(MIHS for those people who like abbreviating everything)
Boy, Monkey Island is funny. This section is dedicated to pointing out some of the funny things that you may not have noticed. Soon there might be some comics from the games but for now there is just a link to a great MI Comics page. Enjoy.
"Oh sure, walk to the sun" - Guybrush 

"Ahoy there fancypants" - The Storekeeper 

"He's sleeping... sleeping like a baby elephant" - Guybrush 
"Look, a three-headed Monkey!" - Guybrush 
Guybrush: Now i'm on a whole new adventure. 
Pirate: Growing a mustache? 
Guybrush: No, Bigger than that. 
Pirate: A beard?!? 
"Reminds me of a dollhouse I once had... I mean my SISTER once had." - Guybrush 

Guybrush: I want to be a firemen! 
Three pirates: Get lost boy you bother us. 

LeChuck: I have a surprise for you... 
Guybrush: I don't suppose it's a Nintendo game... 
"I'm Bobbin, are you my mother?" - Guybrush 
 "I'm so tough, in Junior High School I shoved Davy Jones in his locker!" - Wally 
Guybrush: You mutineers had best beware! 
Haggis: Beware of What? 
Guybrush: Well for one thing... 
Guybrush: The sea hates a deserter, and she'll swallow you up! 
Haggis: No, lad.The sea hates phone solicitors who call during meal time. It be the Alps that be hating a deserter 
Guybrush: Oh schucks, I always get those two mixed up. 

Thanks goes to Ger for this great info. Visit: The Curse of Monkey Island - Fun Stuff you Missed  

PART 1: The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck 
  • Inhale the helium balloons and then talk (you can do this at any point in the game).
  • Examine the pirate literature you get from Wally 3 times.
  • During the cannon battle type LAPOSTAL Then type LAPOSTAL again.
  • Also during the cannon battle you can blow up the three main towers on the fort.
             PART 2:The Curse Gets Worse  
  • Press the secret button by the bridge near the fort.
  • Offer Murray the chewing gum.
  • Give Murray back his arm. 
  • Use the ventroliquism book with everyone!
  • Try to pick up the donkey head at the theatre. (A personal favorite :)
  • Watch what happens to the chicken if you can't get out of the quicksand fast enough.
  • If you're in mega mode while trapped in the quicksand you can attempt this escape: use the paste with the skeleton arm, move the cursor to the top left of the screen and you can move Guybrush up there out of the quicksand.
  • Cutthroat Bill will eventually turn purple if you don't push him a second time after he starts choking on the jawbreaker (mega monkey mode).
  • Be sure you talk to both the lice and the maggots.
  • If you tell the cabaña boy, "you don't need to see my ID", he responds with a small bit from "Star Wars".
  • After you pull out the pin, keep stabbing the voodoo doll you find at the Voodoo Ladies' place with any sharp instruments in your inventory. If you use the skeleton arm with the voodoo doll you will scratch Mort's back.
  • The clock tower in Puerto Pollo tells the correct time (according to your computer's clock). If Guybrush

  • examines the clock tower he will tell you the time. The clock  
    chimes on the half hour, chimes and bells on the hour. 

    PART 3: Three Sheets to the Wind 

  • Sail around in the navagation map long enough to find the "Glass Bottomed Boat" and attack it.
  • PART 4: The Bartender, the Thieves, his Wife, and her Lover  

  • Keep pulling the chain on the grog sign over Madam Zima's head to change the speed of the sign from very fast to stopping it.
  • Taste the doggie treats (regular mode).
  • Take careful notice of the mask at the cannibal feast called "Leroy, the god of pudding", (just above this mask is the LucasArts logo).
  • Give the map of Blood Island to Lemonhead the cannibal.
  • Pick up the seawater at the Blood Island Beach about 26 times to go back to the underwater scene from Monkey Island 1.
  • Pickup Goodsoup (the bartender) at the hotel.
  • Examine the crumbling hole in the Goodsoup Tomb and go back to another scene from The Secret of Monkey Island.
  • Examine the cloud when you are by the winch at Skull Island.
  • Use the LeChuckie zombie pirate toy you can get on Skull Island.
  • PART 5: Kiss of the Spider Monkey 

  • Pick up the "guess yer age 'n weight" sign to go to a Christmas tree light version of the scene. Use the hole to restore a visible Guybrush
  • PART 6: Guybrush Kicks Butt Once Again 

  • Use the pepper mill on LeChuck while in the Herman Toothrot diorama to singe the rope holding up the hanging corpse. Use it on him in the four pirates diorama and Captian Marley's hat catches on fire.
  • Give LeChuck the LeChuckie zombie pirate toy.