We spent yet another day at various interviews. The kids were all tired & cranky so we left Mr. Hanson & the Guys & took them to find something to do, We decided on a park with swings & stuff, I took Mackie down the slide a few times then we had a swinging contest with the girls (I was pushing Mackie). We planned on waiting there until the interview was over, Then Mr. Hanson & the guys would join us. We had been there about an hour when they got there, Mackie ran over & jumped in Isaac's arms & gave him a big hug, it was so cute. We all ran around the play ground for awhile while Mr. & Mrs. Hanson talked. Zac decided he wanted to play tag, So we all started playing with Zac it. I ran around a tree & was leaning on it to rest when I felt someone grab my arm, I looked & it was Zac, Haha I caught you!!! Tori's it!!! Aww man!! I hated being it!! Oh well. I started chasing Tay when I saw Isaac out of the corner of my eye stop to rest by the swings. I walked up & tapped him on the shoulder, Isaac's it!!! Thanks alot Tor!!! Your welcome!! We played on & on like this until Avery & Mackie started saying they were hungry, So we went to have a snack. When we found a McDonalds, We all went in & ordered something small, Since it was only a couple hours until dinner. Zac on the other hand decided he was STARVING so he ordered 2 double cheesburgers, large fries & a large coke. Mrs. Hanson said, Zac, You had better eat every bite of that & dinner! Oh, don't worry Mom, I will. And he did, He sat & ate every bite, then when he was done we wanted an apple pie, but Mrs. Hanson said no. After we ate, They went to see the guys' manager Christopher Sabec to talk about the tour & stuff, Mrs. Hanson, Me, Jessie, Avie, Mackie & Zoe went back to the hotel, To let the kids take a nap. While they were sleeping, I tried to channel surf a little but that got boring, So I went to the guys room & borrowed their laptop, I checked my e-mail & there were a few messages from my family, When I saw them I got a little homesick, I replied to them all & told them about New York. By the time the guys got back, I had written letters to my family & friends & was updating my webpage. When they came into the room, The looked kinda down, Hey guys, Whats up? Tay answered, Aww not much, Isaac, Except, we asked & you get to go with us to see Rosie tomorrow!! Oh My Gosh!!!!! Really?? Isaac said, Yeah!! I ran over & gave them all a hug, I had to chase Zac around the room until I caught him, so I could hug him. Oh thanks for asking guys, Zac, Hey no problem, We want you to come. Tay, Yeah we knew you would love it, You just have to wait backstage until it's over. Thats ok, This is soo cool. Isaac asked me after we had settled down, So what were you doing online? Oh Tay told me the other day that I could use the laptop, I hope thats still ok? Oh no problem, I was just wondering if you had gotten any letters from Ryan? Umm, Yeah I did, He said everything was ok with his Grandma & that he was sorry that he didn't get to say goodbye, He also said that I wasn't to let some French guy fall in love with me hehe. Umm, Yeah ok, I am glad his Grandma is ok. But Isaac was thinking, What about her American bestfriend? Can he fall in love with her? **********************************************************************
The next day Mrs. Hanson let me take the day off so I could go to the show. We got up early & were at the studio by 8:30, The guys were assigned a dressing room, So we all sat in there until it was time for the show, Isaac had his guitar & was playing around with it, Tay said, Well guys since we have nothing to do for awhile, Ya wanna practice? Tori, you can sing too. Me sing?! No way!! Zac said, Yes Tori, You can sing, At least I know you can sing better that Tay, Because he is really bad!! Tay hit him with a pillow. So Isaac started the first chords of MmmBop & we all joined in. We had fun, We sang Where's The Love & A Minute Without You & were just finishing Thinking Of You when Rosie O'Donnel herself walked into the room, She said hi to each of the guys, Then she looked at me, Isaac said, This is my bestfriend Tori, She is going on tour with us this year, I stood & shook her hand & said it's very nice to meet you. She said, Well Tori, It's very nice to meet you too. You are very lucky, You must be really excited. Yes, I am. How long have you guys known each other? Isaac