Chapter 20

**Friday Night**

I started getting ready at about 5:00, Isaac was going to pick me up at 6:30, So I had an hour & a half to get ready. I was so excited, All I could keep thinking was I am going out with Isaac Hanson!! Not because he is famous, But because he is such a great person. This is amazing, Out of all the girls in the world, He picked me :-) And not just for a girlfriend, but for a bestfriend as well. ********************************************************************** **Same Night** **Isaac**

Isaac's mind was on the same track as mine while he was getting ready. Wow, I can't believe tonight I am finally going out with Tori!! It seems like I have waited forever to find a great person like her. Wow, I am going to make myself crazy if I keep talking to myself like this!!!! lol **********************************************************************

Chapter 21


I had been sitting for about 10min, Being totally nervous, When there was a knock on the door, I took a quick look in the mirror & then opened the door. There was Isaac, He looked awesome, But then again, he always looks great!! Hey. Hey, Ya ready? Yeah, You look gorgeous! Aww, Thanks Isaac, You look pretty great yourself! Haha, Thanks. Then we walked downstairs hand in hand & got into the waiting limo. Wow, I say, Riding in style! Yep, Only the best for my girl. Oohh, Isaac you are so sweet. Thanks, Your not so bad yourself. I gave a him a kiss on the cheek. So do we have a curfew tonight? I ask. Nope, Well Mom just said as long as we are in before dawn. Haha, Cool. So what did Tay & Zac say when you told them we were officially going out? Ahh, Tay said it was about time & Zac said he already knew, That you & him had talked about it the other day, Did you? Well, Kinda, The other day when Tay called Bre & You were putting the girls down for a nap, we kinda talked, From what I can tell, He kind of expected it. Yeah, Well ya know Zac, He is just plain weird. Yeah but he is a great kid, It helps being around him when I am homesick, 'Cause he reminds me so much of Luke. Do you get homesick often? Well, Not really, Just when I get letters from home & stuff like that, But just being with you helps alot! I know how ya feel, I mean my family is with me all the time, But I still miss home & when I am with you I feel better. He kissed me, Then I felt the car stop, The door opened & we were ushered into a lavish resteraunt. Isaac! Where are we? I thought we weren't going to be fancy tonight? Well, I changed my mind, You look so beautiful in that dress, I just have to show you off. Isaac!! Haha, Don't worry Tor, We have our own private room. Uh Huh! Just follow me & don't get nervous. Isaac, We seriously need to talk, I know, But not now & not tonight. Ok. We were shown into a small very expensivly decorated room, Isaac ordered for us & the waiter left. So what do you think? It's beautiful Isaac, It really is. Nope! What? You are beautiful! Isaac, Stop. Nope, I am telling you the truth, I have thought you were beautiful since the day Mom herded us all over to the new neighbors house & told us we were going to help them unpack, All I could think was Great, I could be on the internet or rollerblading, But no, I have to help our neighbors unpack! Then you opened the door, Your clothes had wet spots from doing the dishes & you to tell you the truth, Were a mess, But I had never seen anyone prettier. I knew I just had to get to know you better. I didn't know what to say, I smiled, Gave him a kiss & said thank you. Then our food came. After we ate, we walked into the next room where everyone was dancing & Isaac asked me to dance, we danced for awhile then we left. After we left the resteraunt, Isaac told the driver to take us to the park. Why the park? I asked him. You will see, I have it all planned. Haha, Ok. Then the car stopped, Isaac helped me out & in front of us was parked a horse & carriage. He said, Now I am not posotive about this, But I heard that a carriage ride is the best way to see Paris, What do you think? Ohh, I love the idea!! Good. We got into the carriage & were off, Isaac was right. It was beautiful. We rode around for about 2hrs just talking & pointing things out to eachother. We got back to the hotel at about midnight, Then we sat in the lobby for awhile & talked. After kissing Isaac goodnight outside my door, I was in my room by 2:30. couldn't go to sleep, I just kept thinking of what a wonderful time I had had, And how much I cared for him. **************************************************************************

