This site is divided into departments. Click on the department to learn what articles I have on each subject.
A Barnes and Noble bookstore, just for homeschoolers. Click on any book to get to their site. Buy the books I point out or any other book on their site.
New: Hawaii is one of our most popular states. Here is a lesson plan based on an article I wrote for In it, students will explore Hawaii and evaluate their feelings on how we acquired this stolen addition to our flag.
NEW! High School Department I've added a new department to help you homeschool your high school student. The focus will be on getting into college, and I currently have one article on choosing classes to meet college entrance requirements.
The Language Arts Department This is my favorite subject. Here we're discussing reading, writing, grammar, book reports and anything else involving the language we use.
The History Department The articles here require extensive research, so it grows slowly and in spurts. There are nine articles, including a complete on-line curriculum on the California gold rush. This is also the place to learn how to create a unit study based around history, with a sample starter giving you the materials to create your own lessons based on the Disney movie Mulan.
Math Department Hands-on, inexpensive activities to help you teach the basics-counting, addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
Special Education Department This is a small section with help on homeschooling children with disabilities. My own area of experience is with children who are both gifted and learning disabled. You'll find tips and helpful advice here.
The Kitchen Table Our equivalent of the teacher's lounge. Here we're discussing all the issues homeschoolers face every day- how to answer questions on socialization, teaching multiple ages, deciding whether or not to homeschool, setting up your first school year, and other odds and ends that don't fit into my other departments.
Resource Reviews This is new, and currently has a review of some really great science materials.
I've added a new message board so we can all help each other out. There are already some questions, so pop in to find out if you can help. I'm still available to help out by email of course, but this offers another option, especially if you have questions I can't answer. I hope you'll stop in and see what we're talking about.