Original Garden Designs
All items are crafted from all scrapbooking safe supplies and come to
you fully assembled, ready to insert into your scrapbook!
Please remember that shipping is included and every second item receives a
shipping reduction!
This cute scarecrow stands approximately 6 1/2" tall and costs $ 7.00 US.
This lovely topiary stands approximately 5" tall and costs $ 7.00 US.
You will receive 6 of these super jumbo sized babies- they are 2" in diameter-
along with 12 large green birch leafs.
Please choose PASTELS (2 pink, 2 blue, 2 lavender) or PRIMARIES (2 reds, 2 blues,
2 purples).
A set of six costs $ 7.00 US
Please e-mail your order to
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