answered, About what 3 months Tor? Yeah, I think so. Well, It was very nice to meet you Tori, When the guys are playing you are welcome to sit out front instead of back here. Sure thanks that would be great. Ok then, I have to run, I just heard you guys singing & thought I would say hi. Ok bye. Bye. We sat & talked for awhile then someone came & said that I needed to go to my seat now, So I told them goodluck & went out. I looked behind me into the audience & I could see girls with I LOVE HANSON signs everywhere. They were all screaming & chanting Hanson Hanson Hanson!!!! The stage guys were trying to quiet them down, they finally did & the show began, There was a girl there that had gifts for the guys, I thought that was sweet. Then Hanson came out, The girls were all screaming. That girl gave them their gifts, the Rosie asked if she could hug them, Knowing how the guys felt about hugging fans, I laughed, I was glad though that they atleast shook her hand. They did a great job singing, Rosie even asked me to stand by her while they sang, After the show was over, All the girls crowded around them, I stood back so they could all have time, after all I see them everyday.I was standing there talking to Rosie after the show when Isaac came up to me, I hadn't even noticed that the fans were gone. We all said goodbye to Rosie & went out to the limo that was waiting for us out front. The guys signed a few autographs for the mob of fans outside then we went back to the hotel. ******************************************************************* The next day we were going to Europe so we just hung out in our rooms for the night, I took the girls over to the guy's room & we watched movies & talked until Avery & Jessie we both asleep sprawled across the floor. Isaac said, You grab Avie & I'll get Jes, Ok, Wow I didn't realize she was so heavy!! Yeah, She takes after Zac, I knew he was only teasing, But Zac was asleep so he couldn't take up for himself. (poor guy) When we got to the room, Ike helped me get them both into bed. Isaac said, Well I guess I better go now, Yeah, I guess so. Umm Tor? Yeah? I was wondering, I mean you don't have to tell me, But, Are you & Ryan like really dating each other? Umm, what do you mean Isaac? Well, Are you guys a couple? Umm, Well he hasn't asked me & to be honest, Ryan is more of a friend than a boyfriend, Ya know what I mean? Yeah I do. he was grinning like crazy Why did you ask that Ike? Umm, Well, No reason, Just wondering. Oh ok. But I was kinda disappointed, I was really hoping he was going to ask me out, But then I realized, he isn't going to ask me out, He see's me as his best buddy, And he said before that I was different. Isaac walked to the door, Well I'll see ya in the morning Tor. Ok, Night Ike. As Isaac was walking down the hall back to his room he was thinking, YES!! She doesn't like him!!!! That is so great!! But then again, She still see's me as her bestfriend, Well I guess I am just going to have to change that. He walked all the way back to his room, Smiling. ********************************************************************
The next morning we got up early & had everything packed my 8:00, The plane left at 10:30 so we had breakfast, Then went to the airport, Since we were so early we hung out in the airport arcade for awhile, Until some fans saw us that is. Then we grabbed the kids & Isaac grabbed my hand & we ran to Mr. & Mrs. Hanson, While Jason kept the mob away. One fan had saw Isaac grab my hand, I hadn't thought anything of it, but apparently she had, She yelled out to all the fans, That girl & Isaac are holding hands!!!! I immediatly tried to take my hand away from him, But he held it tight & whispered, So we are holding hands! Big deal, they need to realize that I have a life also. I had never seen Isaac so upset, he was really getting mad. Then they let us get on the plane, Thank God!! We were the first ones on again, so we found our seats, Isaac made sure he was sitting next to me. I thought, What has gotten into him?? He is acting so strange. After we took off, Mackie was crying & Mrs. Hanson was trying to take care of Zoe so I held him & sang to him. I had thought Isaac was asleep, but he just started talking. Ya know Tor, you have a great voice. Thanks Isaac. You should sing with us. I don't think so, the fans were a little upset with me this afternoon, If