Index of Births of Burr Oak and surrounding areas in St Joseph County, Michigan |
Thursday, 16 October 1997
Hello Everyone,
Recently while digging around in some of her mothers papers, Shirley Elmer happened upon another treasure trove of miscellaneous data collected over a lifetime by her mother, Geneva and as it turns out, also her father, Harry Smith.
Shirley has made a loan of this treasure to me to put it on the St Joseph County USGenWeb to aid all in their genealogical research. I'd like to tell you briefly about this treasure so you'll have some understanding of my difficulty in identifying where certain of these articles were printed.
After Shirley's father retired he was getting "underfoot" so her mother suggested it was time for him to do something with some of the newspaper clippings he'd been stuffing in boxes for a lifetime. Mr Smith took a preprinted and published book, "Michigan Board of Agriculture, 1883", to be exact, and used the printed pages within, all 1047 of them, to paste literally thousands of scraps of paper cut from newspapers telling us about births, deaths, marriages, obituaries, human interest and the list is endless of this wonderful "scrapbook".
On some of the pages are glued as many as twenty ~ five different articles. I'm not going to be able to identify which newspapers all of these snippets were taken from. My first hurried glance through the book tells me they're most probably about all taken from the Burr Oak Acorn with some from surrounding community newspapers.
All of it will eventually be placed on the St Joseph County USGenWeb page but it's going to take some time. These first two hundred births are the first "gleanings” from this wonderful collection.
Collecting all these snippets of information was a labor of love that lasted a lifetime for Shirley's mother and father. Shirley has zealously guarded and protected them all these many years since the death of her parents in hopes that one day someone would come along and make them available to help people find their beginnings and family trails. I hope I do it justice for their memory and for your benefit. I'm thankful, every day, for this wonderful internet and the great people who organize and run the USGenWeb Project so I have a platform on which to perform my "juggling act". I feel humbled and proud that I've been entrusted with all of these treasures.
The USGenWeb Project has given a whole new meaning to sharing....... I love it.
Denise, who works so diligently to keep this wonderful website up and running, will place all of this data where and how she thinks it will be the easiest for everyone to have access to.
My special thanks to the Smiths who must be watching all of this with great pleasure
Josephine Reed Foster Garzelloni
Ahlgrim, Mr and Mrs Frank.....40, 151, 190
Ahlgrim, Mr and Mrs John.......4
Ahlgrim, Lester....151
Akey, Mrs D.L. Akey....130
Akey, Madge....130
Alexander, Miss Eleanor Butler.......192
Ally, Grace......20
Appleman, Mr and Mrs Willis.........36
Armstrong, Mable......2
Baad, Mary............165
Beaumeister, Mr and Mrs Herman........112
Bennett, Mr and Mrs Eben...........68
Betcher, Emma......18
Bidwell, Mr and Mrs Bert..........90
Bixby, Ed. D. and wife.....18
Bordner, Mr and Mrs Guy.......49, 131
Bordner, Mr and Mrs Ralph........110
Botzner, Mr and Mrs Frank...........161, 169
Bowman, Mr and Mrs Guy.........62, 105
Brandell, Mr and Mrs Sidney......3
Bricker, Prof. and Mrs J. I...........72
Bucknell, Mr and Mrs Beadon.......140
Bucknell, Mr and Mrs Charles R.........160
Bucknell, Alice Margarete............160
Burmeister, Mr and Mrs Henry......13
Carpenter, Mrs W. A......22
Carpenter, Mrs Clarence............173
Chaffee, Julia Maxine.........189
Chaffee, Mr and Mrs W.U.........189
Clay, Mike..........39
Clay, Mr and Mrs Mike........90
Clements, Dr and Mrs........80
Clemons, Mr and Mrs Austin........139
Clyde, Mr and Mrs William..........174
Collins, Mr and Mrs Merl............168
Colman, Robert Tyler......146
Colman, Pearl Tyler.......146
Coohon, Mr and Mrs John.......75
Coonfare, Mr and Mrs John.........132, 159
Cooper, Norm G.......48
Cooper, Mr and Mrs A. R.........114
