4200 Smith School Road, Austin, Texas 78744 The Texas Bird Records Committee (hereafter "TBRC" or "committee") of the Texas Ornithological Society requests and reviews documentation on any record of a TBRC Review List species (available from the author; see Haynie 1998 or TBRC web page at https://members.tripod.com/~tbrc/). Annual reports of the committee’s activities have appeared in the Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society since 1984. The committee reached a final decision on 164 records during 1999: 110 records of 53 species were accepted and 54 records of 39 species were not accepted, an acceptance rate of 67% for this report. There were 210 observers who submitted documentation (to the TBRC or to other entities) that was reviewed by the committee during 1999. In 1999 the TBRC accepted first state records of Stejneger’s Petrel, King Eider, Black-tailed Gull, Yellow-footed Gull, and Piratic Flycatcher. These actions brought the official Texas State List to 618 species in good standing. This total does not include the five species listed on the Presumptive Species List. In addition to the review of previously undocumented species, any committee member may request that a record of any species be reviewed. The committee desires written descriptions as well as photographs, video, and audio recordings if available. Information concerning a Review List species may be submitted to the committee secretary, Greg Lasley, 305 Loganberry Court, Austin, Texas 78745-6527 (email: glasley@earthlink.net). Guidelines for preparing rare bird documentation can be found in Dittmann and Lasley (1992). The records in this report are arranged taxonomically following the AOU Checklist of North American Birds (AOU 1998). A number in parentheses after the species name represents the total number of accepted records in Texas for that species at the end of 1999. The numbers of accepted records are also listed for Lesser Black-backed Gull, Tropical Kingbird, and Clay-colored Robin, three species recently removed from Review List A, though retained on Review List B. All observers who submitted written documentation or photographs of accepted records are acknowledged by initials. If known, the initials of those who discovered a particular bird are in boldface but only if the discoverers submitted supporting documentation. The TBRC file number of each accepted record will follow the observers' initials. If photographs or video recordings are on file with the TBRC, the Texas Photo Record File (TPRF) (Texas A&M University) number is also given. If an audio recording of the bird is on file with the TBRC, the Texas Bird Sounds Library (TBSL) (Sam Houston State University) number is also given. Specimen records are denoted with an asterisk (*) followed by the institution where the specimen is housed and the catalog number. The information in each account is usually based on the information provided in the original submitted documentation; however, in some cases this information has been supplemented with a full range of dates the bird(s) was present if that information was made available to the TBRC later. All locations in italics are counties. TBRC Membership -- Members of the TBRC during 1999 who participated in decisions listed in this report were: Mark Lockwood, Chair, Keith Arnold, Academician, Greg Lasley, Secretary, Brush Freeman, Petra Hockey, Terry Maxwell, Martin Reid, Willie Sekula, and Barry Zimmer. During 1999, Terry Maxwell and Barry Zimmer were elected to second terms and the Chair, Academician, and Secretary were re-elected. Contributors -- Robin Alexander, Tony Amos, John Arvin, Eleanor Baker, Nick Barber (NBa), Peter Barnes (PBa), Keith Bartels (KBa), Boyd Bauer (BBa), Giff Beaton (GBe), Bob Behrstock (BBe), Robert Benson (RBe), Steve Bentsen, Lynne & Ray Bieber (L&RBi), Lorie Black (LBl), Gene Blacklock (GBl), Lytle Blankenship (LyB), Peter & Elaine Bono (P&EBo), Bruce Bowman (BBo), Ned Brinkley (NBr), Philip Bristow (PBr), David Brotherton , Charles Brown, Barbara Bruns (BBr), Tim Brush, Kelly Bryan (KBr), John Buckman, Frank Bumgardner, Barry & Pauline Burton (B&PBu), Rudy Cadra (RCa), Oscar Carmona, Eric Carpenter, Neal Clark, Therese Clawson (TCl), Alec & Rose Cockle (A&RCoc), Sheridan Coffey (ShC), Scarlet Colley (ScC), Tom & Sherry Collins (T&SCo), Bruce & Mary Collins (B&MCo), Arlie & Mel Cooksey (A&MCo), Dan Cooper, Martin Cribb (MCr), John Cudworth (JoC), Jim & Pat Culbertson (J&PCu), Carolyn Cuthbertson (CCu), Noreen Damude, Willie D'Anna, Ross Dawkins, Manuel DeLeon (MDe), Dean DiTommaso, Frank Dobinson, Mary Dodson (MDo), Jon Dunn, Charles Easley (CEa), Marc & Maryann Eastman (M&MEa), Leon Edmunds, Carol Edwards (CEd), Jan Elston, Mark Elwonger (MEl), Michael Engle (MEn), Andy Farnsworth, Bill Farnsworth (BFa), Dixie Feuerbacher (DFe), Carol Findora, Dean Fisher (DFi), Bob Fisher (BFi), Ian Fisher, Raymond Fleetwood, Mark Flippo, Tony & Phyllis Frank, Bobbye Frazier (BoF), Brush Freeman (BFr), Bert Frenz (BeF), Tony Gallucci, Dawn Garcia, Murray Gardler, John Gee (JGe), Brian Gibbons, Jeff Gordon (JGo), Peter Gottschling, Ron Guthberlet, Laurens Halsey (LaH), Jim & Linda Hargrove (J&LHa), Bea Harrison (BHa), Jill Haukos (JiH), Mike Hayes, Dick Henderson, Jim Henderson (JHe), John Higgins (JoH), Jim Hines (JHi), Petra Hockey (PHo), Garrett Hodne, Buddy Hollis (BHo), Joan & Scott Holt, P. D. Hulce (PDH), Marshall Iliff, Bernice Jackson, Tom Johnson, Paul Julian, John Karges (JKa), Laura Karr, Barbara Kennett, Jane Kittleman (JKi), Ed Kutac, Bruce Labio (BLa), Greg Lasley (GL), Geoff LeBaron (GLe), A. E. Lee (AEL), Jason Leifester (JaL), Tony Leukering, Jim Levark (JiL), Mark Lockwood, Benny Long (BLo), Kay & Robert Lookingbill, Guy Luneau (GLu), Craig & Hillary Machtans (C&HMa), Claude Marcil (ClM), Terry Maxwell (TMa), Blake Maybank (BMa), Guy McCaskie, Janice McClintock (JaM), Jimmy McHaney (JMc), Craig McIntyre (CMc), Brad McKinney (BMc), Stennie Meadours (SMe), Dotty Mearns (DoM), David Merrick (DMe), Bob & Dorothy Metzler (B&DMe), Steve Mlodinow (SMl), Laura Moore, Jim Morgan (JMo), Terry Morgan (TeM), Tom Morris (TMo), John Muldrow (JMu), David Nelson, John O'Brien (JOB), Paul O'Brien, Jim & Lisa O'Donnell (J&LOD), Dale Ohl, Carolyn Ohl (COh), Chris O'Quinn (COQ), Brent Ortego, Carolyn & Charles Overstreet (C&CO), Mike Overton, Richard Palmer, Jim Paton, Dwight Peake, Tom Pincelli, Betsy Potter (BPo), Barbara Jean Potthast (BJP), Bob Proctor (BPr), Warren Pulich, Ross Rasmussen, Martin Reid, John & Barbara Ribble (J&BRi), Art & Hanna Richard, Don Richardson (DRi), Cecilia Riley, Jan & Will Risser (J&WRi), Dan Roberts (DaR), Dwayne Rodgers (DRo), Phil Rostron, Bob Rozinski (BRo), Will Russell (WRu), Sheridan Samano (SSa), Billy Sandifer, David Sarkozi, Marcy Scott (MSc), Rosemary Scott (RSc), Willie Sekula (WS), Nathan Senner, Chuck Sexton (CSe), Ken Seyffert, Cliff Shackelford (CSh), Wendy Shattil (WSh), J. W. Sifford (JWS), Joel Simon, Sharon Skelly (SSk), Jeanne Skelly (JSk), Mary Kay Skoruppa (MKS), Richard Smith (RSm), Jim Stevenson (JSt), Elton Stilwell, Cliff and Dixie Stogner (C&DSt), Paul Sunby (PSu), Peder Svingen (PSv), Glenn Swartz, Jay Thomasson, David and Marian Tomlinson (D&MTo), Ian Tomlinson, David Trollman (DTr), Peggy Tropser, Peter Vennema, Al Viola, Karen Walz (KWa), Jim Walz (JWa), Ro Wauer (RWa), Ron Weeks (RWe), Bruce Wessling, Joyce Wheeler (JWhe), Matt & Kristin White (M&KWh), John Whittle (JWh), Sue Wiedenfeld (SWi), Steve Williams (StW), Jack Windsor (JWi), David Wolf, Sharon Yarborough, Jimmy Zabriskie, and Barry Zimmer. Acknowledgments -- The TBRC is very grateful to the many contributors listed above, without whom this report would not be possible. The committee would also like to thank the following consultants who provided the TBRC with expert opinion, advice, or other information concerning records reviewed during 1999: John Abbott, Jim Bangma, Rick Blom, Jon Dunn, Shawneen Finnegan, Alastair Forsyth, Kimball Garrett, David James, Alvaro Jaramillo, David Lee, Paul Lehman, Nick Lethaby, Bob Lewis, Ian Lewis, Guy McCaskie, Edward Messiah, Storrs Olsen, Michael Patten, Will Russell, Brad Schram, David Sibley, and Angus Wilson. The author thanks Martin Reid, Petra Hockey, and Brush Freeman for reviewing previous drafts of this report. Additional Abbreviations. -- AOU = American Ornithologists' Union; NP = National Park; NWR = National Wildlife Refuge; SP = State Park; TCWC = Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection (Texas A&M University). Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) (36). One at Lake Tawakoni, Rains, on 25 January 1999 (SMl; 1999-5). One at Cooper Lake, Hopkins/Delta, from 7-8 November 1997 (MWh, PHo; 1997-152). Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena) (15). One at Lake Ray Roberts, Cooke, on 28 December 1997 (BFr; 1998-1; TPRF 1699). One at Imperial Reservoir, Pecos, on 22 February 1998 (BJP; 1998-33). Stejneger’s Petrel (Pterodroma longirostris) (1). One found dead on Mustang Island, Nueces, on 15 September 1995 (TA; 1997-59; TPRF 1746; *TCWC 13351). This represents the first record for Texas. Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus) (11). One found dead on San Jose Island, Aransas, on 16 September 1995 (TA; 1997-60; TPRF 1702; *TCWC 13352). Red-billed Tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus) (3). One off Port O’Connor, Calhoun, on 5 September 1998 (PHo, BFr, DP, JOB, MEl; 1998-126). Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) (14). One at Galveston, Galveston, on 14 December 1996 (J&LOD; 1997-6). Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope) (28). A male near Del Rio, Val Verde, in mid-January 1998 (BLo; 1998-92; TPRF 1718). Another male near Laguna Vista, Cameron, from 20 January to 28 February 1999 (GL, SB; 1999-24; TPRF 1730). King Eider (Somateria spectabilis) (1). A male at Quintana, Brazoria, from 30 April to 7 May 1998 (TL, CEa, RWe, MCo, JMo, MEl, B&JR, T&PF, JWh, CSe, TMo, LK, PSu, PV, GBe, MI, SB, MDo; 1998-59; TPRF 1729). This is the first documented record for Texas. Masked Duck (Nomonyx dominicus) (54). Three at Brazoria NWR, Brazoria, from 16 October to 16 November 1968 (RF; 1999-51; TPRF 1726). One at Riviera, Kleberg, from 10-17 May 1998 (MCo; 1998-106). Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis) (2). One female plumaged individual near Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley SP, Hidalgo, from 17-29 May 1998 (WSh, BRo; 1998-119; TPRF 1724). Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) (13). One immature bird at Buffalo Lake NWR, Randall, on 27 December 1997 (KS; 1998-2). Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus) (10). One at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley SP, Hidalgo, on 27 April 1998 (MI, NBr, AF; 1998-58). Another at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, from 21 May to 30 June 1998 (TP, JKi, LM, OC, J&WRi; 1998-77). Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris acuminata) (2). One at Mitchell Lake, Bexar, from 21-22 September 1996 (CCu; 1996-128). Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) (22). One near Seadrift, Calhoun, on 30 April 1998 (BFr; 1998-51). Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicaria) (27). One at Abilene, Taylor, on 5 October 1998 (LBl; 1998-135). Another at San Luis Pass, Galveston, on 21 April 1999 (JSt; 1999-40; TPRF 1725). Little Gull (Larus minutus) (30). A juvenal plumaged bird at Lake Benbrook, Tarrant, from 14-19 November 1999 (MR, ShC, JWS, JMc, GL, BFr, EC; 1999-97; TPRF 1755). Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) (18). One
