre Island National Seashore, Kleberg, on24 February 1996 (WS; 1996-42, TPRF 1471). One at Mustang Island, Nueces, on 3 April1996 (BZ; 1996-61, TPRF 1486). One at Aransas NWR, Calhoun, on 2 December 1996(PH; 1996-171). One at Padre Island National Seashore, Kleberg, from 1 October to mid-December 1996 (M∾ 1996-184, TPRF1550).
Western Gull (Larus occidentalis) (2). One at Boca Chica, Cameron, on 6 April 1995 (J&BRi; 1995-51, TPRF 1495).
Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus) (71). One at Bolivar Flats, Galveston, in December1981 (PMi; 1996-97, TPRF 1554). One at San Luis Pass, Galveston, on 28 September 1995(RK, GHa;1995-154, TPRF 1410). Up to two were at Bolivar Flats, Galveston, from 2 December 1995 until late April 1996(PG, T&PF, GM, GL; 1996-9, TPRF 1396). One at Port Arthur, Jefferson, on 29 December1995 (K&LN; 1996-32, TPRF 1470). One at Amarillo, Potter, on 20 January 1996(KS; 1996-11). One at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 8 March 1997 (WS; 1997-67, TPRF 1507). One at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 1 April 1997 (WS; 1997-68, TPRF 1506). One at North Padre Island, Kleberg, on 5 April 1997 (WS; 1997-70, TPRF 1505).
Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) (24/15). One first-winter bird at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 2 January 1993 (PI, DBi; 1994-60). One first-winter bird at Galveston, Galveston, on 28 December 1993 (TL, VEl; 1994-64). One at Bolivar Flats and East Beach, Galveston, from 4 February to 10 August1996 (JD, BBe, T&PF, GM, GL, CS, TCl, PG, RPi, BMc, JWh, DSa, JRa, FB;1996-10, TPRF 1397). One at Brownsville, Cameron, on 5 February 1996 (SMl; 1996-45). One first-summer bird at North Padre Island, Kleberg, on 27 April 1996 (M∾ 1996-98, TPRF 1553). One second-winter bird was at East Beach, Galveston, from 22 November to26 April 1997 (JSt, KA, DPe, ML, DSa, AW;1996-169, TPRF 1533).
Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) (2/1). One third-winter bird was at East Beach, Galveston, from 15 January to 5 April 1996 (BBe, JD,PG, LA, T&PF, SMa, MS, MAu, PSy, BBl, GM, GL, CS, TCl, JB, PDH, DPe, HB, AFa, E&JM, RPi, BMc, SE, FB; 1996-17, TPRF 1393). Apparently the same bird returned to East Beach, Galveston, from 30November 1996 to 21 April 1997 (DPe, JWh, BBe, KA, JRa, DSa, ML, JMo, PDH, AW; 1996-180, TPRF 1523). A photograph of this first record for Texas was published in Field Notes 50:190 and on the cover of Field Notes 51(4).
Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) (62). One first-winter bird was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus, from 18-25 November 1995(M&KW, HB; 1995-152). One first-winter bird was at White Rock Lake, Dallas, from 3-6December 1995 (M&KW, BG; 1996-8). One first-winter bird was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains/Van Zandt, from 25-26December 1995 (M&KW, BF, PH; 1996-3). One was found dead at Port Aransas, Nueces, on 1January 1996 (TA, GL; 1997-131, TPRF 1538,*TCWC 13332). One first-winter bird at Galveston, Galveston, on 10 February 1996 (R&BB, RBa; 1996-18). One first-winter bird was at Padre Island National Seashore, Kleberg, on 24-28 February 1996 (WS, MC; 1996-43, TPRF 1472). One first-winter bird at Austin, Travis, on3 March 1996 (LH; 1996-103). One first-winter bird at Imperial Reservoir, Pecos, on 13 November 1996 (BF, PH; 1996-150). One first-winter bird at Bryan, Brazos, on 20November 1996 (KA; 1996-156). Another first-winter bird was at Cooper Lake, Hopkins, on 23 November 1996 (M&KW; 1996-164). One was at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie/Cass, on 30 November 1996 (CMi, GL, BF, M&KW; 1996-155, TPRF 1484). One first-winter bird at Greenville, Hunt, from 1-2 December 1996(M&KW; 1996-165). Another first-winter bird was at Mitchell Lake, Bexar, from 7-8December 1996 (WS; 1997-10, TPRF 1477). One first-winter bird at Surfside, Brazoria, from 21-22 December 1996 (RW, DDA;1996-178). One first-winter bird was at Red Bluff Lake, Reeves, on 30 December 1996 (BF; 1997-2). One picked up alive, but later dies, at Port Aransas, Nueces, on 13 March 1997 (TA, GL;1997-127, TPRF 1537, *TCWC 13331). Another first-winter bird was at Padre Island National Seashore, Kleberg, on 9November 1997 (PD, GC; 1997-160).