Cooper, Mr and Mrs Will........102
Cooper, Mrs and Mrs William........15
Cornwall, Mr and Mrs Fred H.......87
Cowles, Mr and Mrs J. D........134
Cowles, Mr and Mrs Joe........83
Crofford, Dr Rose.........78
Cummins, Mrs Alonzo.........180
Danberry, Carrie......5
Deal, Mr and Mrs Elias........50
Deal, Mr and Mrs Frank........10
Downing, Mr and Mrs Ira........95
Driesbaugh, Inez........61
Dwight, Edna Louise........73
Dwight, Mr and Mrs Frank.........73
Eagon, Mr and Mrs Roscoe........85
Engle, Miss Emma...........174
Everts, Mr and Mrs Edward........56
Faust, Mr and Mrs Dan S......16
Filkins, Mr and Mrs Jay......26
Finney, A. H.......89
Finney, Katherine Dorcas......89
Finney, Myrtle........89
Flagg, Mr and Mrs William.....4
Forman, A. A. Jr. and wife........48
Forman, Alex A. Sr..........48
Forman, Mrs Ethel Cooper.......48
Forman, Kathryn Steward........48
Fox, Mr and Mrs......35
Frasier, Jennie.........51
Freeman, Frank........117
Freeman Family........187
Friend, Mr and Mrs Abe........136
Froh, Will.........23
Froh, Albert and wife............158
Frohriep, Mr and Mrs Will.......4
Frohriep, Mr and Mrs Emil............176
Fry, Mr and Mrs Carl.......106
Fry, Mr and Mrs Wallace .........173
Garn, .........24
Gibs, Mr and Mrs Roy.........197
Giles, Mr and Mrs J.P. ........66
Glant, Mr and Mrs Hood.........154
Godfrey, Dr and Mrs Glenn.......124
Godfrey, Ina.......115
Good, Mr and Mrs Isaac......113
Good, John and wife........84
Goodwin, Mr and Mrs. C. H......123
Graham, Mrs A. M.........118
Greenwald, Peter......109
Greshaw, Mr and Mrs Walter.......13
Grier, Rev. and Mrs Whyrom.......101
Grier, Saloma McKay.......101
Griswold, Prof George L and wife..........182
Griswold, Rex Lavant.............182
Gross, Mr and Mrs Jay R.........152
Hackett, Mr and Mrs Guy.......122
Hackman, Cal.........57
Hackman, Mr and Mrs Calvin O.......23
Hackman, Pearl......35
Hafer, Ray and wife.........64, 175
Hagadorn, Clare and wife.......38
Hagenbaugh, Mr and Mrs Guy W............185
Harmon, Don.......138
Harmon, Vivian Lucile.........138
Harris, Mrs Clay.........137
Harris, Rev. and Mrs E. J......27
Harris, Mr and Mrs Ed.........52
Harris, Mr and Mrs George W..........156
Harris, H. C...........156
Hawkins, Genevieve Ione........135
Hawkins, Mr and Mrs O. B.........135
Hill, Mr and Mrs T. J.......144
Hills, Mrs and Mrs J. G......42
Himebaugh, A. C......47
Himebaugh, Mr and Mrs Cove......121
Himebaugh, Coye L and wife.........8
Himebaugh, Mr and Mrs R. C.........67
Himebaugh, "Ray".........67
Himebaugh, Mr and Mrs Roy.......120
Himebaugh, Mr and Mrs Ray C...........176
Hincher, Mr and Mrs Lee D............170
Holcomb, "Chokey".......59
Holcomb, Mrs and Mrs Clarence.........59
Holcomb, Clarence......145
Holdsworth, Charles F and wife.......7
Holmes, Helen Josephene.........51
Holmes, N.L and wife.........51
Holtz, Mr and Mrs Fred.......32
Hoops, Mr and Mrs Acie......20
Hoshal, Mr and Mrs Walter J........46, 172
Howard, Mr and Mrs F. M...........65
Howe, Mrs Bert......34
Hyde, Mr and Mrs F. J......126
Hyde, Mr and Mrs Fred.......19
Jenkins, Mr and Mrs Roy.......30
Johnson, Mr and Mrs Ralph........90
Jones, Mrs F.D.......34
Kaas, Mr and Mrs Carl.......25, 88
Karn, Mr and Mrs William.........199
Kelley, Dr and Mrs J. J......116
Kemmerling, Mr and Mrs Fred..........167
Kemmerling, Ethel Evangeline..........167
Kibbe, Miss Bessie........114
Kiser, Dr and Mrs A.J..........171
Kishpaugh, Pearly and wife........143
Kline, Bert and wife.........162
Kline, Mrs Mary..........165
Kronts, Mr and Mrs..........86
Krontz, Mr and Mrs Mike............153
Lamb, Andrew..........200
Lampe, Martin L......1
Lancaster, Mrs and Mrs Lawson.......60
Lancaster, Silas........37
Langworthy, Prof. and Mrs F. M........63
Lee, Grandpa D. W..........70
Lee, Mr and Mrs Lowell.........55
Lee, Mrs Mina Kline......28
Legg, Miss Bernice.....3
Link, Mr and Mrs Lee.......92
Maloney, Julia........7
Mann, Owen and wife......24
Marvin, Grandpa.......148
Mathews, Mr and Mrs Carl..........186
Matthews, Mr and Mrs D. J........93
Mayer, Mr and Mrs Jacob........100
Maystead, Mr and Mrs Arthur..........119, 133
McIntyre, Mr and Mrs Guy.......192