returning to Cooper Lake, Delta/Hopkins, from 18 November
1998 to 24 February 1999 (MWh; 1999-9; TPRF 1741). Another
returning individual at Village Creek Drying Beds, Tarrant,
from 2 February to 1 March 1999 (MR, MWh, JWS, JMc, ML,
J&BRi; 1999-21; TPRF 1740). Mew Gull (Larus canus) (14). One at El Paso, El Paso, on 21 January 1998 (BZ; 1998-36; TPRF 1713). One at Lake Grapevine, Tarrant, on 5 March 1998 (RR; 1998-34). Another at the Village Creek Wastewater Facility, Tarrant, on 28 February 1999 (BG, MR; 1999-32; TPRF 1736). California Gull (Larus californicus) (55). One at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt, on 25 December 1997 (RR; 1998-3). One at McNary Reservoir, Hudspeth, on 23 January 1998 (BZ; 1998-38; TPRF 1714). One at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 24 February 1998 (CSe; 1998-12). One at Fort Hancock Reservoir, Hudspeth, and Tornillo Reservoir, El Paso, from 1-14 July 1998 (JP; 1998-101). One at the Village Creek Wastewater Facility, Tarrant, on 21 November 1998 (MR; 1998-145; TPRF 1735). One at Fort Hancock Reservoir, Hudspeth, on 19 December 1998 (JP; 1999-12). Two at El Paso, El Paso, from 6 January to 23 February 1999 (BZ, JP; 1999-16; TPRF 1715). California Gull was removed from the TBRC Review List on 13 November 1999. Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri) (42). One at Arlington, Tarrant, on 22 February 1997 (MG; 1997-143; TPRF 1716). One at Galveston, Galveston, from 31 December 1997 to 23 February 1998 (PDH; 1998-27; TPRF 1723). One at Corpus Christi, Nueces, from 23 January to 7 March 1998 (MCo, CSe, WS; 1998-13; TPRF 1691). Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) (88). One at Seadrift, Calhoun, from 1 December 1996 to February 1997 (PHo, ML; 1996-170). Lesser Black-backed Gull was removed from the TBRC Review List on 1 November 1997. Yellow-footed Gull (Larus livens) (1). One near Surfside, Brazoria, on 9 July 1998 (RWe; 1998-141; TPRF 1743). This represents the first record for Texas. Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) (26). One at Galveston, Galveston, on 22 November 1996 (JSt; 1996-169). One on Bolivar Flats, Galveston, from 18 April to 1 May 1998 (WRu, MI; 1998-111). Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) (69). One at Fort Hancock Reservoir, Hudspeth, on 21 December 1997 (BZ; 1998-18). One at Quintana, Brazoria, on 7 November 1998 (JaL; 1998-142). One at Calaveras Lake, Bexar, from 27 January to 12 February 1999 (WS, ML, RA; 1999-20; TPRF 1731). Black-legged Kittiwake was removed from the TBRC Review List on 13 November 1999. Sabine's Gull (Xema sabini) (55). One at Cooper Lake, Delta, from 11-15 September 1998 (M&KWh; 1998-130). Two at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt, from 12-13 September 1998 (M&KWh; 1998-131). One at Choke Canyon SP, Live Oak, on 13 September 1998 (WS; 1998-132). One at Braunig Lake, Bexar, on 13 September 1998 (KBa; 1998-129). One at Cooper Lake, Hopkins, on 29 September 1998 (MWh; 1999-6). One at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt & Rains, on 3 October 1998 (MWh; 1999-8). Sabine’s Gull was removed from the TBRC Review List on 13 November 1999. Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea) (3). One off Port O’Connor, Calhoun, on 21 September 1996 (PHo, RWe, BMc. MEl, MO; 1996-119). Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus) (6). One at North Padre Island, Kenedy, on 26 May 1998 (BS; 1998-73; TPRF 1747). Another on North Padre Island, Kenedy, from 19-24 June 1998 (BS; 1998-98; TPRF 1722). Black Noddy (Anous minutus) (3). One on Bolivar Peninsula, Galveston, on 15 April and 1 May 1998 (JD, BBe, AV, JS, GS, BeF, RBe, BHa, CR, JH, GBe, DP, NBa, SSa, GLu, TL, NS, NBr, MI, DRo, TCl, GM, DRi, JoC, DMe; 1998-63; TPRF 1692). Another on St. Joseph’s Island, Aransas, on 27 July 1998 (CMc; 1998-100; TPRF 1693). Stygian Owl (Asio stygius) (2). One at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley SP, Hidalgo, on 9 December 1994 (M&ACo: 1998-46; TPRF 1705). This represents the second accepted Texas and U. S. record. This bird was found two years prior to the first accepted record, which was from the same location. Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) (19). One, and possibly two, near Boot Spring, Big Bend NP, Brewster, from 3-17 May 1997 (RWe, DTr; 1997-86). One at Guadalupe Mountains NP, Culberson, on 9 January 1998 (DW; 1998-31). Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassinus) (28). One at Aransas NWR, Aransas, from 20-27 May 1998 (BJ, RWe, A&MCo, JT; 1998-69; TPRF 1697). One at Comfort, Kendall, on 24 June 1998 (ES; 1998-91). One at Center Point, Kerr, from 15-21 July 1998 (C&CO, SWi; 1998-108; TPRF 1739). One near Kerrville, Kerr, on 24 August 1998 (COQ; A&HR; 1998-121). One at South Padre Island, Cameron, from 27 September to 3 October 1999 (BK, ScC; 1999-92; TPRF 1757). Broad-billed Hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostris) (34). One at El Paso, El Paso, on 9 September 1998 (BZ; 1998-114). One at Lake Jackson, Brazoria, from 27 January to 25 February 1999 (JWhe, T&SCo; 1999-15; TPRF 1732). One returning male at Fort Davis, Jeff Davis, from 21 April to 6 June 1999 (KBr, ML, GL; 1999-45; TPRF 1710). One at Davis Mountains Resort, Jeff Davis, on 25 May 1999 (M&MEa; 1999-95; TPRF 1758). A male near San Angelo, Tom Green, from 11-12 June 1999 (RD, TMa; 1999-63; TPRF 1738). Another male in Alpine, Brewster, from 17 August to 22 September 1999 (SY, DO, EC; 1999-76; TPRF 1733). One at Davis Mountains Resort, Jeff Davis, on 6 September 1999 (M&MEa; 1999-96; TPRF 1759). One at El Paso, El Paso, from 14 November to 18 December 1999 (JZ, MSc, JP; 1999-109; TPRF 1760). Violet-crowned Hummingbird (Amazilia violiceps) (4). One at Lake Jackson, Brazoria, on 2 March 1998 (T&SCo; 1998-40; TPRF 1695). This is the easternmost record for Texas. Allen’s Hummingbird (Selasphorus sasin) (8). One at Corpus Christi, Nueces, from 11-23 August 1998 (BO; 1998-123). This individual was captured and the tail feathers measured to confirm the identification. Lewis's Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) (37). One at Rio Grand Village, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 29 October 1996 (JHi; 1996-143). One on East Mill Road, Mason, from 10-14 March 1998 (DFe, BoF; 1998-103). One at Canyon, Randall, on 26 August 1998 (PT; 1998-139). Greater Pewee (Contopus pertinax) (6). One near Mount Livermore, Jeff Davis, from 21-24 June 1998 (GL, JKa, KBr, RWa; 1998-89; TPRF 1690). Dusky-capped Flycatcher (Myiarchus tuberculifer) (11). One at Rio Grande Village, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 17 April 1997 (NC; 1997-78). One near Mount Livermore, Jeff Davis, from 21-24 June 1998 (GL, JKa, KBr, RWa; 1998-88; TPRF 1689). Piratic Flycatcher (Legatus leucophaius) (1). One at Rio Grande Village, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 4 April 1998 (A&RCoc, B&PBu, C&HMa; 1998-60; TPRF 1685). This represents the first record for Texas and the third for the United States. Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus) (14). Up to four at Cottonwood Campground, Big Bend NP, Brewster, from 1 May-13 September 1998 (J&WRi, TJ, MF, TeM, KWa, GL; 1998-86). Tropical Kingbird was removed from the TBRC Review List on 3 October 1998. Thick-billed Kingbird (Tyrannus crassirostris) (14). One at Palo Duro Canyon, Randall, on 30 October 1998 (EK, RSc, JE, RCa; 1998-144; TPRF 1744). Rose-throated Becard (Pachyramphus aglaiae) (23). Two at Anzalduas County Park, Hidalgo, from 24 April to 30 August 1999 (CSh, ND, BLa, CR, AEL, DB, SCo, DC, ML, GL, B&DMe, BMc, TP, SB, PHo, CEa, TB, DaR, FB; 1999-41; TPRF 1749). Yellow-green Vireo (Vireo flavoviridis) (22). One at Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron, from 19-22 April 1998 (PG, JMu; 1998-49). One at the Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron, from 21-22 April 1998 (BMc; 1998-107). One at Aransas NWR, Aransas, from 15-27 May 1998 (BFr, BBr, MDe; 1998-96). Up to three at Quintana, Brazoria, from 1-10 June 1998 (RWe, J&WRi, R&KL; 1998-79). One at Dugout Wells, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 7 June 1998 (MF; 1998-87). One near Harlingen, Cameron, from 26 July to 19 September 1998 (OC; 1998-102). Black-whiskered Vireo (Vireo altiloquus) (13). One on west Galveston Island, Galveston, on 28 May 1998 (JSt; 1998-95; TPRF 1717). Black-billed Magpie (Pica pica) (3). One in northwestern Hansford on 5 December 1997 and 16 January 1998 (D&MTo, JWi, DFi; 1998-5). Clay-colored Robin (Turdus grayi) (53). Two at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, from 16 January through June 1998 (BMc, JWa, CSe, JMc, MO, PSv, J&BRi, GM; 1998-11). Up to three at Anzalduas County Park, Hidalgo, from 7 May to 16 July 1998 (PBr, RSm, TB, PBa, WRi, LM; 1998-54). Clay-colored Robin was removed from the TBRC Review List on 3 October 1998. White-throated Robin (Turdus assimilis) (3). Two at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley SP, Hidalgo, from 1 February to 3 April 1998 (JKi, SB, BW, BMc, BFr, ES, GL, JA, PSu, CEa, PDH, A&MCo, JB, GM, J&BRi, J&PCu, RG, T&PF, FB, PSv, ML; 1998-10; TPRF 1700). Two at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, from 1-12 March 1998 (ClM, A&MCo, J&BRi; 1998-23; TPRF 1701). Rufous-backed Robin (Turdus rufopalliatus) (6). One at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, on 14 January 1998 (JoH; 1998-21). One at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley SP, Hidalgo, on 20 January 1998 (MO, B&MCo; 1998-17). Connecticut Warbler (Oporornis agilis) (7). One on Galveston Island, Galveston, on 6 October 1996 (JSt; 1996-166). Rufous-capped Warbler (Basileuterus rufifrons) (16). One at Hot Springs, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 1 May 1998 (BMa; 1998-74). One along the Rio Medina, Medina, on 19 August 1998 (JaM; 1998-134). One at San Antonio, Bexar, on 20 December 1998 (SWi; 1999-13). One at Dolan Creek Ranch, Val Verde, on 20 June 1999 (BO; 1999-72; TPRF 1737). Baird's Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii) (29). Up to three at Rio Grande Village, Big Bend NP, Brewster, from 30 April to 9 May 1998 (COh, DO, GL; 1998-64; TPRF 1728). One at Panther Junction, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 5 May 1998 (MF; 1998-66). One near Wheatland, Parker, on 16 May 1998 (JMc; 1998-65; TPRF 1698). One near Hot Springs, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 16 May 1998 (MF; 1998-68). Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla) (22). One near George West, Live Oak, from 27 November 1998 to 9 January 1999 (J&SH; 1999-18; TPRF 1684). One at Fort Hancock, Hudspeth, on 19 December 1998 (JP; 1999-11). Blue Bunting (Cyanocompsa parellina) (21). One at Salineno, Starr, on 7 February 1998 (PDH; 1998-26).