I sang with you they will hate me. Anyway you know I have stage fright. Tori, About this afternoon, Our fans just have to realize that we are still regular teenage boys that get crushes & girlfriends. When he said crushes & girlfriends he looked straight at me, He likes me!! He really does, That is why he was acting so weird last night & this morning. I Know Isaac, You guys all deserve normal lives, I just know by experience that you aren't looked at like normal humans, you are put up on a pedestal, Even though you don't want to be. I know but it's still hard, I mean what do you think the fans would do if they found out that Tay & Bre are dating? They would probably try to kidnap him or something!! You are right, They would be upset, But they would get over it. I hope so, I really do. I do to Isaac. I looked down & Mackie was asleep, I tried laying my head back but it just wasn't comfortable, Isaac noticed that I was having a hard time & reached up & patted his shoulder, So I layed my head on his shoulder & was out within minutes Isaac sat there thinking, Yeah, I have to ask her out, but do I have the nerve? I was woken up by someone sitting on my legs, I sat up & there was Mackie, Mackie!! What are you doing? Isaac told me to wake you up, I looked next to me & Isaac was grinning. Oh really, Is that how this trip is going to be Ike? Umm, well ya know Tor, Umm ok I was bored. So you wanted me to be bored with you? Umm, Well no, I just wanted to see your face when Mackie sat on you. Well, now you got to see my face, Can I go back to sleep? No, Why? Because it is time to eat!! Ohh, Isaac remind me not to sit with you the next time we fly!!! Hehe, Ok, But still please stay up? I am soo bored, Mackie & I have played about 1,200 hands of Go Fish, Isn't that right Mack? Yep!!! Please stay up Tori!!! Ok, Ok I'll wake up, As if I could go back to sleep sitting next to you two. Hehe, Cool!!! Yeah whatever, Ok brainiac, so why is having me awake make this plane trip any more interesting? Well, Mommy asked the Captain if we could go see the cocpit, And He said yes!!! So Mommy said when you woke up, We could ask you to take us. Okay Mackie, Get your Sisters & anyone else who wants to go. Okie Dokie Cool!! Ok, So brainiac, are you coming with us? Me? Are you talking to me? asked Isaac. Yeah, I'm not sitting next to anyone else. Ok, well sure I'll come. So we got the whole gang together, It wound up being the whole family & we made our way up to the front of the plane, Believe me it wasn't easy, You try walking through those tiny plane aisles with 7 people. When we finally got up to the front, We all somehow squeezed into that tiny room. The Captain & his crew were more than happy to show us around. One of the Co-Pilots even asked the guys to sign a piece of paper for his Daughter, Who come to find out was a HUGE Fan. The guys gladly signed it for her & even drew her a little picture. Then we told everyone bye & made our way back to our seats. When we got back, they were serving dinner, Unlike before when Isaac said they were. I sat Mackie between Isaac & I so we could both keep an eye on him. Tay took Avie & Zac sat with Jessie. After dinner, Which by the way was a HUGE Adventure with Mackie, But also fun. We all sat back, I took out a magazine I had bought at the airport & was looking through it. Mackie had moved over to sit with Tay, So they could make spitballs. I didn't say a word at this, I thought I would let Mrs. Hanson take care of Tay :-) Isaac was looking over my shoulder. Do you mind? Umm, No do you? Yeah actually I do, What has gotten into you Isaac? How come you always call me Isaac & not Ike? You have slipped a few times but you usually call me Isaac, Why is that? Umm, Where did that come from? I dunno, I was just wondering. Well, I don't know, I guess I just like the name Isaac better than Ike, But if you want me to call you Ike, I will. No, no you can call me Isaac, I like it when you call me that. Ok :-). So tell me Isaac what has gotten into you today? You have been acting really strange. Umm, Well Do I ask her now? Should I wait? I am sooo lost here!! I don't know Tori, I guess I am just tired & excited at the same time. Dang!! I am such a chicken!!!! Oh ok, I know you are excited, I mean who isn't, I'm not even going on stage & I am phsyced!!!! Well like I said before Tor, You should sing with us. Seriously!! I You have a great voice. Thanks Isaac, That a great compliment, But your fans are coming to these shows to see Hanson, That means Isaac, Tay & Zac, Not Hanson's babysitting neighbor. *******************************************************************