Sabine's Gull (Xema sabini) (44). An adult was at McNary Reservoir, Hudspeth, from13-15 July 1996 (JPa, BZ; 1996-95, TPRF1440). Another adult was in Harrison on 8September 1996 (GLu; 1996-117). One was at Imperial Reservoir, Pecos, on 29 September1996 (BJP; 1996-120). One at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt, on 5 October 1996(JWS, RK;1996-124).
Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii) (2). A specimen collected by Frank Armstrong in Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 10 April 1901was located at ROM (FA, ML; 1996-111, TPRF1535, *ROM 39704). One at Cooper Lake, Delta, on 25 June 1995 (M&KW; 1995-92). Armstrong's specimen had been previously examined by Oberholser, however as with all of the specimens he examined he did not note the collection in which the specimen was housed. As a result Texas' first record was not accepted until 96 years after it was collected.
Bridled Tern (Sterna anaethetus) (16). Twenty-two were recorded on a pelagic trip out of Port O' Connor, Calhoun, on 30 September 1995(DPe, BF;1995-142, TPRF 1514).
Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus) (4). One on North Padre Island, Kenedy, on 28 June 1996 (MC, BSa; 1996-99).
murre species (Uria species) (1). One at Lake O' The Pines, Marion, from 19-20 March 1994(KN, HB, FB, GY; 1994-70). This sight record was originally submitted as a Common Murre (U. aagle) and was not accepted. The committee thought the distance from which the observations were made and the lack of inland Common Murre records in North America precluded at positive species level identification.
Ruddy Ground-Dove (Columbina talpacoti) (10). A pair at El Paso, El Paso, from 20-23 April 1996 (JPa, BZ; 1996-62, TPRF 1487).
Ruddy Quail-Dove (Geotrygon montana) (1). One at Bentsen-Rio Grande SP,Hidalgo, from 2-6 March 1996(BrJ, CP,SB, BMc, TB, FB, WS, BF, T&PF, MAu, GL, TS; 1996-28, TPRF 1468). A photograph of this first record for Texas was published in Field Notes50:303.
Stygian Owl (Asio stygius) (1). One at Bentsen-Rio Grande SP, Hidalgo, on 26 December 1996 (J,P&NW, J&PC, JK, SB, LM, CDu; 1997-4, TPRF 1527). A photograph of this most unexpected first U. S. record was published in Field Notes 51:770.
Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) (17). A specimen collected in El Paso, El Paso, on 10 February 1983 was located during 1997 (*UTEP 886). One was in El Paso, El Paso, on 17 December 1996 (J≺ 1997-100, TPRF 1501).
Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassinus) (21). One at Fredricksburg, Gillespie, from May to September 1995 (exact dates unknown) (FH&GP; 1996-141). One was near Lake Bastrop, Bastrop, from 12-23 May 1996 (J&BR, BF, OC, RF; 1996-72, TPRF 1511).
Green-breasted Mango (Anthracothorax prevostii) (5). Up to two were at San Benito, Cameron, from 17-20 August 1996(TFu, GGw, BMc, JGo; 1996-107, TPRF 1544).