A number of factors may contribute to a record being denied acceptance. It is quite uncommon for a record to not be accepted because the bird was obviously misidentified. More commonly, a record is not accepted because the material submitted was incomplete, insufficient, superficial, or just too vague to properly document the reported occurrence while eliminating all other similar species. Also, written documentation or descriptions prepared entirely from memory weeks, months, or years after a sighting are seldom voted on favorably. It is important that the simple act of not accepting a particular record should by no means indicate that the TBRC or any of its members feels the record did not occur as reported. The non-acceptance of any record simply reflects the opinion of the TBRC that the documentation, as submitted, did not meet the rigorous standards appropriate for adding data to the formal historical record. The TBRC makes every effort to be as fair and objective as possible regarding each record. If the committee is unsure about any particular record, it prefers to err on the conservative side and not accept a good record rather than validate a bad one. All records, whether accepted or not, remain on file and can be re-submitted to the committee if additional substantive material is presented.
Yellow-billed Loon (Gavia adamsii). One (1998-25) at Imperial Reservoir, Pecos, on 18 January 1998. Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena). One (1998-32) at South Padre Island, Cameron, on 12 March 1998. One (1998-55) at Monahans, Ward, on 8 April 1998. One (1998-56) at Imperial Reservoir, Pecos, on 8 April 1998. Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus). One (1996-41) at North Padre Island, Kleberg, on 24 February 1996. Leach’s Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa). Five (1996-198) off Port Isabel, Cameron, on 1 June 1996. Two (1998-116) off Freeport, Brazoria, on 20 July 1998. White-tailed Tropicbird (Phaethon lepturus). Two (1998-97) at Anahuac NWR, Chambers, on 20 April 1998. Little Egret (Egretta garzetta). One (1998-39) at Village Creek Drying Beds, Tarrant, from 22-23 August 1997. The details and photographs were suggestive of Little Egret, however the possibility of the bird being an immature Snowy Egret could not be eliminated. Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator). One (1998-4) near Merkle, Taylor, from 13 December 1997 to early March 1998. One (1999-7) near Kerrville, Kerr, from 19 February to late September 1999. The latter record was not accepted based on questions about origin. Barrow’s Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica). One (1998-24) at Monahans, Ward, on 8 January 1998. Masked Duck (Nomonyx dominicus). One (1997-165) at Aransas NWR, Aransas, from 4-21 November 1997. One (1998-22) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, on 5 January 1998. Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis). One (1998-83) in eastern Cameron on 17 May 1998. Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). One (1997-88) at Rio Grand Village, Big Bend NP, Brewster, from 24-26 April 1997. Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus). One (1998-71) near Pyote, Ward, on 25 May 1998. Caribbean Coot ( Fulica caribaea). One (1998-82) at North Padre Island, Nueces, on 9 June 1998. European Golden-Plover (Pluvialis apricaria). One (1998-84) near Stowell, Chambers, on 26 April 1998. Eurasian Dotterel (Charadrius morinellus). One (1998-48) near Victoria, Victoria, on 13 April 1998. Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis). One (1998-85) on West Galveston Island, Galveston, on 31 March 1998. Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima). Several (1998-15) at Port Aransas, Nueces, on 28 May 1997. Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea). One (1997-71) on the Bolivar Peninsula, Galveston, on 8 April 1997. Mew Gull (Larus canus). One (1995-19) at Austin, Travis, from 20-26 January 1995. California Gull (Larus californicus). One (1998-109) at Sea Rim SP, Jefferson, on 4 January 1998. One (1998-41) at Port Aransas, Nueces, on 26 February 1998. One (1998-35) at Dallas, Dallas, on 6 March 1998. One (1998-113) at Galveston, Galveston, on 17 April 1998. Thayer’s Gull (Larus thayeri). One (1998-62) at Bolivar Flats, Galveston, from 18 April to 1 May 1998. Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides). One (1999-19) at Brownsville, Cameron, on 9 January 1999. Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus). One (1995-17) at Seadrift, Calhoun, from 3-5 February 1995. Western Gull (Larus occidentalis). One (1998-110) at Bolivar Flats, Galveston, from 15 January to 28 February 1998. Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus). One (1997-114) at Bolivar Flats, Galveston, from 25 May to 12 July 1997. One (1998-124) at Lubbock, Lubbock, from 28 June to 2 July 1998. Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii). Four (1998-72) at Matagorda Island, Calhoun, on 15 March 1998. One (1998-105) at Brownsville, Cameron, on 30 March 1998. Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea). One (1997-77) at Sea Rim SP, Jefferson, on 14 April 1997. Black Swift (Cypseloides niger). One (1998-76) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, on 22 March 1997. Vaux’s Swift (Chaetura vauxi). One (1998-6) at Mitchell Lake, Bexar, on 18 October 1997. Black-crested Coquette (Lophornis helenae). One (1999-17) at Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron, on 5 November 1998. Ochre-bellied Flycatcher (Mionectes oleagineus). One (1998-70) at Park Chalk Bluff, Uvalde, on 12 May 1998. Greater Pewee (Contopus pertinax). One (1996-100) at Rio Grande Village, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 26 April 1996. One (1998-47) at Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 5 March 1998. Yellow-green Vireo (Vireo flavoviridis). One (1998-80) at Texas Point, Jefferson, on 14 April 1998. One (1998-90) near Austin, Travis, on 17 May 1998. Black-billed Magpie (Pica pica). Three (1998-57) at San Marcos, Hays, from 3-18 April 1998. This record was not accepted because of concerns over the origin of these birds. Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus). One (1999-22) at Lewisville, Denton, on 26 December 1998. Bachman’s Warbler (Vermivora bachmanii). One (1998-104) at Brazos Bend SP, Fort Bend, on 8 April 1998. Gray-crowned Yellowthroat (Geothlypis poliocephala). One (1998-7) n. w. of Laredo, Webb, on 31 May 1997. One (1998-20) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, on 18 January 1998. Rufous-capped Warbler (Basileuterus rufifrons). One (1998-75) at Monahans Draw, Midland, on 10 May 1998. Baird's Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii). One (1996-131) near Panther Junction, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 4 May 1996. One (1998-67) at Upper Tornillo Creek, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 30 April 1998. One (1998-138) at Panther Junction, Big Bend NP, Brewster, from 25-26 September 1998.
American birds, 7th ed. DITTMANN, D. L., and G. W. LASLEY. 1992. How to document rare
birds. Birding HAYNIE, C. B. 1998. Texas bird records committee report for
1995. Bull. of the Tex. Ornith. |
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