~welcome to SUREFIRE (Never Enough)~
~An Econoline Crush Website~

update: April 8th, 1999 - Thanx be to all the people who have visited SUREFIRE since it's debut. The page broke 1000 hits and I am feeling quite proud of myself =) The Crush-Fan Index continues to grow, and a thousand apologies for taking so long to add you... first year university courses are *very* demanding as are first year university students (you know who you are SEAN) Anywho, I haven't been able to make it to any Econoline shows lately, I'm sure everyone knows about the line-up change, so I won't go on about that. Until next time, rock on and out!!! -ALLY

update: January 3rd, 1999 - Happy New Year!!! I'm back from FOXfest with a full review and I'm slowly getting some pictures up too. If you would like to use any of them on your site, please drop me a line and ask. The Crush Fan Index has finally been updated, so check it out!!!


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copyright 1999 Ally Faris go_bio@hotmail.com