Broad-billed Hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostris) (24/23). A male at Cottonwood Campground, BBNP, Brewster, on 13 November 1991(SWe; 1995-48). A female at Laguna Meadows, BBNP, Brewster, on 23 August 1996(J≀ 1996-109). A male at San Antonio, Bexar, from 6 October 1996 to 12 January1997 (SC, CB, WS; 1996-144, TPRF 1476). A male at Inez, Victoria, from 16 November to7 December 1996 (EG, RV, GeG, PH, SW; 1996-160).
White-eared Hummingbird (Hylocharis leucotis) (8). A male at Guadalupe Mountains NP, Culberson, on 31 May 1996 (GGr; 1996-84).
Violet-crowned Hummingbird (Amazilia violiceps) (3). One at Big Bend NP, Brewster, from 30-31 March 1996(MDa, AL, FW, BH; 1996-54, TPRF 1479). One at Lake Amistad, Val Verde, on 31 October1996 (JWi; 1996-145, TPRF 1551).
Costa's Hummingbird (Calypte costae) (5). Up to seven individuals at El Paso, El Paso, from 28 October to 12 December1995 (BZ, BF, ML; 1995-151, TPRF 1409). An amazing record which included two adult males, four immature males and a female. All previous state records were of single birds.
Allen's Hummingbird (Selasphorus sasin) (7). An immature male was at Canton, Van Zandt, from 20 October 1994 to 1January 1995 when it was found dead (RK, WP; 1996-70, TPRF 1492, *WMP3678). Up to two immature males (captured and measured) were at Victoria, Victoria, from 13 November 1995 through "mid" March 1996 (BO,PH, BF; 1995-136).
Elegant Trogon (Trogon elegans) (5). One male in the Chisos Basin, BBNP, Brewster, from 28 November 1995 to 8 January 1996 (LN, EC; 1996-52). One in Boot Canyon, BBNP, Brewster, on 16 June 1996 (D&LHe; 1996-63).
Lewis' Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) (29/27). A specimen collected in the Chisos Mountains, Brewster, on 1 May 1935 (*CMNH 117315) was located during1997. One on Lombardy Street in El Paso, El Paso, from 7 November 1995 to 10 February 1996(BZ, BrN, BF, PH, DBra, GL, MAu, T&PF;1995-139, TPRF 1428). One on Frontera Street in El Paso, El Paso, from 22 November 1995 to 15 February 1996 (GL;1995-164, TPRF 1407). The bird on Frontera Street in El Paso, El Paso, returned 29 October 1996 to19April 1997 (JPa, BZ, GL; 1996-152, TPRF1483). The bird on Lombardy Street in El Paso, El Paso, returned 5 November 1996 to 27 April 1997 (BF, PH, RW,GL, DBra, MC, ML; 1996-151, TPRF 1441). One at Imperial Reservoir, Pecos, on 12 December 1996(BJP; 1996-174).
Greater Pewee (Contopus pertinax) (5). One at El Paso, El Paso, from 5-14 December 1995 (BZ, BrN, DE; 1995-161, TPRF1404).
Dusky-capped Flycatcher (Myiarchus tuberculifer) (10). Two specimens collected in El Paso, El Paso, on 11 May 1891 were located during1997 (*CMNH 119210 & 119211). One at Pine Canyon, BBNP, Brewster, from 23 April-8 May 1996 (BG, FW, BRi, MPar, BPa, MFl;1996-75, TPRF 1497). One at the Lawrence Wood Picnic Area, Davis Mtns., Jeff Davis, on 8 July 1996(DHe; 1996-102).
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (Myiodynastes luteiventris) (5). One at Port Aransas, Nueces, from 27-29 August1993. (J&SH; 1994-20).
Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus) (11). Up to seven at Villanueva, Cameron, from 11 November 1995 + (BMc; 1996-29, TPRF1469). Two at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, from10-17 February 1996 (BMc; 1996-30). Up to two at Cottonwood Campground, BBNP, Brewster, from 24 June - 3 August 1996(BL, MAr, MFl, BZ, VE; 1996-92, TPRF 1498, TBSL 203-18).
Rose-throated Becard (Pachyramphus aglaiae) (21/18). A specimen collected at Brownsville, Cameron, on 30October 1891 was located during 1997 (*ANSP 40539). An egg set was collected in Hidalgo on 10 May 1957 was also located during 1997 (*SMNH 15347). One at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, from 18 February-14 March 1996(T&PF, LM, BMc, CBe; 1996-21, TPRF 1394).
Yellow-green Vireo (Vireo flavoviridis) (14/13). A specimen collected at Brownsville, Cameron, on 7 June 1892 was located during 1997 (*ANSP 42478). Another specimen collected at Matagorda Island, Matagorda, on 9 May 1938 was located during 1997 (*UMMZ 195270). One was at High Island, Galveston, from 15-23 April 1996(DW, T&JH, GM, FB, JD; 1996-69, TPRF 1491).
Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana) (12). One at Quitaque, Floyd, from 13-14 December1996 (TFe; 1996-179, TPRF 1547). One at Lubbock, Lubbock, on 18 January 1997 (GJ;1997-40, TPRF 1455). One at Sherwood, Irion, from 31 January - 1 February 1997 (DMc, TM, DTa; 1997-39, TPRF 1456). This the first winter with multiple records for this species since the early 1970's.
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush (Catharus aurantiirostris) (1). One at Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron, on 8 April1996 (RPa, DBre, JMa, GSc, SL; 1996-59, TPRF 1493). A photograph of this first record for United States was published in Field Notes 50:304.
Clay-colored Robin (Turdus grayi) (47). One at Salineño, Starr, from early November to 31 December1995 (JGo; 1996-2). One at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, from mid February to 8 April 1996 (LM, BMc, T&PF,BZ, TB; 1996-27, TPRF 1467).
Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius) (16). One at Balmorhea SP, Reeves, from 9-22 February 1996 (CS, GM, TCl, JF; 1996-22,TPRF 1395).
Aztec Thrush (Ridgwayia pinicola) (4). One at Corpus Christi, Nueces, from 16-20 May 1996(M&SO, AC, BF, T&PF, DBra, JGe, CEd, RF,SB, J&BR; 1996-71, TPRF 1496).
Red-faced Warbler (Cardellina rubrifrons) (15). A specimen collected in El Paso on 17 August 1890 (*MVZ 37897) was located during 1996. One at Boot Spring, BBNP, Brewster, on 13-14 August 1995 (S&KS, DPu; 1995-106). One at El Paso, El Paso, on 12 May 1996 (JPa;1996-77). One in Pine Canyon, BBNP, Brewster, on 12 August 1996 (JGe, CEd; 1996-106).
Golden-crowned Warbler (Basileuterus culicivorus) (10). One at Bentsen-Rio Grande SP, Hidalgo, on 21 December 1995 (CF; 1996-134).
Flame-colored Tanager (Piranga bidentata) (2). A male at Pine Canyon, BBNP, Brewster, from 14-19 April1996 (CO, DO, AL, DC, BeN, BG, MDa, HW, WB; 1996-64, TPRF 1488). Another male was at Chisos Basin, BBNP, Brewster, from 20-22April 1996 (AL, BG, PK, MDa; 1996-65, TPRF1489).
Baird's Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii) (23). A specimen collected in Brewster on 22November 1975 was located during 1997 (*SHSU 959). One in Jeff Davis on 28 November 1995 (PH, BF; 1995-156). One near Panther Junction, BBNP, Brewster, from 1-2May 1996 (BMu, PMa, DSc, CMa, CEk, JD;1996-66, TPRF 1490). One at Cattail Falls, BBNP, Brewster, on 11 May 1996 (BG; 1996-133). One in Jeff Davis on 15November 1996 (R&NA; 1996-157).
Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla) (20/18). Two specimens collected in Orange, one on 15 March 1887 (*UMMZ 48964)and one on 4 April 1887 (*UMMZ 48963), were located in 1997. One at Hueco Tanks SP, El Paso, from 13 November 1995 to13 April 1996 (BZ, BF, MAu; 1995-149, TPRF1408).
Yellow-eyed Junco (Junco phaeonotus) (5). One at Guadalupe Mountains NP, Culberson, on 5 November 1995(DTh; 1995-144).
Blue Bunting (Cyanocompsa parellina) (16). A female at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, on 11 November 1995(WM; 1995-155). A pair at Bentsen-Rio Grande SP, Hidalgo, from 17 December 1995to 27 March 1996 (LM, BMc, GLe, SMl, BBe, JGo; 1996-26).
Lawrence's Goldfinch (Carduelis lawrencei) (9). One male at Fort Bliss, El Paso, on 11 February 1996(BoJ; 1996-53, TPRF 1474). One male at the Lawrence Wood Picnic Area, Jeff Davis, on12 October 1996 (AD; 1995-125). Up to 12 at Hueco Tanks SP, El Paso, from 12 October1996 to 9 March 1997 (JPa, ML, JWS, MC, CEa, DBra, BF, PH, GL, MAu, BZ, RR; 1996-126, TPRF 1557). Up to two at Fort Bliss, El Paso, from 12 October - 1November 1996 (JPa, MAu; 1996-127). Five at Marathon, Brewster, on 21 October 1996(LB; 1996-154). One at Tornillo, El Paso, on 3 November 1996(MAu; 1996-148). A male in Jeff Davis on 18 November 1996 (RW; 1996-177). Up to six at Macho Tank, Hudspeth, on 29 December 1996 and 17 February 1997(BZ, JPa; 1997-7). UNACCEPTED A number of factors may contribute to a record being denied acceptance. It is quite uncommon for a record to not be accepted because the bird was obviously misidentified. More commonly, a record is not accepted because the material submitted was incomplete, insufficient, superficial, or just too vague to properly document the reported occurrence while eliminating all other similar species. Also, written documentation or descriptions prepared entirely from memory weeks, months, or years after a sighting are seldom voted on favorably. It is important that the simple act of not accepting a particular record should by no means indicate that the TBRC or any of its members feels the record did not occur as reported. The non-acceptance of any record simply reflects the opinion of the TBRC that the documentation, as submitted, did not meet the rigorous standards appropriate for adding data to the formal historical record. The TBRC makes every effort to be as fair and objective as possible regarding each record. If the committee is unsure about any particular record, it prefers to err on the conservative side and not accept a good record rather than validate a bad one. All records, whether accepted or not, remain on file and can be re-submitted to the committee if additional substantive material is presented. Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata). One (1995-40) at Lake O' The Pines, Marion, on 2 January 1995. Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica). One(1993-100) at Lake Texoma, Grayson, on 27March - 3 April 1993. Audubon's Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri). One (1996-55) found dead on North Padre Island, Nueces, on 13 September1992. The bird was turned into the National Park Service headquarters, but was apparently not saved. Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma castro). One (1995-104) off Port Isabel, Cameron, on 1 July 1995. White-tailed Tropicbird (Phaethon lepturus). Two (1996-1) over Bentsen-Rio Grande SP, Hidalgo, 25 December 1995. Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator). Two (1996-68) were in Garza between 8January and 4 March 1996. The swans originated from eggs brought from Alaska to Minnesota as part of the re-introduction program currently underway. The TBRC does not consider individuals from this effort to qualify as state records at this time. Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope). One (1996-35) at Loy Lake, Grayson, from 18February to 22 March 1996. The bird was determined to be a Eurasian Wigeon x American Wigeon hybrid. American Black Duck (Anas rubripes). One (1994-167) was captured during a waterfowl survey in Parmer on 26 January 1986. Even with hand held photographs of the bird the specific identity could not be determined. The possibility that the bird might be an American Black Duck x Mallard hybrid was also a consideration. Garganey (Anas querquedula). One (1996-146) at Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron, on 5 November 1996. Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). One (1996-139) at Welder Wildlife Refuge, San Patricio, on 16December 1995. Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni). One (1996-137) at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 16 December 1995. Two (1996-138) at Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron, on 17 December 1995. Swainson's Hawk is not a review species, but details of reports from December-January are reviewed. There are very few well documented midwinter records of this species from Texas. Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus). One (1996-13) at Ballou Island, Aransas, on 30 December 1995. Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima). One (1996-176) at Bentsen-Rio Grande SP, Hidalgo, on 27 February 1979. Ruff (Philomachus pugnax). One (1996-55) at Greenbelt Lake, Donley, on 9April 1996. Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus). One (1996-149) at Imperial Reservoir, Pecos, on 11 November 1996. California Gull (Larus californicus). One (1996-105) at Corpus Christi, Nueces,21 October 1945 and 17 March 1946. Up to four birds (1994-136) at Cooper Lake, Delta, from 26 May 1994 through early January 1995. One (1996-24) at Port Aransas, Nueces, 24 November 1995. Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus). One (1994-175) at Lubbock, Lubbock, from13-28 November 1994. One (1996-135) at Tarrant from 16-23 December 1995. One (1996-136) at Sea Rim SP, Jefferson, on 31 December 1995. One(1996-183) at Goose Island SP, Aransas, on2 November 1996. Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus). One (1995-21) at Aransas NWR, Aransas, from 19-24 February 1995. Ruddy Ground-Dove (Columbina talpacoti). One (1996-140) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, on 16 December 1995. Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassinus). One (1996-63) at Packery Channel Park, Nueces, on 13 April 1996. Allen's Hummingbird (Selasphorus sasin). One (1995-47) at San Marcos, Hays, from13 January-18 March 1995. The bird appeared to begin to practice a display flight similar to that of an Allen's Hummingbird in early spring. The committee felt that the possible display flight was not enough evidence to accept the record. Amazon Kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona). Up to two (1996-142) at Rangerville, Cameron, from 21 October-23 November 1996. The written details were very suggestive, however the photos of the bird were at best inconclusive and the committee felt that the submitted materials were not strong enough to document a first U.S. record. Greater Pewee (Contopus pertinax). One (1996-108) at Grandfalls, Ward, on 27August 1996 was suggestive, but did not adequately eliminate other Contopus species. Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus). One (1995-29) at Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron, on 20 January 1995. Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana). One (1996-181) at South Padre Island, Cameron, on 24 April 1996. Connecticut Warbler (Oporornis agilis). One (1994-80) at Jefferson, Marion, on26 April 1994. One (1995-138) at San Ygnacio, Zapata, on 9 November 1995. Gray-crowned Yellowthroat (Geothlypis poliocephala). One (1995-137) at Zapata, Zapata, on 9 November 1995. One (1996-25) at Bentsen-Rio Grande SP, Hidalgo, on 29 December 1995. Baird's Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii). One (1996-36) at Dallas on 13 March 1996. Blue Bunting (Cyanocompsa parellina). Two (1996-78) at Chisos Basin, BBNP, Brewster, on 9 May 1996. Two (1996-121) at Sam Nail Ranch, BBNP, Brewster, on 25 August 1996. One(1996-122) at BBNP, Brewster on 29September 1996. Currently there are no accepted records of Blue Bunting from the Trans-Pecos. White-winged Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera). One (1996-190) at Kilgore, Rusk, on 24 November 1996. LITERATURE CITED AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION. 1983.Check-list of North American birds, 6th ed. American Ornithologists' Union. _____. 1997. Forty-first Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 114: 542-552. DITTMANN, D. L., and G. W. LASLEY. 1992. How to document rare birds. Birding 24:145-159. HAYNIE, C. B. 1996. Texas bird records committee report for 1995.Bull. of the Tex. Ornith. Soc. 29: 2-10. |
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