Don't say that!!! Don't say what? Tori, You aren't just our neighbor & you definantley aren't just the babysitter, At least not to me!! You are my best friend & someday soon, I hope you will consider being more than just my best friend... What are you saying Isaac? Well Tor, I like you, No actually, I like you alot!! You do? Yeah, I do, I have been too chicken to say anything, I am sorry, maybe I was out of line just then, But I think it was about time I told you the truth. Wow Isaac, That was a shock. So I guess that means you don't feel the same? No, I do, I mean I like you alot too!! You do!! Oh wow, Do you know how long I've waited to tell you that, I was so afraid that it would ruin our friendship. Ohh Isaac, I have liked you for a long time, But when you started dating Melissa, Well I didn't think you liked me, That is the only reason I went out with Ryan, Because I didn't think you would ever like me for more than a bestfriend & I thought it was about time I found someone who would. Isaac reached over & hugged me, I hugged him back & he said, Tori, At the time, Melissa was, well someone popular, that was more of a catch than someone you could actually love. I really started liking you, The night that we went bowling, I noticed how you were there just to play & have fun, Not to win & well Melissa was so whiny & then you were so concerned when we got home that you were a real friend & instead of making me feel worse you helped me out of my depression. My feelings changed when you followed me to the backyard & asked if you could swing with me. Hmm, well I think I really started liking you, When you offered to help me learn to skate better, That was really sweet of you. We hugged again & Isaac said, So does this mean, If I asked you to go out with me sometime while we were on tour, You would? Definantlley. Great!! But ya know we really need to e-mail Ryan, I don't think it is a good idea if we let him continue thinking you like him, When you don't. Your right, I will e-mail him as soon as I can. Cool, Wow Tor, You don't know how releived I am that I finally told you. I am too!! Isaac held my hand & for the rest of the flight we talked. When we got there, The stewardest asked us to be the last ones off, We thought this was weird, But we aggreed. Finally when everyone was off the plane, They told us we could leave, When we stepped out of the terminal, The screams that met us were enough to make us go deaf right there. There were at least 2,000 girls in the airport & they were all screaming at the guys. ******************************************************************* Isaac & I instantley grabbed hands, I held Mackie as tight as I could While we herded through the crowd of fans, I was so afraid we were going to lose someone. I kept looking back to make sure everyone was still on their feet. Girls were grabbing at Isaac's shirt, arm, whatever they could reach. One time when I looked behind me Zac was being grabbed so hard, That he tripped. Mr. Hanson instantley grabbed him up & we continued out of the airport. Never in my life had an airport seemed this big. Finally we made it outside & were herded into a van & again I made a head count, Still amazed that we all made it out alive & together. I didn't even realize I still had Isaac's hand. He looked at me & asked, Are you ok? Yeah, Are you? Yeah, I am fine. Can you believe how crazy they can get? No, I never realized that fans got this obsessed. Neither did I, until just after we had our contract signed with Mercury, Then we were always met at the airports like this, Sometimes worse, But without the fans, Hanson would be just 3 brothers from Tulsa that play at fairs, I like it much better this way. Yeah, But you guys could get seriously hurt in a crowd like that!! I know but that is just a chance we have to take. I just don't want to see anyone hurt, I said. Don't worry, I will be here to take care of you. I know you will, but it's not me I am worried about! It's you! Don't worry. I layed my head on his shoulder & watched the beautiful scenery we passed. *********************************************************************