Chapter 22

** 2 Months Later **

Yes!! Finally after months of traveling, We are going home! I was so excited, Everyone was, I have never been so sick of hotels & resteraunts in my whole life! We were in Sweden, It was very beautiful, But right now in my mind nothing compared to Tulsa & my own room. We boarded the plane after shoving through a crowd of fans. Issac & I sat together & talked about home. Mackie had caught a cold about a week ago, So we had the arm rests up & he was laying across our laps. We had gotten quiet, I was so tired after all the traveling. Isaac was rubbing my hand when he said, We need to talk Tor. I looked at him. About what? Well, I know you aren't very happy about the way we have to keep our relatonship a secret. How could he have known? I hadn't said a word, I hadn't even hinted!! Isaac, You are right, But how did you know? I haven't said anything. Have I? No, But I know if it was the other way around and you were the famous one, I wouldn't be too happy & I would be ready to deck any guy who looked at you like all these girl's look at us. Oh Isaac, I understand, I... No Tori! It's not fair to you, So I have decided to tell the fans. Isaac no! You can't! It will break their hearts. Tori, Do you remember when the trip started & those fans saw us holding hands in the airport? Yes. Well I told you then & I am going to tell you now, Our fans need to realize that we are all normal, growing boys & that sooner or later we are going to have dates, girlfriends & then even get married. Isaac, I know how much your fans & your music mean to you, I don't want you to lose that over me. Tori, If our fans leave because we fell in love, Then they weren't real fans in the first place. Now Tay & I talked it over last night. We both decided that next week at the Tulsa concert, We are going to tell them. I gave him a hug (well the best I could do considering we both had a toddler across our laps) Thank you Isaac, But you know you still don't have to do this. Yes I do, If we ever want to have a real relationship then I have to, Besides, Ya know what? What? I actually want to tell them, I want to see how many real fans we have, How much they love our music.. Haha, And not your rugged good looks? Well I wasn't going to say that!! Yeah, But I was. Well thank you sweetheart. Your welcome. Then we kissed. **********************************************************************

Chapter 23

When we got to the airport and made our way through the crowd, 
There was my parents.
I ran over & threw my arms around both of them.
I stood there hugging them both for awhile, 
When I raised my head from where I had it buried in my Mom's shoulder, 
I looked at her & she was crying.
Mom, I missed you so much!!
Ohh, Honey, You don't know how much we missed you!!
Dad said, Yeah Tori, It's great to have you back.
Luke said, 
Yeah good to see ya Tor, What did ya bring me? (Brothers!!!)
Well Luke, I thought just having me back would be good enough.
He said, Your kidding.. Right?
Yes Luke, I'm kidding, 
I will give you your present when we get home, ok?
Yeah cool, Then he ran off to find Zac.
My parents had moved over to talk to Mr. & Mrs. Hanson, 
When I realized, Where is Bre?
I looked around & saw something moving on the other side of the van,
I walked over there, And there was Tay & Bre hugging, 
I could tell she was crying.
Ok, Fine!! I keep him safe for you for 4 months & I don't even get a 
She turned around, Oh Tori!!! It's so great to see you!!
We hugged, Yeah I can see that, I know you missed Tay, But good grief!!
Haha, Sorry, She walked back over & held Tay's hand.
Ok, Well we can catch up later ok? 
I guess you guys deserve some time together.
Thanks Tori, Hey no prob.
Now where was Isaac, I looked around & he was sitting on a baggage 
carrier, Holding Zoë.
I walked over & sat down next to him.
Hey, I said.
Hey, Ya glad to be home?
You don't know how glad, How long can we stay?
Well.. I really am not sure.
Ok, Well as long as it is at least a week, I will be happy.
You would be happy if we had to leave in a week, wouldn't you?
Yes I would, I love my family, 
But I also love my job & being with you.
So it's either stay home & only have one thing I love, 
Or travel & have two, Tell me, What would you pick?
Tori, I am so glad you aren't going to quit!!
Quit!! Who said anything about quitting?
Well, When I saw your face when you seen your parents waiting out 
here I could tell you missed them alot, 
Well I thought maybe you would quit so you could stay home with them.
Isaac, I am going to to keep this job & stay with you for as long as 
I possible can, So that means for as long as my parents will let me.
I kissed him then took Zoë from him, 
Well we better get into the van before they leave without us, 
I am in great need of a skating lesson, 
I wonder if my teacher will be available this week?!?!
Hmm, He will have to check his calendar, 
But I am sure he could find some time for you.
He had better!! 
Then I walked to the van & strapped Zoë into her car seat.
We all piled in & I couldn't believe it, Finally we were home.

{~*Go Home*~} {~*Keep Reading*~}