Mercer, Dr. and Mrs ......118
Miller, Mr and Mrs Clarence........133
Miller, Clarence...........193
Miller, Mr and Mrs Willis.........194
Milliman, Clarence and wife............155
Milliman, Mr and Mrs Don...........90
Milliman, Glen and wife.......29
Milliman, Mr and Mrs Raymond.........107
Modert, Mr and Mrs L........12
Modert, Mr and Mrs Lew..........164
Moloney, Thomas.....7
Morris, Mr and Mrs John D......115
Mowry, J.C. and wife.........133
Nash, Mr and Mrs Will........53, 129
Needham, Henry.........198
Needham, Charles C..........198
Niles, Mr and Mrs Charles.........90
Nottawa, Mr and Mrs Peter........98
Nottawa, Peter and Ida........149
Nottawa, Ah-She-Da-Yah-Son.......149
Pamp, Mr and Mrs Big George.........99
Parham, Marshall Gordon.......141
Parham, Mr and Mrs M E.......141
Parsons, Fay.......147
Parsons, Mr and Mrs F. F.........147
Parsons, Lloyd.........184
Parsons, Alice Carolyn.........184
Parsons, Mr and Mrs L. W..........184
Payne, Mr and Mrs Ben......11
Pepper, Mr and Mrs A. J........14
Pepper, Grace.......14
Peters, Dr and Mrs S. D........152
Peters, Miss Gladys.........152
Pierson, Mr Gus and Mrs........179
Powers, Mr and Mrs C. M..........91
Powers, Jean Elizabeth.......91
Purham, Mr and Mrs Marshall E........82
Reed, Mr and Mrs T. J. Reed........181
Reed, Theron John..........181
Ringler, Mr and Mrs.......78
Ringler, Mr and Mrs Hezekiah.......17
Rollman, Dr. Sr.......22
Rollmann, Dr. Jr.........71
Rommel, Mr and Mrs Samuel J.......14
Roosevelt, Mr and Mrs Theodore Jr...........192
Royer, D.B.......109
Rumbaugh, Mr and Mrs John Jr.........58
Rumbaugh, John and wife...........173
Russell, Mr and Mrs John........79
Sager, Mr and Mrs William.......96
Sager, Mr and Mrs Will.......31, 163
Sanborn, Belle.......84
Sanborn, Jennie......1
Schermerhorn, Mr and Mrs C. V......4
Schnatz, Jennie........38
Schraeder, Mr and Mrs Henry...........97
Scriber, Mr and Mrs Abe............191
Shaffmaster, Mr and Mrs F. E........70
Shane, "Curry"......76
Shane, Mrs and Mrs W. C........76
Shane, Mr and Mrs Curry..........188
Sikkins, Cornelius.......47
Skinner, Mr and Mrs Loren.........61
Smith, Mr and Mrs Charles, Jr.......111
Smith, Mr and Mrs Charles H......5
Smith, Chloa......29
Smith, Mr and Mrs Edward..........196
Smith, Helen Maxine........196
Snook, Dorothy May........71
Snook, Mr and Mrs Eugene...........71
Snook, Mr and Mrs W. H.......127
Snyder, Mr and Mrs Charles C.......69
Stearns, Master Charles.......125
Stephens, Miss Lulu.......87
Stephens, Myrtle........64
Stephens, Myrtie...........175
Stowell, Mr and Mrs Don.........166
Straehly, Gladys......26
Strong, Mr and Mrs Frank.............157
Stuart, Madalyne Mrs........22
Stull, Mr and Mrs J. R...........177
Sturgis, Mr and Mrs John.....4
Swain, .......9
Swihart, George..........94
Teadt, Mr and Mrs Fred.........93
Teal, Mr and Mrs John.........195
Tefft, Mr and Mrs V. V.......129
Tennent, Mrs Agnes Hastings........150
Tice, Mr and Mrs Orrin........183
Tisdell, Mrs and Mrs Guy.......142
Todd, Mr and Mrs D. I.......108
Townsend, Eugene......128
Townsend, Mr and Mrs Glenn......128
Trahms, Mrs. W.L.........74
Upham, Mr and Mrs O. J.........125
Urie, Mrs. C.P.........137
Urie, Mr and Mrs C. P.........156
Urie, Miss Wilma.........156
VanEtta, Mr and Mrs Harry........81
Veaco, William Nier........137
Veaco, Mrs.......137
Wagner, Ray......6
Wagner, Mr and Mrs Roy........77
Wagner, Mr and Mrs Roy W........133
Wait, Susie......17
Wait, Mr and Mrs Tad........31
Wait, Susie Wait.......78
Wallace, Mr and Mrs Floyd.......13
Walter, Robert and wife..........178
Walterspaugh, Mr and Mrs J.........103
Weaver, Ella.........34
Wellesley, Great Grandpa and Grandma.........168
Wheeler, Mr and Mrs C. D........130
Whitehead, Mr and Mrs David.......115
Wilcox, Althea.....8
Williams, Jessie...........200
Wirts, J.R.........44
Wollenslegle, Mr and Mrs Bert.......41
Woodman, Mr and Mrs Frank R.......148
Worden, Dora........45
Wortman, Mrs Verba Taylor.......33
Young, Mr and Mrs S. B.........45
To be taken from freely and shared by all. This file is not to be published or printed for profit or commercial use
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