Tori, 2 Days Later
I opened the door to Tays knock, hey Tay, Whats up? Well, I am really bored, I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me tonight? Tay, Umm...Wouldn't that be kinda, I dunno, Odd? Well, We're friends, And probably one day family, why not? Ok, sure, what time, what do I wear, Ya know all that :-) K, Well I have a meeting till 6, So how about I meet you at the resteraunt down the street at 6:30? Wear something nice, It's pretty fancy. Ok, Thanks Tay, I think this will be fun. Yeah, Me too, I'll see you tonight!! Ok, Bye Tay :-) Ohh, Tori!! Yeah? I am going to make the reservations under Mr. Hanson, so just ask for that. Ok, haha Mr. Hanson!! I'll see you tonight.
Well, That was odd, But I think it will be fun, Tay is pretty cool & I know he really loves Bre ********************************************************************
That night, 6:15
I walked into the resteraunt, I dunno why, But I had worn the dress Isaac got me. I asked the waiter for Mr. Hanson's table, As we started walking toward the table, It looked like Isaac was sitting across the room. My eyes met his & before I knew it I was seated across from him. Hi Tori, Isaac, whats going on? Where's Tay? Well...Tay asked you to dinner, But I decided to take his place. Isaac... He put up his hand to stop me. Let me talk Tor, I'm sorry, Please forgive me. I was such an idiot, I don't know what got into me. Ohh, Isaac..I have missed you soo much. I've missed you too, I have just been to stubborn to realize it. I'm sorry Tori, Will you forgive me? Yeah, I'll forgive you. He hugged me, It felt so good to know that we were back together again & to know that he wasn't mad. He pulled back & said. I have something for you... Isaac, you don't have to get me anything. I know, I want to & well I didn't really get it for you, It's something I have had for a long time. Then he pulled off the silver ring he always wears & put it on my ring finger. Isaac, I can't take this..... Yes you can, I love you Tori. Ohhh Isaac!! I love you too!! Then he kissed me. We had a great dinner, and after we ate we walked back to the hotel hand in hand........ ********************************************************************
Bre & Tay were married,
June 16, 2004.
They have 3 children.
Melissa Jade 7
Jordan Taylor Jr. 4.
And Alexa Rose 10 months.
Luke married Ryans sister Maria,
September 12, 2008.
They have 1 child.
Lindsay LeAnn 1 year.
Zac married my bestfriend Christina,
January 15, 2007.
They have 2 children.
Zachary Walker Jr. 3.
Isabel 18 months.
Isaac & Tori were married,
March 23, 2002.
They have 2 sets of twins.
Aaron Walker & Austin Trent 2.
Sabrina Rose & Natalia Leigh 2 months.
And their music continues.................